1 research outputs found

    CSR of banks in Poland

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    The financial services sector is viewed as a central pillar of modern capitalist economies. Banks - the main actors in the financial sector - play a fundamental role in determining the stability of financial markets and sustainability of modern economies. However, banks are involved in a profession that since medieval times has been held in contempt because of usury. Banks make a part of a very sensitive business activities: they trade money which represents other people's security and well-being. The results of banks' actions may influence many areas of our life both in micro and macro perspective. After the financial crises of 2008 banks have lost their credibility in the eyes of their clients and financial investors. Social responsibility concept has been found to be a way for banks to earn back their credibility and rebuilding of trust. The aim of this chapter is to underline the theoretical importance of banks' engagement in the CSR activities and the practices regarding banks CSR involvement in Poland