142 research outputs found

    Quantum Key Distribution with Classical Bob

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    Secure key distribution among two remote parties is impossible when both are classical, unless some unproven (and arguably unrealistic) computation-complexity assumptions are made, such as the difficulty of factorizing large numbers. On the other hand, a secure key distribution is possible when both parties are quantum. What is possible when only one party (Alice) is quantum, yet the other (Bob) has only classical capabilities? We present a protocol with this constraint, and prove its robustness against attacks: we prove that any attempt of an adversary to obtain information (and even a tiny amount of information) necessarily induces some errors that the legitimate users could notice.Comment: 4 and a bit pages, 1 figure, RevTe

    Signatures of non-classicality in mixed-state quantum computation

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    We investigate signatures of non-classicality in quantum states, in particular, those involved in the DQC1 model of mixed-state quantum computation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5672 (1998)]. To do so, we consider two known non-classicality criteria. The first quantifies disturbance of a quantum state under locally noneffective unitary operations (LNU), which are local unitaries acting invariantly on a subsystem. The second quantifies measurement induced disturbance (MID) in the eigenbasis of the reduced density matrices. We study the role of both figures of non-classicality in the exponential speedup of the DQC1 model and compare them vis-a-vis the interpretation provided in terms of quantum discord. In particular, we prove that a non-zero quantum discord implies a non-zero shift under LNUs. We also use the MID measure to study the locking of classical correlations [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 067902 (2004)] using two mutually unbiased bases (MUB). We find the MID measure to exactly correspond to the number of locked bits of correlation. For three or more MUBs, it predicts the possibility of superior locking effects.Comment: Published version, containing additional discussion on the role of non-classicality in the locking of classical correlation

    Quantum discord and the power of one qubit

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    We use quantum discord to characterize the correlations present in the quantum computational model DQC1, introduced by Knill and Laflamme [Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5672 (1998)]. The model involves a collection of qubits in the completely mixed state coupled to a single control qubit that has nonzero purity. The initial state, operations, and measurements in the model all point to a natural bipartite split between the control qubit and the mixed ones. Although there is no entanglement between these two parts, we show that the quantum discord across this split is nonzero for typical instances of the DQC1 ciruit. Nonzero values of discord indicate the presence of nonclassical correlations. We propose quantum discord as figure of merit for characterizing the resources present in this computational model.Comment: 4 Pages, 1 Figur

    Entanglement Is Not Necessary for Perfect Discrimination between Unitary Operations

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    We show that a unitary operation (quantum circuit) secretely chosen from a finite set of unitary operations can be determined with certainty by sequentially applying only a finite amount of runs of the unknown circuit. No entanglement or joint quantum operations is required in our scheme. We further show that our scheme is optimal in the sense that the number of the runs is minimal when discriminating only two unitary operations.Comment: 4 pages(in Revtex4), 2 figures (eps). Corrected some typos and two equations. Main results unchanged. Essentially the journal versio

    "Quantumness" versus "classicality" of quantum states and quantum protocols

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    Entanglement is one of the pillars of quantum mechanics and quantum information processing, and as a result, the quantumness of nonentangled states has typically been overlooked and unrecognized until the last decade. We give a robust definition for the classicality versus quantumness of a single multipartite quantum state, a set of states, and a protocol using quantum states. We show a variety of nonentangled (separable) states that exhibit interesting quantum properties, and we explore the "zoo" of separable states; several interesting subclasses are defined based on the diagonalizing bases of the states, and their nonclassical behavior is investigated.The work of BG was funded by EPSRC and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. T.M was funded by the Wolfson Foundation and the Israeli MOD Research and Technology Unit. AB and TM were partly supported The Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reis- man Foundation

    Evolution of elastic and mechanical properties during fault shear. The roles of clay content, fabric development, and porosity

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    Phyllosilicates weaken faults due to the formation of shear fabrics. Although the impacts of clay abundance and fabric on frictional strength, sliding stability, and porosity of faults are well studied, their influence on elastic properties is less known, though they are key factors for fault stiffness. We document the role that fabric and consolidation play in elastic properties and show that smectite content is the most important factor determining whether fabric or porosity controls the elastic response of faults. We conducted a suite of shear experiments on synthetic smectite-quartz fault gouges (10–100 wt% smectite) and sediment incoming to the Sumatra subduction zone. We monitored Vp, Vs, friction, porosity, shear and bulk moduli. We find that mechanical and elastic properties for gouges with abundant smectite are almost entirely controlled by fabric formation (decreasing mechanical and elastic properties with shear). Though fabrics control the elastic response of smectite-poor gouges over intermediate shear strains, porosity is the primary control throughout the majority of shearing. Elastic properties vary systematically with smectite content: High smectite gouges have values of Vp ~ 1,300–1,800 m/s, Vs ~ 900–1,100 m/s, K ~ 1–4 GPa, and G ~ 1–2 GPa, and low smectite gouges have values of Vp ~ 2,300–2,500 m/s, Vs ~ 1,200–1,300 m/s, K ~ 5–8 GPa, and G ~ 2.5–3 GPa. We find that, even in smectite-poor gouges, shear fabric also affects stiffness and elastic moduli, implying that while smectite abundance plays a clear role in controlling gouge properties, other fine-grained and platy clay minerals may produce similar behavior through their control on the development of fabrics and thin shear surfaces

    Private quantum decoupling and secure disposal of information

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    Given a bipartite system, correlations between its subsystems can be understood as information that each one carries about the other. In order to give a model-independent description of secure information disposal, we propose the paradigm of private quantum decoupling, corresponding to locally reducing correlations in a given bipartite quantum state without transferring them to the environment. In this framework, the concept of private local randomness naturally arises as a resource, and total correlations get divided into eliminable and ineliminable ones. We prove upper and lower bounds on the amount of ineliminable correlations present in an arbitrary bipartite state, and show that, in tripartite pure states, ineliminable correlations satisfy a monogamy constraint, making apparent their quantum nature. A relation with entanglement theory is provided by showing that ineliminable correlations constitute an entanglement parameter. In the limit of infinitely many copies of the initial state provided, we compute the regularized ineliminable correlations to be measured by the coherent information, which is thus equipped with a new operational interpretation. In particular, our results imply that two subsystems can be privately decoupled if their joint state is separable.Comment: Child of 0807.3594 v2: minor changes v3: presentation improved, one figure added v4: extended version with a lot of discussions and examples v5: published versio

    Experimental investigation of classical and quantum correlations under decoherence

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    It is well known that many operations in quantum information processing depend largely on a special kind of quantum correlation, that is, entanglement. However, there are also quantum tasks that display the quantum advantage without entanglement. Distinguishing classical and quantum correlations in quantum systems is therefore of both fundamental and practical importance. In consideration of the unavoidable interaction between correlated systems and the environment, understanding the dynamics of correlations would stimulate great interest. In this study, we investigate the dynamics of different kinds of bipartite correlations in an all-optical experimental setup. The sudden change in behaviour in the decay rates of correlations and their immunity against certain decoherences are shown. Moreover, quantum correlation is observed to be larger than classical correlation, which disproves the early conjecture that classical correlation is always greater than quantum correlation. Our observations may be important for quantum information processing.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Nature Communication
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