1,067 research outputs found

    Microparticulated and microencapsulated diets for feeding prawn and bivalve larvae

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    Food is normally the largest single item in the running expenditure in fish and shellfish farming. Hence the suitability and cost effectiveness of the ration is of paramount importance to commercial success, many different types of feed may require development to meet the varied needs of different species and size of larvae. Palatability and physical structure of shrimp and bivalve ration are inter-related. Both factors alone and in conjucation affect ingestion and have an important impact on prawn and bivalve nutrition. Microencapsulated diet for larval and postlarval diets have been advocated by Meyers (1973). Gelatin microencapsulated diets suitable in sea water. Until the development of microparticulated diets the recent years the. study of larval nutrition was impossible

    Marine Pearl Culture

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    Pearls are one of the gems which has a worldwide demand and has been exploited from the time immemorial. Pearl fishing was prominent all over the Middle East and Oriental countries during the early 4000 BC. The use of pearls as ornaments was well exhibited in the Egyptian civilisation as well as Sind Valley civilisatio

    Carbohydrate requirements of finfish and crustaceans

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    Nutrition supplies the raw materials for the maintenance of life. Some materials are used, for the formation of body tissues (anabolism) and some for the production of energy (catabolism). Foods may be classified as energy and growing foods carbohydrates (CHO), fats and proteins and non energy foods (Minerals, vitamins, water and oxygen). Nutrition of fish has received attention for many years. The nutritional value of a diet is measured by the presence of necessary elements and catalysts an abundant supply of the anxillary foods and a proper balance between the energy and growing foods, A proper balance between the energy and growth foods assures an adequate supply of both energy and raw materials for optimum anabolic activity which in addition to growth includes tissue repair, reproduction and the formation of essential body products

    Freezing of viable embryos and larvae of marine shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatus de Haan

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    Although sperm cryopreservation has been carried out successfully in a number of commercially important aquatic species, particularly in some teleost fish (see review of Rana in Muir & Roberts 1993) and also shellfish (Subramoniam 1993), the technology is still not at the stage of advanced commercial application that is seen in domestic mammals. Cryopreservation of eggs and embryos, of aquatic animals however, is a virgin field in cryobiology and has not yet received any appreciable amount of attention. The first successful attempt at the cryopreservation of embryos of sea urchin was reported by Asahina & Takahashi (1978). Later Zell (1978) and Erdahl & Graham (1980) have reported preliminary attempts to freeze the eggs of rainbow trout

    Techniques for the mass culture of rotifers and moina

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    Successful hatchery production of fish and shellfish seeds for aquaculture depends on the availability of suitable live feed organisms


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To study the association between chronic kidney disease (CKD) and hyperprolactinemia.Methods: The study was conducted in 50 patients with CKD admitted in K.A.P.Viswanatham Government Medical College/M.G.M. GovernmentHospital Tiruchirapalli, between August 2015 and December 2015, who were on maintenance dialysis. Fasting serum prolactin level was measuredin them to assess the presence of hyperprolactinemia. It was a prospective descriptive cross-sectional study. Quantitative determination of serumprolactin was done by fully automated bidirectionally interfaced chemiluminescent immunoassay.Results: Among the 50 CKD patients, 28 patients had raised serum prolactin levels. According to Statistical analysis of data using t-test, there is asignificant association between increased serum prolactin levels and presence of CKD.Conclusion: CKD is associated with increased serum levels of hormone prolactin (hyperprolactinemia).├втВм┬в├втВм╞ТHyperprolactinemia could be detected in 56% of patients with CKDKeywords: Serum prolactin, Chronic kidney disease, Hypertension

    On the large sunfish landed near Mandapam

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    A sunfish, Ranzania laevis (Pennant) measuring 660 mm total length was caught on 5.3.1998 in shoreseine near Mandapam in Palk Bay. In fresh condition its colour was bluish with dark above and pale white below with small hexagonal plates and smooth skin. Six streaks of lighter colour bordered with dark descended from snout to gill slits and curved downwards to the ventral profile. The posterior three streaks were branched with dark spots. The lips were produced forward beyond the teeth closing as a vertical slit

    Larval rearing trials of the honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch under laboratory conditions

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    Groupers being economically important food fishes are experimented widely for controlled breeding world over. In India, attempts were made on few species of the genus Epinephelus such as E. tauvina, E. malabaricus and E. polyphekadion at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute and limited success was achieved. The present paper discusses on larval rearing trials of the honeycomb grouper E. merra up to juvenile stage. Larvae measuring 1.3 тАУ 1.6 mm obtained from the captive spawning of broodstock of E. merra were used for the larval rearing studies. The feeding protocol, water exchange and larval rearing methods adopted are detailed. The larval mouth opening appeared on day 3 post-hatch. The larvae gradually metamorphosed into juvenile by day 60 and attained a size of 45 mm. The possible reasons for initial mortality, the advantage of HUFA rich feeding and effect of large volume of rearing tanks on the growth and survival of the larvae are discusse

    Embryonic and larval development of honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch

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    Spawning and successful rearing of larvae of honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch 1793 upto juvenile stagewas accomplished at the ┬вn┬вsh hatchery of Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute during 2004. The fertilized eggs were free, spherical and buoyant with size ranging from 710 to 730 mm. Complete early embryonic development took place within 24^27 h and hatching occurred.The hatchlings measured1.5mm. Mouth opening (115 mm) appeared at 72 h when the larvae were 2.2mm in size. Pectoral ┬вn developed on the ┬вfth day. Complete metamorphosis took place and by the 60th day the larvae transformed into juveniles (45mm) and attained skin colouration and honeycomb pattern

    Role of multimeric forms of adiponectin in metabolic disorders

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    Adiponectin, also called Acrp30, is a 30-kDa protein that circulates in the blood at high levels (2-10 ├В┬╡g/ml in human) and constitutes 0.01% of the total plasma protein. In contrast to other adipokines such as leptin, adiponectin is believed to be an anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing hormone whose levels are reduced in obesity. Adiponectin can exist in the blood as a trimer, with the potential to associate into hexamers and ├п┬мnally into multimers of high molecular weight (HMW) species. Adiponectin primarily mediates its insulin-sensitizing effects through various signaling proteins including the activation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Recent reports suggest the anti-in├п┬мтАЪammatory and cytoprotective effects of adiponectin are mediated by direct activation of PI3K-Akt pathway. Interestingly adiponectin is also reported to decrease body weight by centrally mediated stimulation of energy expenditur
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