79 research outputs found

    Manejo de la defoliación y fertilización nitrogenada en pasto llorón, Eragrostis curvula, cv. Tanganyka : 1-rendimiento de materia seca, digestibilidad in vitro y rendimiento de materia seca digestible

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    p.7-14En una pradera de pasto llorón ubicada en Argerich se estudió el efecto de dos tratamientos de defoliación y tres niveles de fertilización nitrogenada durante tres ciclos consecutivos. El forraje se cortó con una frecuencia de 35 cm de altura o acumulado, hasta el 20 de febrero (primavera-verano), y sus rebrotes otoñales se cortaron en invierno (diferido). En primavera-verano el corte a 35 cm, produjo en promedio más materia seca que el acumulado y en el diferido a la inversa. Sus totales anuales fueron similares. La fertilización aumentó los rendimientos promedios parciales y totales (P menor a 0,05). La digestibiüdad primavera-estival fue mayor con cortes a 35 cm que en el acumulado y ambos tratamientos de defoliación respondieron al nitrógeno pero en sus diferidos el efecto fue de pequeña magnitud. Los rendimientos de materia seca digestible siguieron la misma tendencia que los de materia seca aunque, por influencia primavera-estival, en el total anual el corte a 35 cm superó al acumulado (P menor a 0,05). El rebrote primaveral sólo mostró un efecto residual parcial del fertilizante

    Prosodic structure and suprasegmental features:Short-vowel stød in Danish

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    This paper presents a phonological analysis of a glottalization phenomenon in dialects of Danish known as ‘short-vowel stød’. It is argued that both short-vowel stød and common Danish stød involve the attachment of a laryngeal feature to a prosodic node—specifically the mora. In the case of short-vowel stød that mora lacks segmental content, as it is projected top-down due to local prosodic requirements, not bottom-up by segmental material. I show that this device provides an account of the distribution of short-vowel stød as arising from the interplay of constraints on metrical structure (both lexically stored and computed by the grammar) and the requirement for morae to be featurally licensed. The analysis provides further evidence for the analysis of ‘tonal accents’ and related phenomena in terms of metrical structure rather than lexical tone or laryngeal features, and contributes to our understanding of the relationship between segmental and suprasegmental phonology in Germanic languages

    Superconductivity of vanadium, niobium and tantalum at high pressures

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    Exceeding the limitations in E-Manufacturing

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    This paper presents some aspects to exceed the dimensional limitations in e-manufacturing. Beginning with concept and design of complex models of about 10 mm in length and height with functional surfaces a data processing is conducted to convert the CAD-Data into STL. Subsequently, support generation and data slicing has been performed before the data can be loaded into the machine. The Laser-Sintering process has been executed on EOSINT M 250 Xt with a series of pre-identified optimized process control data. Standard Material, i.e. DirectMetal20 (Ni-Cu-CuP alloy) with a layer thickness of 20 Mikrometer has been used to generate the models. A quality check to determine the dimensional errors between the CAD-models and generated models has been conducted after the Laser-Sintering process is completed. Finally, the accuracy is identified of about 50 Mikrometer in x- and y-direction. The research are about to be continued to increase the accuracy and the surface quality by using conductor materials with thinner layer thickness of about 10 Mikrometer and beyond, such as ceramics and metals with small ratios of binders and additives. Additionally, on the operation side a complete new innovative recoating technique are designed for coating the substrate completely with conductor materials. The results are promising that optimized processing data the production of Direct Microparts with functional properties on the surface are possible in the future

    Superconductivity of Hf-Ta and Ta-W alloys under pressure

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