27 research outputs found

    Adaptive mechanisms of plants against salt stress and salt shock

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    Salinization process occurs when soil is contaminated with salt, which consequently influences plant growth and development leading to reduction in yield of many food crops. Responding to a higher salt concentration than the normal range can result in plant developing complex physiological traits and activation of stress-related genes and metabolic pathways. Many studies have been carried out by different research groups to understand adaptive mechanism in many plant species towards salinity stress. However, different methods of sodium chloride (NaCl) applications definitely give different responses and adaptive mechanisms towards the increase in salinity. Gradual increase in NaCl application causes the plant to have salt stress or osmotic stress, while single step and high concentration of NaCl may result in salt shock or osmotic shock. Osmotic shock can cause cell plasmolysis and leakage of osmolytes in plant. Also, the gene expression pattern is influenced by the type of methods used in increasing the salinity. Therefore, this chapter discusses the adaptive mechanism in plant responding to both types of salinity increment, which include the morphological changes of plant roots and aerial parts, involvement of signalling molecules in stress perception and regulatory networks and production of osmolyte and osmoprotective proteins

    Physiological Mechanism of Salicylic Acid for Alleviation of Salt Stress in Rice

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    Soil salinity is one of the most important problems of crop production in estuarine and coastal zones. Improvement in salt tolerance of major food crops is an important way for the economic utilization of coastal zones. This study proved that the application of salicylic acid (SA) improved the growth and yield under salt stress conditions and investigated its physiological mechanisms for salt tolerance. The investigation on the effect of SA for salt tolerance during germination showed that the decreased rates of germination and growth (in terms of shoot and root lengths) by the salt stress were significantly increased by the SA application (SA + NaCl). The treatment of SA to the high and low saline soils enhanced the growth, yield and nutrient values of rice. The effects of SA on Na+, K+ and Cl– ionic accumulation were traced under salt stress condition by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and ion chromatography. It was revealed that the increased accumulation of Na+ and Clˉ ions by the salt stress were reduced by SA application. An increased concentration of endogenous SA level was detected from the SA-treated rice varieties (ASD16 and BR26) by liquid chromatography electrospray Ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. The activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase were increased by salt stress whereas decreased by the SA application. The study proved that the application of SA could alleviate the adverse effects of salt stress by the regulation of physiological mechanism in rice plants. In spite of salt stress, it can be applied to the coastal and estuarine regions to increase the rice production

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    Not AvailableProtected cultivation through low-cost polyhouse provides the appropriate alternative to modify the effect of constraints like high rainfall and low temperatures and poor soil nutrient. as per requirement of crop to realize its maximum potential.Not Availabl


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    The present study was conducted to know the effect of micronutrients on the growth and cocoon characters of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. The mulberry leaves (Morus alba) were fortified with minerals such as, zinc sulphate, copper sulphate and ferrous sulphate at different concentrations (5,10,15,20 and 25 ppm) and fed to the silkworm. Among these five concentrations tested , it was observed that the zinc sulphate at 15 ppm, copper sulphate at 10 ppm and ferrous sulphate at 20 ppm registered higher mature larval weight, effective rate of rearing, cocoon weight, shell weight, shell ratio and filament length than the control and other treatments

    Two-dimensional Janus monolayers of MoSSe as promising sensor towards selected adulterants compounds

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    Selective detection of different types of adulterants present in food items is necessary and efficient nano sensors for such applications are of vital importance. In this study, recently synthesized two-dimensional (2D) Janus monolayer of MoSSe has been explored to detect various food adulterants like formalin (CH2O), histamine (C5H9N3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). By using first principles density functional theory calculations, we find that the incident adulterants weakly bind with pristine MoSSe, however the adsorption energies (Eads) are significantly improved upon vacancy defects and foreign elements substitutions. Furthermore, the sensing mechanism is studied in presence of water for the applications in practical working conditions. Energetic evaluation shows that both H2O2 and histamine result into stronger Eads as compared to formalin over defect induced MoSSe; whereas, the presence of water further enhances the adsorption of H2O2. In addition to the adsorption characteristics, charge transfer mechanism and electronic structures of pristine and defect induced MoSSe monolayers upon the exposure of studied adulterants have also been studied. Boltzmann thermochemical statistics further verified the explicabilities of pristine and defected MoSSe monolayers for in vitro test of adulterants in food products. Suitable Eads values and measurable changes in the electronic properties indicate the potential of MoSSe monolayers as efficient nano sensors towards selected adulterants for their applications in food processing, biotechnology, healthcare and medical laboratories

    Jalkund: The rainwater harvesting technology for doubling farmers income

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    Not AvailableUnavailability of adequate water during dry season is a serious problem for successful farming. this problem can be minimized by rainwater harvesting and its use in crop production. Jalkund is a microrainwater harvesting structure and is found suitable for crop production.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableMushroom is a type of fungus belonging to lower group of plant devoid of chlorophyll. Edible mushroom are regarded as best type of all vegetarian as they are rich in nutritive status, lesser sugar , higher fibre content and zero saturated fats in addition to other beneficial constituentsNot Availabl