263 research outputs found

    Stress and Coping Mechanisms in Gig Work

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    Advancements in digital technology have given rise to the creation of digital platforms and the growth of gig work. Gig work is a new form of work based on short-term, contract arrangements through the open marketplaces on digital platforms (Valley, 2000). As a result of the contract-based work arrangement, participants in gig work are more entrepreneurial and individualistic. To be considered gig work, the work must meet the following requirements: platform-related; predominantly microtasks, which are menial, monotonous, and tightly bounded; external contributors are classified by the platforms as independent contractors self-employed status and being evaluated digitally (Howcroft, 2019). In the gig work environment, workers enjoy a sense of autonomy in making job decisions on a digital platform (Deng and Joshi, 2016), but they are also being managed through a micro-level task control (Howcroft, 2019). Instead of having overall work being observed, gig workers found each function and task being monitored. The relations of the platforms working as intermediaries from a job provider to a job seeker are more like an automated job manager where some platforms combine automation with humans (Howcroft, 2019, p. 26). The platforms have created and applied algorithms to manage job listings and work processes. This type of management enables the platforms to meticulously track workers in an optimized manner over a large scale (Howcroft, 2019, p. 30). In the gig work environment, this management style pushes workers to become dependent on computer algorithms for work and performance evaluation. In the cases where a worker is underperforming, the platform puts pressure on the worker by intense supervisory pressure and discipline on the basis of remote covert monitoring of their work (Wood, 2019, p. 62). In addition to benefits, this new gig work opportunity has also brought problems that should be addressed. One of the problems that we find necessary to address is gig workers’ stress condition and coping mechanism. Stress can be defined as antecedent conditions within one\u27s job or the organization which require adaptive responses on the part of the employees (Jex & Beehr, 1991, p. 312). Multiple factors can lead to the gig worker being stressed. Lazarus and Folkman (1984, p. 141) defined coping as constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person. It is necessary to understand the best coping mechanism to generate insights to inform key stakeholders in the gig economy, including workers, platform companies, and client organizations. This study has the potential to help gig workers manage or develop a coping mechanism that helps reduce their emotional and physical stress. Based on our data analysis, we were able to identify some important characteristics of gig workers. Workers with different levels of participation in crowdwork were found to be associated differently with their financial stress. Financial stress is defined as an individual concern about his/her ability to earn sufficient income to provide for their basic needs. Furthermore, the data analysis shows gig workers cope with stress by using different strategies, including reaching out, escape, or avoidance. Our next step for this study is to consider additional individual background factors such as gender, age, and financial dependence on gig work platforms. In addition to the qualitative data analysis, we will also use quantitative analysis to understand the behaviors of the gig work participants. Our study will contribute to gig work research by understanding the factors leading to gig work stress and offering insights into the coping mechanisms to help gig workers reduce stress

    Carabid beetles of tropical dry forests display traits that cope with a harsh environment

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    The tropical dry forest (TDF) ecosystem is characterised by strong seasonality exasperated periodically by the El Nino/southern oscillation (ENSO). The environment produced by this event could constrain the survival of small organisms, such as insects. Carabid beetles were collected in a TDF in Armero, Colombia, during wet and dry seasons in both El Nino and non-El Nino periods. A series of traits linked to desiccation resistance were measured to characterise their adaptation to the TDF environment and to investigate changes experienced by carabid beetles during both episodes in quantitative (assemblage) and qualitative (traits) parameters. We found no difference in the presence of traits between El Nino and non-El Nino episodes, but carabid assemblages changed significantly in composition and assemblage structure between these episodes. During both periods, small-sized and nocturnal species dominated the assemblages, but in terms of number of individuals, medium and large-sized, and visual hunter species dominated. Calosoma alternans and Megacephala affinis were the most abundant species with high dispersal capacity. Carabid beetles exhibited morphological traits well-adapted to drought experienced in TDF, including when it is exasperated by ENSO. However, long-term studies can help to elucidate the real effects of ENSO and to confirm the adaptation of carabid beetles to cope with this extreme environment.Peer reviewe

    Establishment of Latin America Land Administration Network (LALAN)

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    Networks of academic and higher education institutions are proven platforms for knowledge sharing and experiences in education exchange. During the International Workshop LALA LADM+, 5-9 November 2018 in Quito Ecuador, organized by Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE (ESPE University) Ecuador and Kadaster International together with Faculty ITC University of Twente from the Netherlands, Latin America Land Administration Network - LALAN was established. Representatives from seven countries from Latin American continent, Spain and the Netherlands were present at the workshop. The objective of this network is to: perform activities that can support capacity development and sharing knowledge in both fit-for-purpose and responsible land administration within the Latin America Land Administration Network of education institutions. This paper presents the process of establishment of LALAN, the network’s objective and planned activities for the coming period

    Gonadal Hormones Rapidly Enhance Spatial Memory and Increase Hippocampal Spine Density in Male Rats

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    17β-estradiol (E(2)) rapidly, within minutes, activates behaviors and cognition by binding to membrane estrogen receptors, activating cell signaling cascades and increasing dendritic spines. In female rodents, E(2) enhances spatial memory within 2–4 hours, and spine density is increased in the CA1 area of the hippocampus within 30–60 minutes. Although chronic gonadal hormone treatments in male rats alter cognition and spines/spine synapses and acute hormone effects occur in hippocampal slices, effects of acute, in vivo hormone administration in males are unknown. Therefore, we assessed rapid effects of E(2) (20 μg/kg) and testosterone (T) (750 μg/kg) on spatial memory using the object placement task and on hippocampal spine density using Golgi impregnation. Orchidectomized rats received hormones immediately after the training trial and were tested for retention 2 hours later. Vehicle-injected orchidectomized males spent equal time exploring objects in the old and new locations, but E(2-) or T-treated subjects spent more time exploring objects at the new location, suggesting enhanced memory. Both hormones also increased spine density in CA1, but not the dentate gyrus, by 20%–40% at 30 minutes and 2 hours after injections. This report is the first, to our knowledge, to show E(2) and T enhancements of memory and spine density within such a short time frame in male rats

    Land administration in Ecuador; Current situation and opportunities with adoption of fit-for-purpose land administration approach

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    The aim of this paper is to explore current land administration situation in Ecuador and identify opportunities for fit-for-purpose (FFP) land administration approach that could improve the land administration functions for the country and its citizens. In this paper, initially literature about land administration, guidelines to improve and assessment frameworks for land administration are presented. The FFP land administration basic concept with three frameworks which are: spatial, legal and institutional frameworks are reviewed. In addition, a fieldwork for collecting data about the status of land administration in Ecuador is performed. Results from the fieldwork in Ecuador are observed in reflection of the basic concept of FFP land administration. Here, positive developments and areas for improvement are identified. Finally recommendations based on the outcome of this paper are presented

    2/3D imaging based on photonics-enabled multi-band MIMO radar system

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    Photonics-enabled coherent MIMO radars have been numerically investigated to evaluate the benefits of coherence and multi-band operation in 2/3D imaging

    Estudo morfoanatômico comparativo entre a poaia (Psychotria ipecacuanha (Brot.) Stokes - Rubiaceae) obtida da região Amazônica (habitat original) e proveniente de processo biotecnológico submetida a diferentes tratamentos de interceptação da radiação solar.

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    A poaia ou ipeca (Psychotria ipecacuanha (Brot.) Stokes.-Rubiaceae) apesar de seu valor farmacológico e sócio-econômico é cada vez menos freqüente no seu habitat. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o estudo comparativo dos aspectos morfoanatômicos entre a espécie originária da Amazônia Brasileira e a obtida in vitro submetidas a diferentes tratamentos de interceptação de radiação solar, visando, desta forma, dar suporte a estudos com fins de preservação, cultivo, validação farmacognóstica/farmacopéica e ampliar o conhecimento biotecnológico desta espécie. A espécie nativa foi obtida de fragmento de mata (fase vegetativa) e empregada para micropropagação através do cultivo in vitro de fragmentos de segmentos internodais sobre meio de cultivo Murashige & Skoog com o regulador de crescimento BAP (2,0 mg/l de meio). Obtiveram-se plântulas que foram transferidas para casa de vegetação por 2 anos sob dois tipos de ambiente e três diferentes tratamentos de interceptação da radiação solar. Foi feito o estudo morfoanatômico, analisado estatisticamente. Verifica-se que as plantas originadas por processo biotecnológico e submetidas aos diferentes tratamentos apresentam morfologia semelhante à planta nativa, no entanto constatou-se um maior número de raízes secundárias, não há diferença significativa entre larguras e comprimentos de folhas, comprimento de raízes, estípulas, peso de raízes e rizomas. Mas, observou-se diferença estatística no comprimento do caule em relação à nativa

    A Telehealth-Delivered Pulmonary Rehabilitation Intervention in Underserved Hispanic and African American Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Community-Based Participatory Research Approach.

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    BACKGROUND:Although home telemonitoring (TM) is a promising approach for patients managing their chronic disease, rehabilitation using home TM has not been tested for use with individuals living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) residing in underserved communities. OBJECTIVE:This study aimed to analyze qualitative data from focus groups with key stakeholders to ensure the acceptability and usability of the TM COPD intervention. METHODS:We utilized a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach to adapt a home TM COPD intervention to facilitate acceptability and feasibility in low-income African American and Hispanic patients. The study engaged community stakeholders in the process of modifying the intervention in the context of 2 community advisory board meetings. Discussions were audio recorded and professionally transcribed and lasted approximately 2 hours each. Structural coding was used to mark responses to topical questions in interview guides. RESULTS:We describe herein the formative process of a CBPR study aimed at optimizing telehealth utilization among African American and Latino patients with COPD from underserved communities. A total of 5 major themes emerged from qualitative analyses of community discussions: equipment changes, recruitment process, study logistics, self-efficacy, and access. The identification of themes was instrumental in understanding the concerns of patients and other stakeholders in adapting the pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) home intervention for acceptability for patients with COPD from underserved communities. CONCLUSIONS:These findings identify important adaptation recommendations from the stakeholder perspective that should be considered when implementing in-home PR via TM for underserved COPD patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03007485; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03007485