161 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Konsep Tubuh Manusia dan Kesulitan - Kesulitan dalam Menguasainya pada Mahasiswa Program S-1 PGSD UPI Kampus Cibiru

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    Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari alternatif program perkuliahan di Program S1 PGSD UPI Kampus Cibiru, secar khusus penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan konsep IPA , khususnya pada sub konsep tubuh manusia mahasiswa Program S1 PGSD UPI Kampus Cibiru, memperoleh informasi tentang kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialami oleh mahasiswa, dan memperoleh ionformasi tenatng faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan belajar mahasiswa

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran terhadap Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Lingkungan Hidup pada Siswa yang Mempunyai Hasil Belajar IPA Tinggi di Sekolah Dasar

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    The aim of the research is to identify the influence of learning model and IPA Science learning on the ability to solve problem in learning environmental education at the elementary school. This research was conducted in SD Laboratorium UPI Kampus Cibiru Bandung. Experimental method with factorial plan 2 x 2 is the method that was employed in this study. The sampling objects were 40-fourth grade students. Twenty of them achieved high learning outcomes in environmental study meanwhile the remains were having low learning outcomes. Two ways varian analysis (ANAVA) was used in hypothesis test and then continued by Turkey test. The research conclusion were: Students with high learning outcomes in science had better ability to solve environmental problems using constructivist learning model than interactive learning model

    Menggugah Kepedulian Siswa terhadap Satwa Liar melalui Pendidikan IPA di Sekolah Dasar

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    Kepedulian terhadap satwa liar ini harus ditanamkan sejak dini, agar dalam setiap gerak kehidupan sesuai dengan perkembangan usia manusia, mereka selalu menaruh perhatian terhadap satwa liar dalam bentuk tindakan kongkrit, yang dapat ikut mencegah kepunahan satwa liar. Penanam kepedulian terhadap satwa liar sejak usia dini dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satu cara yang menurut penulis tepat adalah dengan pendidikan, khususnya melalui pendidikan IPA di sekolah dasar. Pendidikan IPA di Sekolah Dasar dapat digunakan untuk menanamkan kepedulian siswa terhadap satwa liar sejak dini. Kepedulian terhadap satwa liar tersebut dapat dimasukkan dalam bahan ajar yang menyangkut tentang Makhluk hidup dan proses kehidupannya, yaitu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, dan interaksinya. Permasalahannya adalah, tindakan konkrit apa yang harus dilakukan oleh para praktisi pendidikan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran IPA di sekolah dasar, dalam materi-materi terkait, sehingga dapat menanamkan kepedulian siswa terhadap satwa liar sejak usia dini

    The Effect of Financial Expertise on Compensation and Board of Directors Turnover

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    This research aims to explains association between financial expertise of directors to directors compensation and directors turnover of Indonesia non financial company in 2011-2012. Using ordinary least square regression we used four variables to define financial expertise of directors: age of the directors, tenure of the directors, the post-graduate degree (MBA), and the accounting certification (CPA). However, this study found no association financial expertise to compensation and directors turnover. We hope this study can contributes to financial expertise, compensation, and turnover literature. We also provide implications for companies in determining the compensation of directors based on financial expertise. Further research can be improve by add new variabel such as complexcity and board size

    S-PRAC: Fast Partial Packet Recovery with Network Coding in Very Noisy Wireless Channels

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    Well-known error detection and correction solutions in wireless communications are slow or incur high transmission overhead. Recently, notable solutions like PRAC and DAPRAC, implementing partial packet recovery with network coding, could address these problems. However, they perform slowly when there are many errors. We propose S-PRAC, a fast scheme for partial packet recovery, particularly designed for very noisy wireless channels. S-PRAC improves on DAPRAC. It divides each packet into segments consisting of a fixed number of small RLNC encoded symbols and then attaches a CRC code to each segment and one to each coded packet. Extensive simulations show that S-PRAC can detect and correct errors quickly. It also outperforms DAPRAC significantly when the number of errors is high
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