10,302 research outputs found

    Backwards-induction outcome in a quantum game

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    In economics duopoly is a market dominated by two firms large enough to influence the market price. Stackelberg presented a dynamic form of duopoly that is also called `leader-follower' model. We give a quantum perspective on Stackelberg duopoly that gives a backwards-induction outcome same as the Nash equilibrium in static form of duopoly also known as Cournot's duopoly. We find two qubit quantum pure states required for this purpose.Comment: Revised in the light of referee's comments. Latex, 16 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Phy. Rev.


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    Quantum mechanics gives stability to a Nash equilibrium

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    We consider a slightly modified version of the Rock-Scissors-Paper (RSP) game from the point of view of evolutionary stability. In its classical version the game has a mixed Nash equilibrium (NE) not stable against mutants. We find a quantized version of the RSP game for which the classical mixed NE becomes stable.Comment: Revised on referee's criticism, submitted to Physical Review

    Coalitions in the quantum Minority game: classical cheats and quantum bullies

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    In a one-off Minority game, when a group of players agree to collaborate they gain an advantage over the remaining players. We consider the advantage obtained in a quantum Minority game by a coalition sharing an initially entangled state versus that obtained by a coalition that uses classical communication to arrive at an optimal group strategy. In a model of the quantum Minority game where the final measurement basis is randomized, quantum coalitions outperform classical ones when carried out by up to four players, but an unrestricted amount of classical communication is better for larger coalition sizes.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Chatter, process damping, and chip segmentation in turning: A signal processing approach

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    An increasing number of aerospace components are manufactured from titanium and nickel alloys that are difficult to machine due to their thermal and mechanical properties. This limits the metal removal rates that can be achieved from the production process. However, under these machining conditions the phenomenon of process damping can be exploited to help avoid self-excited vibrations known as regenerative chatter. This means that greater widths of cut can be taken so as to increase the metal removal rate, and hence offset the cutting speed restrictions that are imposed by the thermo-mechanical properties of the material. However, there is little or no consensus as to the underlying mechanisms that cause process damping. The present study investigates two process damping mechanisms that have previously been proposed in the machining literature: the tool flank/workpiece interference effect, and the short regenerative effect. A signal processing procedure is employed to identify flank/workpiece interference from experimental data. Meanwhile, the short regenerative model is solved using a new frequency domain approach that yields additional insight into its stabilising effect. However, analysis and signal processing of the experimentally obtained data reveals that neither of these models can fully explain the increases in stability that are observed in practice. Meanwhile, chip segmentation effects were observed in a number of measurements, and it is suggested that segmentation could play an important role in the process-damped chatter stability of these materials

    DCASE 2018 Challenge Surrey Cross-Task convolutional neural network baseline

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    The Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) consists of five audio classification and sound event detection tasks: 1) Acoustic scene classification, 2) General-purpose audio tagging of Freesound, 3) Bird audio detection, 4) Weakly-labeled semi-supervised sound event detection and 5) Multi-channel audio classification. In this paper, we create a cross-task baseline system for all five tasks based on a convlutional neural network (CNN): a "CNN Baseline" system. We implemented CNNs with 4 layers and 8 layers originating from AlexNet and VGG from computer vision. We investigated how the performance varies from task to task with the same configuration of neural networks. Experiments show that deeper CNN with 8 layers performs better than CNN with 4 layers on all tasks except Task 1. Using CNN with 8 layers, we achieve an accuracy of 0.680 on Task 1, an accuracy of 0.895 and a mean average precision (MAP) of 0.928 on Task 2, an accuracy of 0.751 and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.854 on Task 3, a sound event detection F1 score of 20.8% on Task 4, and an F1 score of 87.75% on Task 5. We released the Python source code of the baseline systems under the MIT license for further research.Comment: Accepted by DCASE 2018 Workshop. 4 pages. Source code availabl

    Role of community pharmacists in the use of antipsychotics for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD): A qualitative study

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    Objective This study aimed to use qualitative methodology to understand the current role of community pharmacists in limiting the use of antipsychotics prescribed inappropriately for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. Design A qualitative study employing focus groups was conducted. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Setting 3 different geographical locations in the England. Participants Community pharmacists (n=22). Results The focus groups identified an array of factors and constraints, which affect the ability of community pharmacists to contribute to initiatives to limit the use of antipsychotics. 3 key themes were revealed: (1) politics and the medical hierarchy, which created communication barriers; (2) how resources and remit impact the effectiveness of community pharmacy; and (3) understanding the nature of the treatment of dementia. Conclusions Our findings suggest that an improvement in communication between community pharmacists and healthcare professionals, especially general practitioners (GPs) must occur in order for community pharmacists to assist in limiting the use of antipsychotics in people with dementia. Additionally, extra training in working with people with dementia is required. Thus, an intervention which involves appropriately trained pharmacists working in collaboration with GPs and other caregivers is required. Overall, within the current environment, community pharmacists question the extent to which they can contribute in helping to reduce the prescription of antipsychotics

    Realitas Aktual Praksis Kurikulum Suatu Analisis Pada Sekolah Unggul

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    Tujuan Pendidikan Agama Islam secara umum sebagai penjabaran dari tujuan kurikulum dalamrangka mencapai tujuan nasional adalah membentuk peserta didik menjadi manusia yang berimandan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta berakhlak mulia, melalui pemberian danpemupukan pengetahuan, penghayatan serta pengamalan peserta didik tentang agama Islam,sehingga menjadi manusia muslim yang terus berkembang keimanan dan ketaqwaannya. Kurikulummerupakan aktifitas praktik yang dilaksanakan pada kurun waktu dan tempat tertentu danmemperhatikan dampak kondisi sosial dan historis terhadap keputusan kurikuler. Teori dan praktekmerupakan dua hal yang tidak terpisahkan dan saling berhubungan. Kurikulum dikembangakanlewat interaksi yang dinamis antara tindakan dan refleksi. Dengan demikian, kurikulum bukan hanyaseperangkat rencana yang harus diimplementasikan, tetapi juga dihasilkan lewat proses secara aktifyang meliputi proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengevaluasian seecara resiprokal danterpadu. Teori dan model kurikulum merupakan bagian dari wacana yang membantu pembentukanpraktik kurikuler. Teori kurikulum akan menjadi operasional lewat pemilihan atau pengembangankerangka berpikir. Model kurikulum merupakan pola umum untuk membentuk atau menciptakanrencana program untuk jenjang pendidikan tertentu. Jadi nilai pendidikan Islam adalah sifat atau halyang melekat pada pendidikan Islam yang digunakan sebagai dasar manusia untuk mencapai tujuanhidupnya yaitu mengabdi pada Allah. Nilai tersebut perlu ditanamkan pada anak sejak kecil, karenapada waktu itu adalah masa yang tepat untuk menanamkan kebiasaan yang baik pada seorangindividu
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