183 research outputs found

    ObservaÅ£ii asupra rezistenÅ£ei la Ć®ngheÅ£ a soiului de nuc fernor, Ć®n timpul perioadei de repaus (ianuarie-aprilie), Ć®n condiÅ£iile pedoclimatice din zona Sălcioara, jud. DĆ¢mboviÅ£a

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    t is well known that walnut varieties with lateral fructification have a lower resistance to temperature variations during relative rest and on the entering vegetation.In the first decade of January 2017, in Salcioaravillage, Dambovitacounty there was recorded extremely high variations in the negative temperatures, which could affect the viability of the male florids (men) and the small unisexed female buds.At the end of April (26-28 April) there were late spring frosts that caused massive tissue necrosis of young tissues in native walnut trees and partial frosts of male ā€˜Fernorā€™sprouts found in the phenophase of swelling of the buds.If the autochthonous genotypes produced 80% of the production of walnuts in the year 2017, these late frosts did not affect the subsequent developmentof fruit buds in the ā€˜Fernorā€™variety. Approximately 10% of male florid shoots (avenues) showed partial frostbite without having their total pollen emission capacity and 3% of small buds unisexed females were affected by frost

    Cercetări preliminare privind cultura afinului Ʈn container

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    The blueberry culture has presented a growing interest in the past years among fruit producers due to the constantly increasing demand on the market. However because of the specific pH requirements of the soil the culture can only be cropped where appropriate conditions are being met. To avoid restrictions of improper soil the focus has been shifted on containers. Thus, during a study of plant behaviour involving a 30 litres container and 4 blueberry varieties ā€“Draper, Patriot, Brigitta and Elliot it has been observed that when they reach the age of 3 plants have a satisfactory growing response and start to form fruit. Among the four tested varieties differences have been registered in what regards the phenological progress of flowering, the growth and ramification capacity and the fruit forming capacity. The Patriot variety has been the most forward and Draper the most late flowering. Draper has presented a higher vigour represented by a higher growing and ramification capacity while Brigitta has had a lower vigour overall

    CĆ¢teva observaÅ£ii asupra rezistenÅ£ei la Ć®ngheÅ£ şi a procesului de organogeneză florală a patru populaÅ£ii locale de prun din judeÅ£ul Buzău

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    Four local populations of Prunus domestica from Buzau -PătĆ¢rlagele city were analysed to evaluate the resistance to frost as well as the organogenesis process. To evaluate the frost resistance of the flower buds two moments were chosen -late February and first decade of April. In the first determination, more than 50% of the analysed buds showed different kinds of damage on flower components, while at the second determination most of the buds remaining on the branch were viable.Theevaluation of the flower organogenesis process carried out at the end of February revealed differences inthe stage of carpel development, while the rest of the floral organs were formed in all four populations

    Response of Different Grafted Eggplants in Protected Culture

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    The study has been conducted in a professional greenhouse where grafted seedlings and grafted eggplants have been produced. Two eggplant hybrids, ā€˜Classic F1ā€™ and ā€˜Black Pear F1ā€™ were used as scion and one of the Lycopersicon genus, ā€˜Kaiser F1ā€™ and three Solanum genus, ā€˜L1Sā€™, ā€˜L23Bā€™ and ā€˜Torpedoā€™ were used as rootstocks, resulting in eight grafted combinations. It has been observed that for all grafting combinations the grafting percentage was ranging from 95% to 98%. The rootstocks utilized have influenced the vigour of the grafted plants. They influenced plant height which reached values of roughly 1.0 m and number of leaves resulting in values of 2.5-3.0 times higher in comparison to the ungrafted plants. Comparative to the ungrafted plants the grafting combinations also influenced the productivity of plants. The highest fructification potential has been observed at ā€˜Classic F1ā€™ grafted on all eggplant rootstocks. Compared to ungrafted plants, which has yielded 2.46 kg per plant, the highest yield obtained from ā€˜Classic F1ā€™ grafted on ā€˜L23Bā€™ has been of 4.27 kg per plant, followed by ā€˜Torpedoā€™ rootstock with 4.1 kg per plant. ā€˜Black Pearl F1ā€™ have been produced 4.15 kg per plant when grafted on the ā€˜Kaiser F1ā€™ rootstock and 4 kg per plant when grafted on the ā€˜Torpedoā€™ rootstock. Regarding the production per hectare, the largest production augmentation, of 30%, was noted at ā€˜Classic F1ā€™ grafted on the eggplant rootstock ā€˜L23Bā€™. The ā€˜Black Pearl F1ā€™ grafted on the tomato rootstock ā€˜Kaiser F1ā€™ registered a 20% increment in production. The rootstocks utilized have slightly influenced the content of the soluble dry substance on both hybrids grafted on ā€˜Kaiser F1ā€™. The result has been a 6% dry substance in comparison to the 5.3% at the ungrafted hybrids. The grafting has had an insignificant influence of the total amount of carbohydrates at all grafting combinations

    Co-management of Lake Victoria Fisheries

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    This research article published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017There have been concerns about the declining fish catches and fisheries ecosystem health for a number of fisheries including Lake Victoria. Consequently, a co-management system has been introduced as a means of, among others, reversing the declining catches. It is hypothesized that non-involvement of fishers in the management of the lakeā€™s fisheries is a major reason for the ever-decreasing catches. This chapter discusses this particular management regime and its application in the lakeā€™s fisheries. The analysis is based on data collected by the Fisheries Division since co-management was introduced in the lake in 1998. The chapter traces the lakeā€™s fishery management since the pre-colonial to the post-colonial period. It presents the aim and rationale for managing the lakeā€™s fishery, the structure of the management and roles of governors. It also analyses trends in illegal fishing practices as well as enforcement performance. The argument here is that co-management has helped in bringing on board fishers and this has enabled laws and regulations to be implemented in a much better way than they were under a central-command system. The chapter subsequently concludes that the involvement of fishing communities in the management of fisheries has created a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience on the resources. This strategy has made the communities understand the importance of compliance to the law and regulations and effective management measures

    RelaÅ£ia dintre conÅ£inutul Ć®n macroelemente al solului şi plantei, la unele soiuri de prun

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    The minerals requirements of different species are related to the species biological feature and even depend on the every varieties characteristic feature. In this context, this article is focused on the determination of some correlation between soil and plant mineral content with a view to assure an equilibrate nutrients supply during the vegetation period. The soil supply with minerals was slightly different for the three analyzed plum cultivars (Rivers timpuriu, Stanley, Centenar), but generally, the soil had a good supply with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The content of minerals on different organs had variable limits: 9.04 to 12.67% - leaves; 4.54 to 5.14% - fruits; 4.89 to 8.12% - shoots of 1 year old and 4.89 to 8.12% - shoots of 2 years old. The highest average content of minerals in the 4 organs analyzed was determined for the flowering phenophase (6.70%) and the average content of minerals for the organs analyzed in the three phenophases ranged between 6.02% (Centenar cv.) and 7.82% (Stanley cv.). For leaves, the lowest content of minerals was determined in August, during trees entrance in the dormancy perio

    Differential family and peer environmental factors are related to severity and comorbidity in childresn with ADHD

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    Contains fulltext : 70260.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Behavioral genetic studies imply that salient environmental influences operate within families, making siblings in a family different rather than similar. This study is the first one to examine differential sibling experiences (as measured with the Sibling Inventory of Differential Experience) and its effect on behavioral outcomes within ADHD families. Subjects were 45 Dutch ADHD probands and their unaffected siblings (n = 45) aged 10-18 years. ADHD probands and their unaffected siblings reported differences in sibling interaction, parental treatment, and peer characteristics. These nonshared environmental influences were related to both the severity of ADHD symptoms as well as to comorbid problem behaviors. These findings suggest that environmental influences that operate within ADHD families appear relevant to the severity of problem behaviors of ADHD children and their siblings

    Federal Emergency Management Information System (FEMIS) Data Management Guide for FEMIS Version 1.4.6

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    The Federal Emergency Management Information System (FEMIS) is an emergency management planning and response tool that was developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) under the direction of the U.S. Army Chemical Biological Defense Command. The FEMIS System Administration Guide provides information necessary for the system administrator to maintain the FEMIS system. The FEMIS system is designed for a single Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) site that has multiple Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs). Each EOC has personal computers (PCs) that emergency planners and operations personnel use to do their jobs. These PCs are corrected via a local area network (LAN) to servers that provide EOC-wide services. Each EOC is interconnected to other EOCs via a Wide Area Network (WAN). Thus, FEMIS is an integrated software product that resides on client/server computer architecture. The main body of FEMIS software, referred to as the FEMIS Application Software, resides on the PC client(s) and is directly accessible to emergency management personnel. The remainder of the FEMIS software, referred to as the FEMIS Support Software, resides on the UNIX server. The Support Software provides the communication data distribution and notification functionality necessary to operate FEMIS in a networked, client/server environment
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