296 research outputs found

    Computation-Aware Data Aggregation

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    Data aggregation is a fundamental primitive in distributed computing wherein a network computes a function of every nodes\u27 input. However, while compute time is non-negligible in modern systems, standard models of distributed computing do not take compute time into account. Rather, most distributed models of computation only explicitly consider communication time. In this paper, we introduce a model of distributed computation that considers both computation and communication so as to give a theoretical treatment of data aggregation. We study both the structure of and how to compute the fastest data aggregation schedule in this model. As our first result, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that computes the optimal schedule when the input network is a complete graph. Moreover, since one may want to aggregate data over a pre-existing network, we also study data aggregation scheduling on arbitrary graphs. We demonstrate that this problem on arbitrary graphs is hard to approximate within a multiplicative 1.5 factor. Finally, we give an O(log n ? log(OPT/t_m))-approximation algorithm for this problem on arbitrary graphs, where n is the number of nodes and OPT is the length of the optimal schedule

    Erasure Correction for Noisy Radio Networks

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    The radio network model is a well-studied model of wireless, multi-hop networks. However, radio networks make the strong assumption that messages are delivered deterministically. The recently introduced noisy radio network model relaxes this assumption by dropping messages independently at random. In this work we quantify the relative computational power of noisy radio networks and classic radio networks. In particular, given a non-adaptive protocol for a fixed radio network we show how to reliably simulate this protocol if noise is introduced with a multiplicative cost of poly(log Delta, log log n) rounds where n is the number nodes in the network and Delta is the max degree. Moreover, we demonstrate that, even if the simulated protocol is not non-adaptive, it can be simulated with a multiplicative O(Delta log ^2 Delta) cost in the number of rounds. Lastly, we argue that simulations with a multiplicative overhead of o(log Delta) are unlikely to exist by proving that an Omega(log Delta) multiplicative round overhead is necessary under certain natural assumptions

    O(1) Steiner Point Removal in Series-Parallel Graphs

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    We study how to vertex-sparsify a graph while preserving both the graph's metric and structure. Specifically, we study the Steiner point removal (SPR) problem where we are given a weighted graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) and terminal set V′⊆VV' \subseteq V and must compute a weighted minor G′=(V′,E′,w′)G'=(V',E', w') of GG which approximates GG's metric on V′V'. A major open question in the area of metric embeddings is the existence of O(1)O(1) multiplicative distortion SPR solutions for every (non-trivial) minor-closed family of graphs. To this end prior work has studied SPR on trees, cactus and outerplanar graphs and showed that in these graphs such a minor exists with O(1)O(1) distortion. We give O(1)O(1) distortion SPR solutions for series-parallel graphs, extending the frontier of this line of work. The main engine of our approach is a new metric decomposition for series-parallel graphs which we call a hammock decomposition. Roughly, a hammock decomposition is a forest-like structure that preserves certain critical parts of the metric induced by a series-parallel graph

    An Introduction to Alcohol Use Disorder and Motivational Interviewing at Henry Abbott Technical High School in Danbury, CT

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    We presented to high school students interested in careers in health about alcohol use and motivational interviewing. We demonstrated effective motivational interviewing skills including asking open ended questions, using non-judgmental language and eliciting change talk from patients. Finally we facilitated breakout sessions which allowed students to practice identifying at risk behaviors and to practice motivational interviewing.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1137/thumbnail.jp

    Round- and Message-Optimal Distributed Graph Algorithms

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    Distributed graph algorithms that separately optimize for either the number of rounds used or the total number of messages sent have been studied extensively. However, algorithms simultaneously efficient with respect to both measures have been elusive. For example, only very recently was it shown that for Minimum Spanning Tree (MST), an optimal message and round complexity is achievable (up to polylog terms) by a single algorithm in the CONGEST model of communication. In this paper we provide algorithms that are simultaneously round- and message-optimal for a number of well-studied distributed optimization problems. Our main result is such a distributed algorithm for the fundamental primitive of computing simple functions over each part of a graph partition. From this algorithm we derive round- and message-optimal algorithms for multiple problems, including MST, Approximate Min-Cut and Approximate Single Source Shortest Paths, among others. On general graphs all of our algorithms achieve worst-case optimal O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt n) round complexity and O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) message complexity. Furthermore, our algorithms require an optimal O~(D)\tilde{O}(D) rounds and O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) messages on planar, genus-bounded, treewidth-bounded and pathwidth-bounded graphs.Comment: To appear in PODC 201

    Adaptive-Adversary-Robust Algorithms via Small Copy Tree Embeddings

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    Embeddings of graphs into distributions of trees that preserve distances in expectation are a cornerstone of many optimization algorithms. Unfortunately, online or dynamic algorithms which use these embeddings seem inherently randomized and ill-suited against adaptive adversaries. In this paper we provide a new tree embedding which addresses these issues by deterministically embedding a graph into a single tree containing O(log n) copies of each vertex while preserving the connectivity structure of every subgraph and O(log2 n)-approximating the cost of every subgraph. Using this embedding we obtain the first deterministic bicriteria approximation algorithm for the online covering Steiner problem as well as the first poly-log approximations for demand-robust Steiner forest, group Steiner tree and group Steiner forest.ISSN:1868-896
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