172 research outputs found

    Les macrophytes aquatiques des berges lagunaires

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    This synthetic article describes the composition and organization of vegetations colonizing the Ebrié lagoon banks and provides original data on the recent evolution of this association consecutively to the accidental introduction of 2 new species of floating macrophytes (Salvinia molesta and Eichhornia crassipes)

    Phytotoxicité du glyphosate sur la Jacinthe d'eau (Eichhornia crassipes, Solms)

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    The toxicity of the herbicide glyphosate was tested on water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) samples cultivated in glass aquariums. The lowest dose (0.09 g.m-2) leads to an increasing plant growth rate. This growth rate decreases with intermediate doses (0.18 and 0.36 g.m-2), the consequence of which is to increase stolons (vegetative reproduction). On the other hand, the dose of 0.72 g.m-2 leads to a total and irreversible destruction of plants

    Estimation des niveaux de pollution organique et bacterienne des eaux à proximité des berges de la ville d'Abidjan (Lagune Ebrié - Côte d'Ivoire)

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    This article presents the results of three surveys, which were undertaken in order to estimate the levels of organic and bacterial pollutions of the Ebrié lagoon banks in the urban area of Abidjan

    Incidences de la modification de la circulation des eaux sur l'hydrochimie et le degré de contamination bacterienne d'un estuaire eutrophe tropical

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    In order to control the proliferation of floating aquatic vegetation in Côte d'Ivoire, a coastal inlet, allowing a direct communication between the Comoe river and the ocean, was created in September 1987. The impact of this operation on the hydrochemistry (salinity, nutrients, algal biomass) and the bacterial contamination level was studied in the area close to the Vridi canal

    Analyses physico-chimiques des eaux de la Lagune Ebrié effectuées de 1979 à 1981 au cours des programmes "Variabilité interannuelle" et "Baie de Biétri"

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    Physico-chemical data collections aimed to assess the interannual variability of the lagoon hydroclimate and the impact of an airport dam on the water quality of the Ebrié lagoon

    Suivi cartographique de l'expansion des macrophytes envahissant le système lagunaire Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire)

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    Remote mapping were realised from December 1986 to September 1989 to describe the seasonal evolution of macrophytes colonizing the surface waters of the eastern sector of the Ebrié lagoon. The vegetal cover of this sector and associated lagoons is essentially composed of Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth). Its expansion is favored by the decrease in the salinity of the lagoon waters which is due to rain falls. Its migration through the lagoon environment is ensured by the overflow of the Comoé river. The opening of the Bassam inlet induced its temporary disappearence from the newly created estuarian zone

    Synthèse des travaux effectués au CRO sur les végétations envahissantes flottantes (1985-1990). Propositions et recommandations

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    The present document represents a synthesis of the scientific knowledge gathered by the CRO in the years 1985-1990, and related to the proliferation of aquatic macrophytes, commonly called floating aquatic weeds, in the Ebrié lagoon

    Primary and metastatic peritoneal surface malignancies

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    Peritoneal surface malignancies comprise a heterogeneous group of primary tumours, including peritoneal mesothelioma, and peritoneal metastases of other tumours, including ovarian, gastric, colorectal, appendicular or pancreatic cancers. The pathophysiology of peritoneal malignancy is complex and not fully understood. The two main hypotheses are the transformation of mesothelial cells (peritoneal primary tumour) and shedding of cells from a primary tumour with implantation of cells in the peritoneal cavity (peritoneal metastasis). Diagnosis is challenging and often requires modern imaging and interventional techniques, including surgical exploration. In the past decade, new treatments and multimodal strategies helped to improve patient survival and quality of life and the premise that peritoneal malignancies are fatal diseases has been dismissed as management strategies, including complete cytoreductive surgery embedded in perioperative systemic chemotherapy, can provide cure in selected patients. Furthermore, intraperitoneal chemotherapy has become an important part of combination treatments. Improving locoregional treatment delivery to enhance penetration to tumour nodules and reduce systemic uptake is one of the most active research areas. The current main challenges involve not only offering the best treatment option and developing intraperitoneal therapies that are equivalent to current systemic therapies but also defining the optimal treatment sequence according to primary tumour, disease extent and patient preferences. New imaging modalities, less invasive surgery, nanomedicines and targeted therapies are the basis for a new era of intraperitoneal therapy and are beginning to show encouraging outcomes