518 research outputs found

    Parameterizing cloud top effective radii from satellite retrieved values, accounting for vertical photon transport: quantification and correction of the resulting bias in droplet concentration and liquid water path retrievals

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    Droplet concentration (Nd) and liquid water path (LWP) retrievals from passive satellite retrievals of cloud optical depth (τ) and effective radius (re) usually assume the model of an idealized cloud in which the liquid water content (LWC) increases linearly between cloud base and cloud top (i.e. at a fixed fraction of the adiabatic LWC). Generally it is assumed that the retrieved re value is that at the top of the cloud. In reality, barring re retrieval biases due to cloud heterogeneity, the retrieved re is representative of smaller values that occur lower down in the cloud due to the vertical penetration of photons at the shortwave-infrared wavelengths used to retrieve re. This inconsistency will cause an overestimate of Nd and an underestimate of LWP (referred to here as the penetration depth bias), which this paper quantifies via a parameterization of the cloud top re as a function of the retrieved re and τ. Here we estimate the relative re underestimate for a range of idealized modelled adiabatic clouds using bispectral retrievals and plane-parallel radiative transfer. We find a tight relationship between gre = recloud top∕reretrieved and τ and that a 1-D relationship approximates the modelled data well. Using this relationship we find that gre values and hence Nd and LWP biases are higher for the 2.1µm channel re retrieval (re2.1) compared to the 3.7µm one (re3.7). The theoretical bias in the retrieved Nd is very large for optically thin clouds, but rapidly reduces as cloud thickness increases. However, it remains above 20% for τ < 19.8 and τ < 7.7 for re2.1 and re3.7, respectively. We also provide a parameterization of penetration depth in terms of the optical depth below cloud top (dτ) for which the retrieved re is likely to be representative. The magnitude of the Nd and LWP biases for climatological data sets is estimated globally using 1 year of daily MODIS (MODerate Imaging Spectroradiometer) data. Screening criteria are applied that are consistent with those required to help ensure accurate Nd and LWP retrievals. The results show that the SE Atlantic, SE Pacific and Californian stratocumulus regions produce fairly large overestimates due to the penetration depth bias with mean biases of 32–35% for re2.1 and 15–17% for re3.7. For the other stratocumulus regions examined the errors are smaller (24–28% for re2.1 and 10–12% for re3.7). Significant time variability in the percentage errors is also found with regional mean standard deviations of 19–37% of the regional mean percentage error for re2.1 and 32–56% for re3.7. This shows that it is important to apply a daily correction to Nd for the penetration depth error rather than a time–mean correction when examining daily data. We also examine the seasonal variation of the bias and find that the biases in the SE Atlantic, SE Pacific and Californian stratocumulus regions exhibit the most seasonality, with the largest errors occurring in the December, January and February (DJF) season. LWP biases are smaller in magnitude than those for Nd (−8 to −11% for re2.1 and −3.6 to −6.1% for re3.7). In reality, and especially for more heterogeneous clouds, the vertical penetration error will be combined with a number of other errors that affect both the re and τ, which are potentially larger and may compensate or enhance the bias due to vertical penetration depth. Therefore caution is required when applying the bias corrections; we suggest that they are only used for more homogeneous clouds

    Aerosol midlatitude cyclone indirect effects in observations and high-resolution simulations

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    Aerosol-cloud interactions are a major source of uncertainty in inferring the climate sensitivity from the observational record of temperature. The adjustment of clouds to aerosol is a poorly constrained aspect of these aerosol-cloud interactions. Here, we examine the response of midlatitude cyclone cloud properties to a change in cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC). Idealized experiments in high-resolution, convection-permitting global aquaplanet simulations with constant CDNC are compared to 13 years of remote-sensing observations. Observations and idealized aquaplanet simulations agree that increased warm conveyor belt (WCB) moisture flux into cyclones is consistent with higher cyclone liquid water path (CLWP). When CDNC is increased a larger LWP is needed to give the same rain rate. The LWP adjusts to allow the rain rate to be equal to the moisture flux into the cyclone along the WCB. This results in an increased CLWP for higher CDNC at a fixed WCB moisture flux in both observations and simulations. If observed cyclones in the top and bottom tercile of CDNC are contrasted it is found that they have not only higher CLWP but also cloud cover and albedo. The difference in cyclone albedo between the cyclones in the top and bottom third of CDNC is observed by CERES to be between 0.018 and 0.032, which is consistent with a 4.6-8.3gWmg‾² in-cyclone enhancement in upwelling shortwave when scaled by annual-mean insolation. Based on a regression model to observed cyclone properties, roughly 60g% of the observed variability in CLWP can be explained by CDNC and WCB moisture flux

    Engaging with History after Macpherson

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    The Race Relations Amendment Act (2000) identifies a key role for education, and more specifically history, in promoting ‘race equality’ in Britain. In this article Ian Grosvenor and Kevin Myers consider the extent of young people’s current engagement with the history of ‘diversity, change and immigration’ which underpins the commitment to ‘race equality’. Finding that in many of Britain’s schools and universities a singular and exclusionary version of history continues to dominate the curriculum, they go on to consider the reasons for the neglect of multiculturalism. The authors identify the development of an aggressive national identity that depends on the past for its legitimacy and argue that this sense of the past is an important obstacle to future progress

    Biochemical enrichment and biophysical characterization of a taste receptor for L-arginine from the catfish, Ictalurus puntatus

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    BACKGROUND: The channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, is invested with a high density of cutaneous taste receptors, particularly on the barbel appendages. Many of these receptors are sensitive to selected amino acids, one of these being a receptor for L-arginine (L-Arg). Previous neurophysiological and biophysical studies suggested that this taste receptor is coupled directly to a cation channel and behaves as a ligand-gated ion channel receptor (LGICR). Earlier studies demonstrated that two lectins, Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCA-I) and Phaseolus vulgaris Erythroagglutinin (PHA-E), inhibited the binding of L-Arg to its presumed receptor sites, and that PHA-E inhibited the L-Arg-stimulated ion conductance of barbel membranes reconstituted into lipid bilayers. RESULTS: Both PHA-E and RCA-I almost exclusively labeled an 82–84 kDa protein band of an SDS-PAGE of solubilized barbel taste epithelial membranes. Further, both rhodamine-conjugated RCA-I and polyclonal antibodies raised to the 82–84 kDa electroeluted peptides labeled the apical region of catfish taste buds. Because of the specificity shown by RCA-I, lectin affinity was chosen as the first of a three-step procedure designed to enrich the presumed LGICR for L-Arg. Purified and CHAPS-solubilized taste epithelial membrane proteins were subjected successively to (1), lectin (RCA-I) affinity; (2), gel filtration (Sephacryl S-300HR); and (3), ion exchange chromatography. All fractions from each chromatography step were evaluated for L-Arg-induced ion channel activity by reconstituting each fraction into a lipid bilayer. Active fractions demonstrated L-Arg-induced channel activity that was inhibited by D-arginine (D-Arg) with kinetics nearly identical to those reported earlier for L-Arg-stimulated ion channels of native barbel membranes reconstituted into lipid bilayers. After the final enrichment step, SDS-PAGE of the active ion channel protein fraction revealed a single band at 82–84 kDa which may be interpreted as a component of a multimeric receptor/channel complex. CONCLUSIONS: The data are consistent with the supposition that the L-Arg receptor is a LGICR. This taste receptor remains active during biochemical enrichment procedures. This is the first report of enrichment of an active LGICR from the taste system of vertebrata

    High Efficiency Low Cost CO2 Compression Using Supersonic Shock Wave Technology

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    Development and testing results from a supersonic compressor are presented. The compressor achieved record pressure ratio for a fully-supersonic stage and successfully demonstrated the technology potential. Several tasks were performed in compliance with the DOE award objectives. A high-pressure ratio compressor was retrofitted to improve rotordynamics behavior and successfully tested. An outside review panel confirmed test results and design approach. A computational fluid dynamics code used to analyze the Ramgen supersonic flowpath was extensively and successfully modified to improve use on high-performance computing platforms. A comprehensive R&D implementation plan was developed and used to lay the groundwork for a future full-scale compressor demonstration. Conceptual design for a CO2 demonstration compressor was developed and reviewed

    Electrical Material Property Measurements using a Free-Field, Ultra-Wideband System [Dielectric Measurements]

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    We present nondestructive measurements of material properties using TEM horn antennas and an ultra-wideband measurement system. Time-domain gating and genetic algorithms are used to process the data and extract the dielectric properties of the material under test

    Contribution of regional aerosol nucleation to low-level CCN in an Amazonian deep convective environment: results from a regionally nested global model

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    Global model studies and observations have shown that downward transport of aerosol nucleated in the free troposphere is a major source of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) to the global boundary layer. In Amazonia, observations show that this downward transport can occur during strong convective activity. However, it is not clear from these studies over what spatial scale this cycle of aerosol formation and downward supply of CCN is occurring. Here, we aim to quantify the extent to which the supply of aerosol to the Amazonian boundary layer is generated from nucleation within a 1000 km regional domain or from aerosol produced further afield and the effectiveness of the transport by deep convection. We run the atmosphere-only configuration of the HadGEM3 climate model incorporating a 440 km × 1080 km regional domain over Amazonia with 4 km resolution. Simulations were performed over several diurnal cycles of convection. Below 2 km altitude in the regional domain, our results show that new particle formation within the regional domain accounts for only between 0.2 % and 3.4 % of all Aitken and accumulation mode aerosol particles, whereas nucleation that occurred outside the domain (in the global model) accounts for between 58 % and 81 %. The remaining aerosol is primary in origin. Above 10 km, the regional-domain nucleation accounts for up to 66 % of Aitken and accumulation mode aerosol, but over several days very few of these particles nucleated above 10 km in the regional domain are transported into the boundary layer within the 1000 km region, and in fact very little air is mixed that far down. Rather, particles transported downwards into the boundary layer originated from outside the regional domain and entered the domain at lower altitudes. Our model results show that CCN entering the Amazonian boundary layer are transported downwards gradually over multiple convective cycles on scales much larger than 1000 km. Therefore, on a 1000 km scale in the model (approximately one-third the size of Amazonia), trace gas emission, new particle formation, transport and CCN production do not form a “closed loop” regulated by the biosphere. Rather, on this scale, long-range transport of aerosol is a much more important factor controlling CCN in the boundary layer.</p

    Homogeneous nonrelativistic geometries as coset spaces

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    We generalize the coset procedure of homogeneous spacetimes in (pseudo-) Riemannian geometry to non-Lorentzian geometries. These are manifolds endowed with nowhere vanishing invertible vielbeins that transform under local non-Lorentzian tangent space transformations. In particular we focus on nonrelativistic symmetry algebras that give rise to (torsional) Newton-Cartan geometries, for which we demonstrate how the Newton-Cartan metric complex is determined by degenerate co- and contravariant symmetric bilinear forms on the coset. In specific cases we also show the connection of the resulting nonrelativistic coset spacetimes to pseudo-Riemannian cosets via Inonu-Wigner contraction of relativistic algebras as well as null reduction. Our construction is of use for example when considering limits of the AdS/CFT correspondence in which nonrelativistic spacetimes appear as gravitational backgrounds for nonrelativistic string or gravity theories