1,614 research outputs found

    Notes on Euclidean de Sitter space

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    We discuss issues relating to the topology of Euclidean de Sitter space. We show that in (2+1) dimensions, the Euclidean continuation of the`causal diamond', i.e the region of spacetime accessible to a timelike observer, is a three-hemisphere. However, when de Sitter entropy is computed in a `stretched horizon' picture, then we argue that the correct Euclidean topology is a solid torus. The solid torus shrinks and degenerates into a three-hemisphere as one goes from the `stretched horizon' to the horizon, giving the Euclidean continuation of the causal diamond. We finally comment on the generalisation of these results to higher dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, reference adde

    Novel black hole bound states and entropy

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    We solve for the spectrum of the Laplacian as a Hamiltonian on R2D\mathbb{R}^{2}-\mathbb{D} and in R3B\mathbb{R}^{3}-\mathbb{B}. A self-adjointness analysis with D\partial\mathbb{D} and B\partial\mathbb{B} as the boundary for the two cases shows that a general class of boundary conditions for which the Hamiltonian operator is essentially self-adjoint are of the mixed (Robin) type. With this class of boundary conditions we obtain "bound state" solutions for the Schroedinger equation. Interestingly, these solutions are all localized near the boundary. We further show that the number of bound states is finite and is in fact proportional to the perimeter or area of the removed \emph{disc} or \emph{ball}. We then argue that similar considerations should hold for static black hole backgrounds with the horizon treated as the boundary.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, approximate formula for energy spectrum added at the end of section 2.1 along with additional minor changes to comply with the version accepted in PR

    Genus Zero Correlation Functions in c<1 String Theory

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    We compute N-point correlation functions of pure vertex operator states(DK states) for minimal models coupled to gravity. We obtain agreement with the matrix model results on analytically continuing in the numbers of cosmological constant operators and matter screening operators. We illustrate this for the cases of the (2k1,2)(2k-1,2) and (p+1,p)(p+1,p) models.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, IMSc--92/35. (revised) minor changes plus one reference adde

    BTZ Black Hole Entropy from Ponzano-Regge Gravity

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    The entropy of the BTZ black hole is computed in the Ponzano-Regge formulation of three-dimensional lattice gravity. It is seen that the correct semi-classical behaviour of entropy is reproduced by states that correspond to all possible triangulations of the Euclidean black hole.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, 3 eps figures, some minor clarifications added, result unchange

    Dilaton Contact Terms in the Bosonic and Heterotic Strings

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    Dilaton contact terms in the bosonic and heterotic strings are examined following the recent work of Distler and Nelson on the bosonic and semirigid strings. In the bosonic case dilaton two-point functions on the sphere are calculated as a stepping stone to constructing a `good' coordinate family for dilaton calculations on higher genus surfaces. It is found that dilaton-dilaton contact terms are improperly normalized, suggesting that the interpretation of the dilaton as the first variation of string coupling breaks down when other dilatons are present. It seems likely that this can be attributed to the tachyon divergence found in \TCCT. For the heterotic case, it is found that there is no tachyon divergence and that the dilaton contact terms are properly normalized. Thus, a dilaton equation analogous to the one in topological gravity is derived and the interpretation of the dilaton as the string coupling constant goes through.Comment: 44 pages, Figures now included. This replacement version includes the 7 figures as PostScript files appended to the end and the macros to insert them into the text. Also some typos in intermediate formulae were correcte

    Current Oscillations, Interacting Hall Discs and Boundary CFTs

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    In this paper, we discuss the behavior of conformal field theories interacting at a single point. The edge states of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) system give rise to a particular representation of a chiral Kac-Moody current algebra. We show that in the case of QHE systems interacting at one point we obtain a ``twisted'' representation of the current algebra. The condition for stationarity of currents is the same as the classical Kirchoff's law applied to the currents at the interaction point. We find that in the case of two discs touching at one point, since the currents are chiral, they are not stationary and one obtains current oscillations between the two discs. We determine the frequency of these oscillations in terms of an effective parameter characterizing the interaction. The chiral conformal field theories can be represented in terms of bosonic Lagrangians with a boundary interaction. We discuss how these one point interactions can be represented as boundary conditions on fields, and how the requirement of chirality leads to restrictions on the interactions described by these Lagrangians. By gauging these models we find that the theory is naturally coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions, and this coupling is completely determined by the requirement of anomaly cancellation.Comment: 32 pages, LateX. Uses amstex, amssymb. Typos corrected. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    A quantum McKay correspondence for fractional 2p-branes on LG orbifolds

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    We study fractional 2p-branes and their intersection numbers in non-compact orbifolds as well the continuation of these objects in Kahler moduli space to coherent sheaves in the corresponding smooth non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. We show that the restriction of these objects to compact Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces gives the new fractional branes in LG orbifolds constructed by Ashok et. al. in hep-th/0401135. We thus demonstrate the equivalence of the B-type branes corresponding to linear boundary conditions in LG orbifolds, originally constructed in hep-th/9907131, to a subset of those constructed in LG orbifolds using boundary fermions and matrix factorization of the world-sheet superpotential. The relationship between the coherent sheaves corresponding to the fractional two-branes leads to a generalization of the McKay correspondence that we call the quantum McKay correspondence due to a close parallel with the construction of branes on non-supersymmetric orbifolds. We also provide evidence that the boundary states associated to these branes in a conformal field theory description corresponds to a sub-class of the boundary states associated to the permutation branes in the Gepner model associated with the LG orbifold.Comment: LaTeX2e, 1+39 pages, 3 figures (v2) refs added, typos and report no. correcte

    Generalized Poincare algebras, Hopf algebras and kappa-Minkowski spacetime

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    We propose a generalized description for the kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra as a symmetry quantum group of underlying kappa-Minkowski spacetime. We investigate all the possible implementations of (deformed) Lorentz algebras which are compatible with the given choice of kappa-Minkowski algebra realization. For the given realization of kappa-Minkowski spacetime there is a unique kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra with undeformed Lorentz algebra. We have constructed a three-parameter family of deformed Lorentz generators with kappa-Poincare algebras which are related to kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra with undeformed Lorentz algebra. Known bases of kappa-Poincare-Hopf algebra are obtained as special cases. Also deformation of igl(4) Hopf algebra compatible with the kappa-Minkowski spacetime is presented. Some physical applications are briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages; journal version; Physics Letters B (2012