21 research outputs found

    Zeolite Processing Technology To Become Material With High Economical Value

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    Zeolite is a group of hydrated silical alumino mineral from alkaline specially sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), and Magnesium (Mg). More then 2000 years since it found the first time by Cronstedt on the year 1756 in Sweden have been found more then 50 type of natural zeolite and 150 type synthetic zeolite. The use of zeolite covers a wide range of field due to its ability as absorber, catalyst and ion exchange. However, the use of natural zeolite have several limitation such as limited source, a very high variation mineral composition, and crystal size, porosity and un uniform pore diameter. On the other hand, synthetic zeolite is created to overcome the difficulty and weaknesses of natural zeolite. Several technological research and development have been carried out to increases the economic value of zeolite by exploitation and modifying zeolite capacity as absorber, catalyst and ion exchanger. Zeolite have been used on agriculture, cosmetics, and other industries

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan dan Optimasi Penggunaan Lahan untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Batee dan Kecamatan Padang Tiji Kabupaten Pidie Propinsi Aceh)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelas kesesuaian lahan tanaman kakao; mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik lahan untuk pengembangan kakao dan memperoleh tingkat kelayakan USAhatani; dan optimalisasi penggunaan lahan berdasarkan kelas kesesuaian lahan. Kelas kesesuaian lahan didapatkan dengan mencocokkan sifat fisik dan kimia dari lahan USAhatani serta mengoverlaikan peta-peta yang sesuai dengan persyaratan tumbuh tanaman kakao dengan ArcGIS. Selanjutnya dihitung tingkat kelayakan USAhatani kakao dan dilakukan optimasi menggunakan QM for Windows untuk mendapatkan lahan optimum dengan keuntungan maksimum. Kelas kesesuaian lahan yang didapatkan di Kecamatan Batee: kelas S1 (sangat sesuai) sebesar 35,42% (2.572,622 ha); S2 (sesuai) sebesar 20,31% (1.922,737 ha) dan N (tidak sesuai) sebesar 44,27% (3.572,008 ha); serta di Kecamatan Padang Tiji: kelas S1 (sangat sesuai) sebesar 2,72% (306,173 ha); S2 (sesuai) sebesar 92,50% (10.429,770 ha); dan N (tidak sesuai) sebesar 4,79% (539,606 ha). Hasil analisis program linier menunjukkan bahwa luas lahan yang optimal digunakan seluas 3.475,065 ha. Keuntungan maksimum yang dapat diperoleh dengan luas lahan 3.475,065 ha adalah Rp 29.756.057.638,21 dimulai pada tahun produksi ke-7. Luas lahan aktual saat ini di Kec. Batee seluas 4.495,359 ha dan di Kec. Padang Tiji seluas 10.735,943 ha yang merupakan sumberdaya yang dapat ditingkatkan. Hal ini berarti masih besarnya ketersediaan lahan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan tanaman kakao

    Pemodelan Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Berbasis Efisiensi Penggunaan Radiasi Surya,ketersediaan Air Dan Nitrogen(crop Modeling of Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Based on Radiation Use Efficiency,water and Nitrogen Available)

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    A number of crop growth simulation models have been developed using the radiation use efficiency (RUE) concept to predict crop growth and yield in various environments. These models generally calculate daily biomass production as the product of the quantity of radiation intercepted and RUE. Besides that biomass production was deterimined by water and nitrogen available factor. So, this research was carried out to quantify the RUE, biomass and leaf area index on Jatropha under rainfall condition, four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N) and two and three population densities (P) planted twice. The experiments used a systematic Nelder fan design with 9 spokes and 4 – 5 rings were conducted at SEAMEO-BIOTROP field experiment in 2007. Data from the first experiment were used for parameterization and calibration and the second experiment data for model validation. Based on parameterization, we found that RUE can prediction above ground biomass accumulation of Jatropha were 0.94 (r=0.83) g MJ-1 to 1.3 (r=0.75) g MJ-1. Water availability was between ψ=-30 kpa and ψ=-1.5 MPa for field capacity and wilting point, respectively. Nitrogen demand of root, stem, leaf and grain N were (Ndemr=0.75), (Ndems=0.60), (Ndeml=2.53), and (Ndemg=2.41), respectively. Validation showed that model can simulate crop growth and development of Jatropha

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Radiasi Surya dan sebagai Dasar dalam Model Jarak Pagar(radiation Use Efficiency AS Basis The Crops Modeling Of Jatropha)

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    Plant growth interpretation in term of accumulated intercepted solar radiation and the radiation use efficiency (RUE) was used to study the growth and analysis of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.). A number of crop growth simulation models have been developed using the RUE concept to predict crop growth and yield in various environments. These models generally calculate daily biomass production as the product of the quantity of radiation intercepted and RUE. This research was carried out to quantify the RUE, biomass and leaf area index on Jatropha under rainfall condition, four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N) and three population densities (P) planted twice. The experiments used a systematic Nelder fan design with 9 spokes and 4 – 5 rings were conducted at SEAMEO-BIOTROP field experiment in 2007. Data from the first experiment were used for parameterization and calibration and the second experiment data for model validation. Values of RUE were determined by nitrogen fertilizer and plant density. Based on parameterization, we found that RUE for prediction above ground biomass accumulation of Jatropha were 0.94 (r=0.83) g MJ-1 to 1.3 (r=0.75) g MJ-1. Validation between model prediction and field experimental data showed that model can simulate crop growth and development of Jatropha