70 research outputs found

    Interannual signals in length of day and atmospheric angular momentum

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    International audienceAtmospheric angular momentum (AAM) and length of day (LOD) series are investigated for their characteristics on interannual time scales during the half-century period 1949 to 1998. During this epoch, the interannual variability in LOD can be separated naturally into three bands: a quasi-biennial, a triennial-quadrennial and one at six-seven years. The atmosphere appears to excite the first two bands, while it does not contribute to the last. Considering the quasi-biennial (QB) band alone, the atmosphere appears to excite most of its signal in LOD, but it arises from separate fluctuations with stratospheric and tropospheric origin. Thus, although close in frequency, stratospheric and tropospheric processes differ in their amplitude and phase variability. The time shift can be noted especially during the strong El Niño events of 1982-83 and 1997-98 when both processes have positive phase and thus combine to help produce particularly strong peak in AAM and LOD. In addition, we have reconfirmed the downward propagation in the stratosphere and upward propagation in the troposphere of AAM observed in earlier studies for other variables. In the triennial-quadrennial (TQ) band, time-variable spectral analyses reveal that LOD and AAM contain strong variability, with periods shorter than four years before 1975 and longer thereafter. This signal originates mainly within the troposphere and propagates upwards from the lower to the higher layers of the troposphere. According to a zonal analysis, an equatorial poleward mode, strongly linked to the SOI, explains more than 60% of the total variability at these ranges. In addition, this study also indicates that an equatorward mode, originating within polar latitudes, explains, on average, more than 15% of the triennial-quadrennial oscillation (TQO) variability in AAM, and up to 30% at certain epochs. Finally, a six year period in LOD noted in earlier studies, as well as in lengthier series covering much of the century, is found to be absent in atmospheric excitations, and it is thus likely to arise from mantle/core interactions

    The Combined Solution C04 for Earth Orientation Parameters Consistent with International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005

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    The Earth Orientation Center of the IERS, located at Paris Observatory, SYRTE, has the task to provide to the scientific community the international reference time series for the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP), referred as ”IERS C04 ” (Combined 04), resulting from a combination of operational EOP series, each of them associated with a given geodetic technique. The procedure developed to derive the C04 solution was recently upgraded back to 1993. The main objective is to insurre its consistency with respect to the newly release ITRF 2008. Due to the separate determination of both terrestrial reference frames and EOP, there has been a slow degradation of the overall consistency since the least ITRF release in 2005, and discrepancies at the level of 50 micoarseconds for x pole coordinate exists between the current IERS C04 and the ITRF realization. We have taken this opportunity to upgrade the numerical combination procedure. Now there are better estimates of the errors of combined values. Individual EOP series have been reprocessed since 1993. Pole coordinates are now fully consistent with ITRF. The new C04 solution, referred as 08 C04, updated two times per week became the official C04 solution since february 2010

    Compression of lageos laser data

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    Monitoring UT1 from astro-geodetic techniques at the EOP Center of the IERS

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    International audienceMonitoring the Earth rotation is essential in various domains linked to reference frames firstly with applications in orbit determination, space geodesy or Astronomy. Secondly for geophysical studies where are involved mass motions within the different external fluid layers, atmosphere, hydrosphere, core and mantle of the earth, this on time scales ranging from a few hours to decades. The Earth Orientation Centre of the IERS is continuously monitoring the earth orientation variations from results derived from the various astro-geodetic techniques. It has in particular the task of deriving an optimal combined series of UT1 which is now based mainly on Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) with some contribution of LOD derived from GPS. We give here a brief summary concerning the contribution of the various techniques to UT1 and in aprticular how the use of LOD derived from GPS can improve the combination. More details are available in Gambis (2004) and Bizouard and Gambis (2009) and the website http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc

    Interannual signals in length of day and atmospheric angular momentum

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    Atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) and length of day (LOD) series are investigated for their characteristics on interannual time scales during the half-century period 1949 to 1998. During this epoch, the interannual variability in LOD can be separated naturally into three bands: a quasi-biennial, a triennial-quadrennial and one at six-seven years. The atmosphere appears to excite the first two bands, while it does not contribute to the last. Considering the quasi-biennial (QB) band alone, the atmosphere appears to excite most of its signal in LOD, but it arises from separate fluctuations with stratospheric and tropospheric origin. Thus, although close in frequency, stratospheric and tropospheric processes differ in their amplitude and phase variability. The time shift can be noted especially during the strong El Niño events of 1982-83 and 1997-98 when both processes have positive phase and thus combine to help produce particularly strong peak in AAM and LOD. In addition, we have reconfirmed the downward propagation in the stratosphere and upward propagation in the troposphere of AAM observed in earlier studies for other variables. In the triennial-quadrennial (TQ) band, time-variable spectral analyses reveal that LOD and AAM contain strong variability, with periods shorter than four years before 1975 and longer thereafter. This signal originates mainly within the troposphere and propagates upwards from the lower to the higher layers of the troposphere. According to a zonal analysis, an equatorial poleward mode, strongly linked to the SOI, explains more than 60% of the total variability at these ranges. In addition, this study also indicates that an equatorward mode, originating within polar latitudes, explains, on average, more than 15% of the triennial-quadrennial oscillation (TQO) variability in AAM, and up to 30% at certain epochs. Finally, a six year period in LOD noted in earlier studies, as well as in lengthier series covering much of the century, is found to be absent in atmospheric excitations, and it is thus likely to arise from mantle/core interactions.Key words: Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (general circulation) - Solar physics, astrophysics and astronomy (celestial mechanics

    Interdecadal oscillations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum variations

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