653 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum general relativity: a new paradigm

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    We argue that recent developments in discretizations of classical and quantum gravity imply a new paradigm for doing research in these areas. The paradigm consists in discretizing the theory in such a way that the resulting discrete theory has no constraints. This solves many of the hard conceptual problems of quantum gravity. It also appears as a useful tool in some numerical simulations of interest in classical relativity. We outline some of the salient aspects and results of this new framework.Comment: 8 pages, one figure, fifth prize of the Gravity Research Foundation 2005 essay competitio

    Fundamental decoherence from relational time in discrete quantum gravity: Galilean covariance

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    We have recently argued that if one introduces a relational time in quantum mechanics and quantum gravity, the resulting quantum theory is such that pure states evolve into mixed states. The rate at which states decohere depends on the energy of the states. There is therefore the question of how this can be reconciled with Galilean invariance. More generally, since the relational description is based on objects that are not Dirac observables, the issue of covariance is of importance in the formalism as a whole. In this note we work out an explicit example of a totally constrained, generally covariant system of non-relativistic particles that shows that the formula for the relational conditional probability is a Galilean scalar and therefore the decoherence rate is invariant.Comment: 10 pages, RevTe

    Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: II. Constraints, habitats and consistency of the constraint algebra

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    In a companion paper we introduced a kinematical arena for the discussion of the constraints of canonical quantum gravity in the spin network representation based on Vassiliev invariants. In this paper we introduce the Hamiltonian constraint, extend the space of states to non-diffeomorphism invariant ``habitats'' and check that the off-shell quantum constraint commutator algebra reproduces the classical Poisson algebra of constraints of general relativity without anomalies. One can therefore consider the resulting set of constraints and space of states as a consistent theory of canonical quantum gravity.Comment: 20 Pages, RevTex, many figures included with psfi

    Discrete quantum gravity: a mechanism for selecting the value of fundamental constants

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    Smolin has put forward the proposal that the universe fine tunes the values of its physical constants through a Darwinian selection process. Every time a black hole forms, a new universe is developed inside it that has different values for its physical constants from the ones in its progenitor. The most likely universe is the one which maximizes the number of black holes. Here we present a concrete quantum gravity calculation based on a recently proposed consistent discretization of the Einstein equations that shows that fundamental physical constants change in a random fashion when tunneling through a singularity.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, 4 figures, honorable mention in the 2003 Gravity Research Foundation Essays, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Classical Loop Actions of Gauge Theories

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    Since the first attempts to quantize Gauge Theories and Gravity in the loop representation, the problem of the determination of the corresponding classical actions has been raised. Here we propose a general procedure to determine these actions and we explicitly apply it in the case of electromagnetism. Going to the lattice we show that the electromagnetic action in terms of loops is equivalent to the Wilson action, allowing to do Montecarlo calculations in a gauge invariant way. In the continuum these actions need to be regularized and they are the natural candidates to describe the theory in a ``confining phase''.Comment: LaTeX 14 page

    No black hole information puzzle in a relational universe

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    The introduction of a relational time in quantum gravity naturally implies that pure quantum states evolve into mixed quantum states. We show, using a recently proposed concrete implementation, that the rate at which pure states naturally evolve into mixed ones is faster than that due to collapsing into a black hole that later evaporates. This is rather remarkable since the fundamental mechanism for decoherence is usually very weak. Therefore the ``black hole information puzzle'' is rendered de-facto unobservable.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, revte

    Finite, diffeomorphism invariant observables in quantum gravity

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    Two sets of spatially diffeomorphism invariant operators are constructed in the loop representation formulation of quantum gravity. This is done by coupling general relativity to an anti- symmetric tensor gauge field and using that field to pick out sets of surfaces, with boundaries, in the spatial three manifold. The two sets of observables then measure the areas of these surfaces and the Wilson loops for the self-dual connection around their boundaries. The operators that represent these observables are finite and background independent when constructed through a proper regularization procedure. Furthermore, the spectra of the area operators are discrete so that the possible values that one can obtain by a measurement of the area of a physical surface in quantum gravity are valued in a discrete set that includes integral multiples of half the Planck area. These results make possible the construction of a correspondence between any three geometry whose curvature is small in Planck units and a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravitational and matter fields. This correspondence relies on the approximation of the classical geometry by a piecewise flat Regge manifold, which is then put in correspondence with a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravity-matter system in which the matter fields specify the faces of the triangulation and the gravitational field is in an eigenstate of the operators that measure their areas.Comment: Latex, no figures, 30 pages, SU-GP-93/1-

    Uniform discretizations: a new approach for the quantization of totally constrained systems

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    We discuss in detail the uniform discretization approach to the quantization of totally constrained theories. This approach allows to construct the continuum theory of interest as a well defined, controlled, limit of well behaved discrete theories. We work out several finite dimensional examples that exhibit behaviors expected to be of importance in the quantization of gravity. We also work out the case of BF theory. At the time of quantization, one can take two points of view. The technique can be used to define, upon taking the continuum limit, the space of physical states of the continuum constrained theory of interest. In particular we show in models that it agrees with the group averaging procedure when the latter exists. The technique can also be used to compute, at the discrete level, conditional probabilities and the introduction of a relational time. Upon taking the continuum limit one can show that one reproduces results obtained by the use of evolving constants, and therefore recover all physical predictions of the continuum theory. This second point of view can also be used as a paradigm to deal with cases where the continuum limit does not exist. There one would have discrete theories that at least at certain scales reproduce the semiclassical properties of the theory of interest. In this way the approach can be viewed as a generalization of the Dirac quantization procedure that can handle situations where the latter fails.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex, no figures, published versio

    The Extended Loop Representation of Quantum Gravity

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    A new representation of Quantum Gravity is developed. This formulation is based on an extension of the group of loops. The enlarged group, that we call the Extended Loop Group, behaves locally as an infinite dimensional Lie group. Quantum Gravity can be realized on the state space of extended loop dependent wavefunctions. The extended representation generalizes the loop representation and contains this representation as a particular case. The resulting diffeomorphism and hamiltonian constraints take a very simple form and allow to apply functional methods and simplify the loop calculus. In particular we show that the constraints are linear in the momenta. The nondegenerate solutions known in the loop representation are also solutions of the constraints in the new representation. The practical calculation advantages allows to find a new solution to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Moreover, the extended representation puts in a precise framework some of the regularization problems of the loop representation. We show that the solutions are generalized knot invariants, smooth in the extended variables, and any framing is unnecessary.Comment: 27 pages, report IFFC/94-1

    Relativistic quantum measurement

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    Does the measurement of a quantum system necessarily break Lorentz invariance? We present a simple model of a detector that measures the spacetime localization of a relativistic particle in a Lorentz invariant manner. The detector does not select a preferred Lorentz frame as a Newton-Wigner measurement would do. The result indicates that there exists a Lorentz invariant notion of quantum measurement and sheds light on the issue of the localization of a relativistic particle. The framework considered is that of single-particle mechanics as opposed to field theory. The result may be taken as support for the interpretation postulate of the spacetime-states formulation of single-particle quantum theory.Comment: 9 pages, no figures: Revision: references adde
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