2,373 research outputs found

    A Superfield for Every Dash-Chromotopology

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    The recent classification scheme of so-called adinkraic off-shell supermultiplets of N-extended worldline supersymmetry without central charges finds a combinatorial explosion. Completing our earlier efforts, we now complete the constructive proof that all of these trillions or more of supermultiplets have a superfield representation. While different as superfields and supermultiplets, these are still super-differentially related to a much more modest number of minimal supermultiplets, which we construct herein.Comment: 13 pages, integrated illustration

    Effective Symmetries of the Minimal Supermultiplet of N = 8 Extended Worldline Supersymmetry

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    A minimal representation of the N = 8 extended worldline supersymmetry, known as the `ultra-multiplet', is closely related to a family of supermultiplets with the same, E(8) chromotopology. We catalogue their effective symmetries and find a Spin(4) x Z(2) subgroup common to them all, which explains the particular basis used in the original construction. We specify a constrained superfield representation of the supermultiplets in the ultra-multiplet family, and show that such a superfield representation in fact exists for all adinkraic supermultiplets. We also exhibit the correspondences between these supermultiplets, their Adinkras and the E(8) root lattice bases. Finally, we construct quadratic Lagrangians that provide the standard kinetic terms and afford a mixing of an even number of such supermultiplets controlled by a coupling to an external 2-form of fluxes.Comment: 13 Figure

    Codes and Supersymmetry in One Dimension

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    Adinkras are diagrams that describe many useful supermultiplets in D=1 dimensions. We show that the topology of the Adinkra is uniquely determined by a doubly even code. Conversely, every doubly even code produces a possible topology of an Adinkra. A computation of doubly even codes results in an enumeration of these Adinkra topologies up to N=28, and for minimal supermultiplets, up to N=32.Comment: 48 pages, a new version that combines arXiv:0811.3410 and parts of arXiv:0806.0050, for submission for publicatio

    Z7Z_7 Orbifold Models in M-Theory

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    Among T7/ΓT^7/\Gamma orbifold compactifications of MM-theory, we examine models containing the particle physics Standard Model in four-dimensional spacetimes, which appear as fixed subspaces of the ten-dimensional spacetimes at each end of the interval, I1≃S1/Z2I^1\simeq S^1/Z_2, spanning the 11th11^\text{th} dimension. Using the Z7Z_7 projection to break the E8E_8 gauge symmetry in each of the four-planes and a limiting relation to corresponding heterotic string compactifications, we discuss the restrictions on the possible resulting gauge field and matter spectra. In particular, some of the states are non-local: they connect two four-dimensional Worlds across the 11th11^\text{th} dimension. We illustrate our programmable calculations of the matter field spectrum, including the anomalous U(1) factor which satisfies a universal Green-Schwarz relation, discuss a Dynkin diagram technique to showcase a model with SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)5SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)^5 gauge symmetry, and discuss generalizations to higher order orbifolds.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables; LaTeX 3 time

    Lightlike infinity in GCA models of Spacetime

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    This paper discusses a 7 dimensional conformal geometric algebra model for spacetime based on the notion that spacelike and timelike infinities are distinct. I show how naturally of the dimensions represents the lightlike infinity and appears redundant in computations, yet usefull in interpretationComment: 12 page

    On Graph-Theoretic Identifications of Adinkras, Supersymmetry Representations and Superfields

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    In this paper we discuss off-shell representations of N-extended supersymmetry in one dimension, ie, N-extended supersymmetric quantum mechanics, and following earlier work on the subject codify them in terms of certain graphs, called Adinkras. This framework provides a method of generating all Adinkras with the same topology, and so also all the corresponding irreducible supersymmetric multiplets. We develop some graph theoretic techniques to understand these diagrams in terms of a relatively small amount of information, namely, at what heights various vertices of the graph should be "hung". We then show how Adinkras that are the graphs of N-dimensional cubes can be obtained as the Adinkra for superfields satisfying constraints that involve superderivatives. This dramatically widens the range of supermultiplets that can be described using the superspace formalism and organizes them. Other topologies for Adinkras are possible, and we show that it is reasonable that these are also the result of constraining superfields using superderivatives. The family of Adinkras with an N-cubical topology, and so also the sequence of corresponding irreducible supersymmetric multiplets, are arranged in a cyclical sequence called the main sequence. We produce the N=1 and N=2 main sequences in detail, and indicate some aspects of the situation for higher N.Comment: LaTeX, 58 pages, 52 illustrations in color; minor typos correcte

    On the Construction and the Structure of Off-Shell Supermultiplet Quotients

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    Recent efforts to classify representations of supersymmetry with no central charge have focused on supermultiplets that are aptly depicted by Adinkras, wherein every supersymmetry generator transforms each component field into precisely one other component field or its derivative. Herein, we study gauge-quotients of direct sums of Adinkras by a supersymmetric image of another Adinkra and thus solve a puzzle from Ref.[2]: The so-defined supermultiplets do not produce Adinkras but more general types of supermultiplets, each depicted as a connected network of Adinkras. Iterating this gauge-quotient construction then yields an indefinite sequence of ever larger supermultiplets, reminiscent of Weyl's construction that is known to produce all finite-dimensional unitary representations in Lie algebras.Comment: 20 pages, revised to clarify the problem addressed and solve

    Analyze This! A Cosmological Constraint Package for CMBEASY

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    We introduce a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation and data analysis package that extends the CMBEASY software. We have taken special care in implementing an adaptive step algorithm for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo in order to improve convergence. Data analysis routines are provided which allow to test models of the Universe against measurements of the cosmic microwave background, supernovae Ia and large scale structure. We present constraints on cosmological parameters derived from these measurements for a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology and discuss the impact of the different observational data sets on the parameters. The package is publicly available as part of the CMBEASY software at www.cmbeasy.org.Comment: Published version, JCAP style, 16 pages, 7 figures. The software is available at http://www.cmbeasy.or
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