10 research outputs found

    Energy, ecological and economic aspects of improvement of the dwelling housing in Belgrade

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    The main concern of this research is building refurbishment. Different possibilities of energy performances improvement of existing dwelling housing in the settlement Konjarnik, Belgrade, Serbia, are estimated from energy and economic point of view. Two hypothetical models of improvement of building envelope are created. Different solutions for reduction of energy consumption for heating of existing dwelling housing as well as reduction of CO2 emissions are considered in economic analyses. Economic analyses use BLCC (Building Life Cycle Cost) software which produces multileveled grading of building scenarios and comparative analyses of grading results. The comparative analyses take into account initial building investments and energy cost savings through certain period of building`s use. The overall behaviour of different scenarios is measured according to: (a) initial/capital investments, (b) energy costs (c) operating, maintenance, and repair (OM&R) costs and (d) capital replacement costs. Results of the analyses are used as quantitative inputs for investment decision making

    Energetski aspekt obnove prefabrikovanih stambenih objekata u Beogradu

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    Mnoga prigradska naselja su izgrađena u Beogradu posle Drugog svetskog rata. Zbog loÅ”ih energetskih performansi, prisutna je visoka potroÅ”nja energije za grejanje i hladjenje i emisija CO2. Jedan od predstavnika takve stambene arhitekture je naselje Konjarnik. Procena različitih scenarija za poboljÅ”anje energetskih karakteristika montažnih viÅ”eporodičnih objekata u Konjarniku je sprovedena u radu. Hipotetički modeli unapređenja energetskih performansi omotača postojeće zgrade su kreirani u cilju smanjenja energetskih zahteva za grejanje, a time i smanjenja emisije CO2. Analizom troÅ”kova održavanja kroz životni ciklus zgrade procenjena je efikasnost mera obnove u pogledu izvodljivosti, ekonomičnosti i uticaja na životnu sredinu