1,466 research outputs found


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    This work investigates the link between constraints in agricultural credit markets and farm profitability in a developing country setting. Using data from rural Tunisia in a switching econometric model, this work directly estimates both the determinants of credit constraints and their effects on farm profits. Policy implications are down from the significant differences in estimated profit functions of constrained and unconstrained farmers.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Financial Economics,

    Off-Farm Work and On-Farm Investment

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    This work has developed a theoretically consistent model of a farm household's choice between working on-farm and working off-farm and the effects of that choice on farm investment choices. The theory demonstrates the potential for wages driven by local economic conditions to be more important to dairy farm investment decisions than characteristics of dairy farms and farmers. The switching regression model developed from the theory is then tested with data from a representative sample of Wisconsin dairy farms. The econometric results demonstrate the importance of wages to farm investment decisions.Farm Management,

    Working Paper 145 - Assessing the Returns to Education in the Gambia

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    Using three nationally representative surveys from the country, we estimate the private rates of returns to education in The Gambia. To obtain consistent estimates, we exploit exogenous variation in school availability in the country at the district level at the time current wage earners where born. Our results show that the private rates of returns to education are quite high, although heterogeneous across regions of the country. The high rates of returns are robust to alternate formulations.

    The Adoption and Profitability of rbST on Connecticut Dairy Farms

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    This work estimates Probit and Tobit models of the adoption of rbST on Connecticut dairy farms and then endogenizes that adoption in estimates of milk production and farm profit rates. The work improves on the current literature by allowing the rbST decision to be both continuous and contingent on other technology adoption decisions. The results show that larger farms, with more productivity technologies, and with younger, more educated farmers are more likely to adopt rbST. While rbST is shown to significantly increase milk production there is no evidence it increases profits on a per cow basis.Livestock Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    This study uses revealed preferences of consumers to study the consumer benefits from soy milk. The study specifies and estimates structural demand and reduced form models of competition for different milk types using US supermarket scanner data. The introduction of soy milk is used to estimate consumer benefits and valuations. We decompose benefits into two components, competitive and variety effects. Results show relatively small consumer benefits from soy milk.Demand Systems, Q-AIDS, Milk markets, Biotechnology, Soy milk, Food Labeling, Demand and Price Analysis, Q130, C300, D120, D400,


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    This study uses revealed preferences of consumers to study the consumer valuations of rBST-free and organic milk. The study specifies and estimates a quadratic AIDS model for different milk types using US supermarket scanner data. The introduction of rBST-free and organic milk is used to estimate both competitive and variety effects as measures of consumer valuations. Results show significant consumer valuations for organic milk and to a lesser extent rBST-free milk.Consumer/Household Economics, Industrial Organization,

    The Productivity Effects of Extension Appointments in Land Grant Colleges

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    A key piece in understanding the link between the extension and research missions of Land Grant universities is to understand the role of faculty with (and without) extension appointments within agricultural colleges. This article provides a comparative empirical portrayal of the primary activities of agricultural college faculty, and demonstrates the basic vitality of extension professors within the Land Grant system. Professors with smaller extension appointments are heavily engaged in the major research efforts of their universities at even greater levels of production than professors without extension responsibilities. Professors with heavy levels of extension appointments experience increasing tradeoffs between core extension activities and research outputs and graduate training. Professors with no extension appointments engage substantively in extension activities and frequently have links to core extension clientele.

    Canada Goose Harvest and Hunter Activity in the Southern Illinois Quota Zone during the 1978 Season

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    Division of Wildlife Resources Migratory Bird Section, Periodic Report No. 26Report issued on: May 9, 197

    Managerial Incentives, Moral Hazard, and Structural Change in Agricultural Cooperatives

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    The federated business structure exists in many sectors of the economy, but we know little about its comparative advantage. This paper explores theoretically and empirically the current dynamics of the federated cooperative system. Two hypotheses are tested: growth at the local co-op level has made the structure redundant and managerial incentives create disloyalty. We use a unique data set from a survey of local farm supply and grain marketing cooperatives in the Midwest.Agribusiness,

    Sex estimation through discriminant function analysis of an archaeological population from Mistihalj, Montenegro

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston UniversityIn an effort to create discriminant function equations for a spatially and temporally specific archaeological population, this study utilized metric analyses of the crania and post-crania in a collection from Mistihalj, Montenegro housed at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. After the data was collected, discriminant function analyses were performed and used in the creation of univariate and multivariate sectioning points for the purpose of estimating the sex of archaeological populations in this region. It is believed that the equations created will supplement other bioarchaeological methods for sex estimation within archaeological populations of the Balkan region where single skeletal elements or commingled remains may be prominent. This project will also provide a better understanding of sexual dimorphism in Balkan populations, which may ultimately help when working to make a biological profile for an unknown individual in this region. The best univariate measures for sex estimation (ranging from 96% to 85% accuracy) are: maximum diameter of the femur head, sagittal diameter of the radius at midshaft, maximum length of the ulna, maximum vertical diameter of the head of the humerus, biauricular breadth, maximum length of the radius, epicondylar breadth of the femur, anterio-posterior diameter of the femur at midshaft, maximum length of the humerus, maximum length of the calcaneus, bizygomatic breadth, and maximum epiphyseal breadth of the proximal tibia. All multivariate equations achieved classification rates above 85%. The best elements for multivariate analysis (above 90% accuracy) are: femur, radius, humerus, cranium, tibia, and ulna. Unexpectedly, two cranial measures are among the most accurate univariate measures, and the cranium provided higher classification rates than expected in comparison to post-cranial elements in the multivariate analyses. The multivariate equations created are only applicable if every measure/landmark required is present on the skeleton in question. As there is often differential preservation of skeletal elements, the use of multiple univariate sectioning points may be better on moderately or very poorly preserved remains