148 research outputs found

    Parity as Failure Determinants of Labor Induction in Bangka Belitung

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    Objectives: to identify factors affecting labor induction failure in Sungailiat General Hospital, District Bangka, Bangka Belitung.Materials and Methods: This is a case control retrospective analytic study. Population of this study was postterm delivering mother at delivery room Sungailiat General Hospital during July 1st, 2012 to July 1st, 2015. Sampling method conducted for case group was total sampling method with labor induction failure as a inclusion criteria, and no data for first trimester ultrasound, didn\u27t have a routine antenatal care history, and maternal complication as exclusion criterias as many as 78 samples. Whereas, control group was women whose underwent a success labor induction used random sampling method with 1:1 ratio. Data source was from medical records. Data analysis was chi square with 95% confidence interval.Results: From the 78 samples with labor induction, 19,2 % was ≥ 35 years old, 48,7% was primiparas, 62,8% with infant birth weight ≥ 3500 gram, and from 96 samples, 47,5% with ≥ 5 years pregnancy interval. Statistical analysis result showed factors that affecting induction failure were parity (P Value 0,014, odds ratio 2,970), baby\u27s weight (P Value 0,016, odds ratio 2,631), pregnancy interval (P Value 0,023, odds ratio 2,993), whereas mother\u27s age did not show significant effect (P Value 0,383, odds ratio 2,278).Conclusion: Parity has a 2,9 times risk to develop induction failure

    Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Lingkungan Hidup oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Usaha Atau Kegiatan Rumah Sakit di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    As the capital of Riau province, Pekanbaru city is the central of economy. Trading and service are the main sectors. As the economic grows, environment becomes a big issue. Mishandling of environment will create a big impact.One of the instruments in managing the effects of environment is efforts of environmental management and environmental monitoring efforts (UKL-UPL), every hospital has to have this unit. Unfortunately, it has not beem applied properly. It can be seen from the data belongs to Environment Agency Pekanbaru. It said that there are only few that give routines report about the program. This study is aimed to find out the supervision done by Environment Agency to the unit of the hospital in managing and supervising the environment.This is a qualitative descriptive research. Data collecting technique are observation, interview, and documents collected from the informants based on snowball sampling. Writer used supervising theory by Manullang. There are three stage of the supervision, which are; deciding measurement tool (standard) in doing the supervision of the hospital unit, assessing management activity, and monitoring the management activity. Result shows that the supervision by Environment Agency Pekanbaru city to the business unit of hospitals is not maximal yet. The biggest obstacle is internal factor, that there is lack number of officer in Environment Agency, While the external factor is that the doer of the activity only pay a little attention to the activity. Key Word: The Implementation, Supervision, Environmen

    Pengawasan Pemanfaatan dan Penggunaan Bagian - Bagian Jalan oleh Dinas Bina Marga Kota Pekanbaru

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    Oversight is one of the processes to establish what work has been carried out, vote and correct it if necessary with the intention that the implementation of the work in accordance with its intended purpose. Supervision is done by Dinas Bina Marga Kota Pekanbaru has not felt the maximum because there are still many communities that do not kno function street poles and cause distortions road function. The purpose of this research is how to supervise the utilization and use of parts of the road by Dinas Bina Marga Pekanbaru City and to determine the factors that influence the use of surveillance and use parts of the road by Dinas Bina Marga Kota Pekanbaru.The concept of the theory used by the authors is the Management and Supervision. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research studies. In collecting the data, the authors use the technique of interviewing and observation. The authors use informants as sources of information and techniques triagulasi as a source of data validity.Results of this study indicate that the use of surveillance and the use of parts of the road by Dinas Bina Marga Kota Pekanbaru still not up, proved there are deviations that are found in Parts of the city of Pekanbaru. Factors that influence the use of surveillance and the use of parts of the road by Dinas Bina Marga Kota Pekanbaru is community participation, budget systems is not maximized and infrastructure in conducting surveillance.Keywords: Controling, Utilization, Use of Parts of the Roa

    Pengawasan Tempat Karaoke oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Pekanbaru

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    In an affort to curb the place of entertainment, the government of pekanbaru city make local regulation, number 03 of 2002 about general entertainment, one of which is karaoke place. the suvervisor of karaoke aims to curb the place of karaoke so that in the implementation of this business operations do not make a disadvantage, a danger, and disturbance to the society and surrounding environment. Based on the experience of research in field, most place of karaoke do not comply with local regulation that made by government of pekanbaru city. The purpose of this research is to know how the surveillance of karaoke place by Civil Service City Force of Pekanbaru and to know the factors that affect surveillance karaoke place in pekanbaru city. This research conducted in Pekanbaru city with using qualitative descriptivr method, with collect data through observation and interviews. this research done by using theory of Manullang, which set the standards, make an assesment snd take correctivr action. This research conducted in Pekanbaru city with using qualitative descriptivr method, with collect data through observation and interviews. this research done by using theory of Manullang, which set the standards, make an assesment snd take correctivr action. The result ot this research conclution, supevision by Civil Service City Force of Pekanbaru still not implemented effectively, this is proven by the many of karaoke place that still dilo not comply with the rules that made by government of Pekanbaru city. this happend because of government do not serious in supervission, do not maximal in implementation the rules. and sosialitation for the own karaoke busines in Pekanbaru do not maximal. The result ot this research conclution, supevision by Civil Service City Force of Pekanbaru still not implemented effectively, this is proven by the many of karaoke place that still dilo not comply with the rules that made by government of Pekanbaru city. this happend because of government do not serious in supervission, do not maximal in implementation the rules. and sosialitation for the own karaoke busines in Pekanbaru do not maximal. Keyword : Supervision, Entertainment, Management Keyword : Supervision, Entertainment, Managemen

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Jam Operasional Hiburan Umum di Kota Pekanbaru ( Evaluasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hiburan Umum)

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    Until now the problem of public entertainment that violates the operationalhours of public entertainment in Pekanbaru still can not be solved well, so manypublic entertainments that violate predefined operational hours. From that issue,it is necessary to evaluate the implementation the operational hours of publicentertainment in Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is to evaluate theRegional Regulation No. 3 of 2002 on Public Entertainment particular theimplementation of the operational hours of entertainment and determine anyfactors that hinder evaluation of Pekanbaru Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2002on public entertainment in particular exercising their operational hours ofentertainmentIn this research, researcher used N Dunn Wiliiam theory that explains thereare six evaluation criterias, namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity,responsiveness and accuracy. This research uses qualitative descriptive methodand technique of data collection was done by interview, observation andliterature study.Based on result of interview, researcher noted that Pekanbaru RegionalRegulation No. 3 of 2002 on Public Entertainment has not correspondedanymore to the situation which already great development in Pekanbaru. Theregulation has been ineffective. It was seen from the goals and objectives are notperfect, because inefficient in terms of time and effort are still lacking, it is notenough to satisfy the needs of society, in distributing benefits to the group policyis still not evenly distributed, there is still a lack of responsiveness to theproblems that employers facing public entertainment and public entertainmentfor many entrepreneurs and there are many cons to this rule. This rule is nolonger appropriate very much between expectation and reality. This regulationmust be revised again to strengthen the legal basis in the implementation of theoperational hours of public entertainment. The factors that hinder theimplementation of the evaluation for operational hours of public entertainmentin this regulation number 3 of 2002 on public entertainment are psychologyfactors, economic factors, technical factors and political factors.Keywords: Evaluation, Policy, Regional Regulatio

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Belajar Kelompok (Learning Group) Pada Pembelajaran PKn Kelas V SDN 1 Palasa

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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn. Dimana mengatasi masalah ini peneliti menerapkan pendekatan dengan model belajar kelompok sehingga di harapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Palasa dalam pembelajaran PKn. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan alur perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam setiap siklus berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif dan dikumpulkan dengan tiga cara yakni tes, observasi, wawancara. Pada siklus I persentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75% dengan persentase daya serap klasikal 73,25%, dan pada siklus II persentase ketuntasan klasikal 100 % dengan persentase daya serap klasikal 83,50%. Nilai Rata-rata (NR) aktivitas siswa pada siklus I cukup dan siklus II sangat baik. Berdasarkan indikator yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model belajar kelompok penguasaan siswa terhadap materi terus meningkat sehingga berdampak pada meningkatnya hasil belajar PKn siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Palasa
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