17 research outputs found

    Dislocation Nucleation and Propagation in Semiconductor Heterostructures

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    This paper considers misfit dislocation nucleation and propagation in dilute magnetic semiconductor heterostructures in the CdTe-ZnTe-MnTe system. It is shown that, where the deposit is in tension, 1/2 \u3c 110 \u3e dislocations with inclined Burgers vectors propagate by glide along interfacial \u3c 110 \u3e directions and may dissociate giving intrinsic stacking faults. In cases where the deposit is in compression, 1/2 \u3c 110 \u3e dislocations show no evidence of dissociation and propagate by extensive cross-slip to give networks of dislocations close to interfacial \u3c 100 \u3e directions. Evidence for dislocation sources in ZnTe/GaSb films is presented. ZnTe films contained stacking fault pyramids, single Frank faults and a new type of diamond defect are present at densities up to about 107 cm-2. Analysis showed that the diamond defects, which were four-sided defects on {111} planes with \u3c 110 \u3e edges, were of vacancy type with 1/3 \u3c 111 \u3e Frank Burgers vectors and intrinsic stacking faults. Although faulted defects showed no tendency to grow by climb, evidence is given for an unfaulted reaction in which a glissile 1/2 \u3c 110 \u3e dislocation is generated. This new model for dislocation nucleation is discussed

    Comparison of Zn_{1-x}Mn_xTe/ZnTe multiple-quantum wells and quantum dots by below-bandgap photomodulated reflectivity

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    Large-area high density patterns of quantum dots with a diameter of 200 nm have been prepared from a series of four Zn_{0.93}Mn_{0.07}Te/ZnTe multiple quantum well structures of different well width (4 nm, 6 nm, 8 nm and 10 nm) by electron beam lithography followed by Ar+ ion beam etching. Below-bandgap photomodulated reflectivity spectra of the quantum dot samples and the parent heterostructures were then recorded at 10 K and the spectra were fitted to extract the linewidths and the energy positions of the excitonic transitions in each sample. The fitted results are compared to calculations of the transition energies in which the different strain states in the samples are taken into account. We show that the main effect of the nanofabrication process is a change in the strain state of the quantum dot samples compared to the parent heterostructures. The quantum dot pillars turn out to be freestanding, whereas the heterostructures are in a good approximation strained to the ZnTe lattice constant. The lateral size of the dots is such that extra confinement effects are not expected or observed.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX2e (amsmath, epsfig), 7 EPS figure

    The growth of gallium arsenide layers by molecular beam epitaxy

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