10 research outputs found

    Scenario-based requirements elicitation for user-centric explainable AI

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    Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) develops technical explanation methods and enable interpretability for human stakeholders on why Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models provide certain predictions. However, the trust of those stakeholders into AI models and explanations is still an issue, especially domain experts, who are knowledgeable about their domain but not AI inner workings. Social and user-centric XAI research states it is essential to understand the stakeholder’s requirements to provide explanations tailored to their needs, and enhance their trust in working with AI models. Scenario-based design and requirements elicitation can help bridge the gap between social and operational aspects of a stakeholder early before the adoption of information systems and identify its real problem and practices generating user requirements. Nevertheless, it is still rarely explored the adoption of scenarios in XAI, especially in the domain of fraud detection to supporting experts who are about to work with AI models. We demonstrate the usage of scenario-based requirements elicitation for XAI in a fraud detection context, and develop scenarios derived with experts in banking fraud. We discuss how those scenarios can be adopted to identify user or expert requirements for appropriate explanations in his daily operations and to make decisions on reviewing fraudulent cases in banking. The generalizability of the scenarios for further adoption is validated through a systematic literature review in domains of XAI and visual analytics for fraud detection

    Solos do campo experimental de Buritirana da Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura, Município de Palmas - TO.

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    Um pré-requisito para o sucesso na seleção e implantação de áreas ou parcelas experimentais de pesquisa é o conhecimento da distribuição dos solos na paisagem. Isso pode ser obtido com o levantamento e mapeamento pedológico convencional. O presente trabalho é um relato dos solos identificados no Campo Experimental de Buritirana da Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura por meio do levantamento pedológico da área. Localizado no município de Palmas (TO), o Campo Experimental estende-se por 484,45 ha, dos quais 224,20 ha foram objetos de estudo deste trabalho. A área restante é mantida com vegetação natural de Cerrado strictu sensu. O clima da região é Aw, com temperatura e precipitação média anual de 25,0ºC e 1.301,2 mm, respectivamente. Aos solos do Campo Experimental estão relacionados relevos plano e suave ondulado e argilitos da Formação Pimenteiras como material de origem. Foram identificadas 18 unidades de mapeamento na área em que os Latossolos e Plintossolos predominam. Os primeiros distribuem-se em 105,24 ha (46,94% da área); variam quanto à cor, presença ou não de petroplintita, ocorrência e profundidade do horizonte concrecionário ao longo do perfil. Os Plintossolos, por sua vez, ocupam 109 ha da Estação (48,86% da área). Dentre os critérios distintivos para separação e distinção das unidades de mapeamento a eles relacionados, destacam-se o tipo de grupamento textural, a profundidade de ocorrência do horizonte concrecionário, a presença de horizonte litoplíntico ao longo do perfil, o tipo de horizonte superficial e a presença de matacões em superfície. Os PLINTOSSOLOS PÉTRICOS Concrecionários típicos são os solos de maior extensão no Campo Experimental. Apresentam severas limitações ao cultivo, como a baixa capacidade de armazenamento de água, o reduzido volume de solos a ser explorado pelas raízes, a baixa fertilidade natural e o impedimento mecânico ao desenvolvimento radicular.bitstream/item/103959/1/BPD-214-Buritirana.pdfAcompanha mapa

    Genomic Surveillance of Yellow Fever Virus Epizootic in São Paulo, Brazil, 2016 – 2018

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    São Paulo, a densely inhabited state in southeast Brazil that contains the fourth most populated city in the world, recently experienced its largest yellow fever virus (YFV) outbreak in decades. YFV does not normally circulate extensively in São Paulo, so most people were unvaccinated when the outbreak began. Surveillance in non-human primates (NHPs) is important for determining the magnitude and geographic extent of an epizootic, thereby helping to evaluate the risk of YFV spillover to humans. Data from infected NHPs can give more accurate insights into YFV spread than when using data from human cases alone. To contextualise human cases, identify epizootic foci and uncover the rate and direction of YFV spread in São Paulo, we generated and analysed virus genomic data and epizootic case data from NHPs in São Paulo. We report the occurrence of three spatiotemporally distinct phases of the outbreak in São Paulo prior to February 2018. We generated 51 new virus genomes from YFV positive cases identified in 23 different municipalities in São Paulo, mostly sampled from NHPs between October 2016 and January 2018. Although we observe substantial heterogeneity in lineage dispersal velocities between phylogenetic branches, continuous phylogeographic analyses of generated YFV genomes suggest that YFV lineages spread in São Paulo at a mean rate of approximately 1km per day during all phases of the outbreak. Viral lineages from the first epizootic phase in northern São Paulo subsequently dispersed towards the south of the state to cause the second and third epizootic phases there. This alters our understanding of how YFV was introduced into the densely populated south of São Paulo state. Our results shed light on the sylvatic transmission of YFV in highly fragmented forested regions in São Paulo state and highlight the importance of continued surveillance of zoonotic pathogens in sentinel species

    Unilateral perineal hernia surgery. Case report

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    La hernia perineal resulta del debilitamiento y/o incapacidad del diafragma pélvico para sostener la pared rectal, lo que promueve el desplazamiento caudal de los órganos abdominales o pélvicos en el perineo. Los perros machos no castrados de entre 7 y 10 años son los más afectados, siendo raro en las hembras. Los principales signos clínicos son tumefacción unilateral o bilateral de la región perineal, asociada o no a tenesmo, disuria, incontinencia urinaria y/o fecal, anuria y dolor durante la defecación. El diagnóstico se basa en la historia clínica, la anamnesis, el examen físico y pruebas complementarias como la radiografía simple y la ecografía. El tratamiento clínico se puede hacer en algunos casos, pero se requiere una intervención quirúrgica para resolver el problema. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo relatar el caso de un paciente atendido en la Clínica Veterinaria FullPet de Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brasil, un canino Yorkshire macho de 7 años, sin castrar, con un peso de 4,5 kg. Fue intervenido quirúrgicamente por el método tradicional de sutura con hilo de nylon y enteropexia. Cuando hubo recidiva, fue necesaria la reintervención quirúrgica para corregir la hernia mediante una malla de polipropileno

    RBD and Spike DNA-Based Immunization in Rabbits Elicited IgG Avidity Maturation and High Neutralizing Antibody Responses against SARS-CoV-2

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    Neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) are a critical part of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) research as they are used to gain insight into the immune response to severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. Among the technologies available for generating nAbs, DNA-based immunization methods are an alternative to conventional protocols. In this pilot study, we investigated whether DNA-based immunization by needle injection in rabbits was a viable approach to produce a functional antibody response. We demonstrated that three doses of DNA plasmid carrying the gene encoding the full-length spike protein (S) or the receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 induced a time-dependent increase in IgG antibody avidity maturation. Moreover, the IgG antibodies displayed high cross neutralization by live SARS-CoV-2 and pseudoviruses neutralization assays. Thus, we established a simple, low cost and feasible DNA-based immunization protocol in rabbits that elicited high IgG avidity maturation and nAbs production against SARS-CoV-2, highlighting the importance of DNA-based platforms for developing new immunization strategies against SARS-CoV-2 and future emerging epidemics