5,321 research outputs found

    Elementary solution to the time-independent quantum navigation problem

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    A quantum navigation problem concerns the identification of a time-optimal Hamiltonian that realizes a required quantum process or task, under the influence of a prevailing ‘background’ Hamiltonian that cannot be manipulated. When the task is to transform one quantum state into another, finding the solution in closed form to the problem is nontrivial even in the case of timeindependent Hamiltonians. An elementary solution, based on trigonometric analysis, is found here when the Hilbert space dimension is two. Difficulties arising from generalizations to higher-dimensional systems are discussed

    Note on exponential families of distributions

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    We show that an arbitrary probability distribution can be represented in exponential form. In physical contexts, this implies that the equilibrium distribution of any classical or quantum dynamical system is expressible in grand canonical form.Comment: 5 page

    Thermalisation of Quantum States

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    An exact stochastic model for the thermalisation of quantum states is proposed. The model has various physically appealing properties. The dynamics are characterised by an underlying Schrodinger evolution, together with a nonlinear term driving the system towards an asymptotic equilibrium state and a stochastic term reflecting fluctuations. There are two free parameters, one of which can be identified with the heat bath temperature, while the other determines the characteristic time scale for thermalisation. Exact expressions are derived for the evolutionary dynamics of the system energy, the system entropy, and the associated density operator.Comment: 8 pages, minor corrections. To appear in JM

    Information Content for Quantum States

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    A method of representing probabilistic aspects of quantum systems is introduced by means of a density function on the space of pure quantum states. In particular, a maximum entropy argument allows us to obtain a natural density function that only reflects the information provided by the density matrix. This result is applied to derive the Shannon entropy of a quantum state. The information theoretic quantum entropy thereby obtained is shown to have the desired concavity property, and to differ from the the conventional von Neumann entropy. This is illustrated explicitly for a two-state system.Comment: RevTex file, 4 pages, 1 fi

    The Quantum Canonical Ensemble

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    The phase space of quantum mechanics can be viewed as the complex projective space endowed with a Kaehlerian structure given by the Fubini-Study metric and an associated symplectic form. We can then interpret the Schrodinger equation as generating a Hamiltonian dynamics. Based upon the geometric structure of the quantum phase space we introduce the corresponding natural microcanonical and canonical ensembles. The resulting density matrix for the canonical ensemble differs from density matrix of the conventional approach. As an illustration, the results are applied to the case of a spin one-half particle in a heat bath with an applied magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, minor corrections. to appear in JMP vol. 3

    Random Hamiltonian in thermal equilibrium

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    A framework for the investigation of disordered quantum systems in thermal equilibrium is proposed. The approach is based on a dynamical model--which consists of a combination of a double-bracket gradient flow and a uniform Brownian fluctuation--that `equilibrates' the Hamiltonian into a canonical distribution. The resulting equilibrium state is used to calculate quenched and annealed averages of quantum observables.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To appear in DICE 2008 conference proceeding

    On optimum Hamiltonians for state transformations

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    For a prescribed pair of quantum states |psi_I> and |psi_F> we establish an elementary derivation of the optimum Hamiltonian, under constraints on its eigenvalues, that generates the unitary transformation |psi_I> --> |psi_F> in the shortest duration. The derivation is geometric in character and does not rely on variational calculus.Comment: 5 page

    Entropy and Temperature of a Quantum Carnot Engine

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    It is possible to extract work from a quantum-mechanical system whose dynamics is governed by a time-dependent cyclic Hamiltonian. An energy bath is required to operate such a quantum engine in place of the heat bath used to run a conventional classical thermodynamic heat engine. The effect of the energy bath is to maintain the expectation value of the system Hamiltonian during an isoenergetic expansion. It is shown that the existence of such a bath leads to equilibrium quantum states that maximise the von Neumann entropy. Quantum analogues of certain thermodynamic relations are obtained that allow one to define the temperature of the energy bath.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Information geometry of density matrices and state estimation

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    Given a pure state vector |x> and a density matrix rho, the function p(x|rho)= defines a probability density on the space of pure states parameterised by density matrices. The associated Fisher-Rao information measure is used to define a unitary invariant Riemannian metric on the space of density matrices. An alternative derivation of the metric, based on square-root density matrices and trace norms, is provided. This is applied to the problem of quantum-state estimation. In the simplest case of unitary parameter estimation, new higher-order corrections to the uncertainty relations, applicable to general mixed states, are derived.Comment: published versio