4,541 research outputs found

    Local and global spontaneous calcium events regulate neurite outgrowth and onset of GABAergic phenotype during neural precursor differentiation

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    Neural stem cells can generate in vitro progenitors of the three main cell lineages found in the CNS. The signaling pathways underlying the acquisition of differentiated phenotypes in these cells are poorly understood. Here we tested the hypothesis that Ca2+ signaling controls differentiation of neural precursors. We found low-frequency global and local Ca2+ transients occurring predominantly during early stages of differentiation. Spontaneous Ca2+ signals in individual precursors were not synchronized with Ca2+ transients in surrounding cells. Experimentally induced changes in the frequency of local Ca2+signals and global Ca2+ rises correlated positively with neurite outgrowth and the onset of GABAergic neurotransmitter phenotype, respectively. NMDA receptor activity was critical for alterations in neuronal morphology but not for the timing of the acquisition of the neurotransmitter phenotype. Thus, spontaneous Ca2+ signals are an intrinsic property of differentiating neurosphere-derived precursors. Their frequency may specify neuronal morphology and acquisition of neurotransmitter phenotype

    Brain Circuits of Methamphetamine Place Reinforcement Learning: The Role of the Hippocampus-VTA Loop

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    The reinforcing effects of addictive drugs including methamphetamine (METH) involve the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA). VTA is primary source of dopamine (DA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the ventral hippocampus (VHC). These three brain regions are functionally connected through the hippocampal-VTA loop that includes two main neural pathways: the bottom-up pathway and the top-down pathway. In this paper, we take the view that addiction is a learning process. Therefore, we tested the involvement of the hippocampus in reinforcement learning by studying conditioned place preference (CPP) learning by sequentially conditioning each of the three nuclei in either the bottom-up order of conditioning; VTA, then VHC, finally NAc, or the top-down order; VHC, then VTA, finally NAc. Following habituation, the rats underwent experimental modules consisting of two conditioning trials each followed by immediate testing (test 1 and test 2) and two additional tests 24 h (test 3) and/or 1 week following conditioning (test 4). The module was repeated three times for each nucleus. The results showed that METH, but not Ringer's, produced positive CPP following conditioning each brain area in the bottom-up order. In the top-down order, METH, but not Ringer's, produced either an aversive CPP or no learning effect following conditioning each nucleus of interest. In addition, METH place aversion was antagonized by coadministration of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK801, suggesting that the aversion learning was an NMDA receptor activation-dependent process. We conclude that the hippocampus is a critical structure in the reward circuit and hence suggest that the development of target-specific therapeutics for the control of addiction emphasizes on the hippocampus-VTA top-down connection

    The spatial pattern of atrial cardiomyocyte calcium signalling modulates contraction

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    We examined the regulation of calcium signalling in atrial cardiomyocytes during excitation-contraction coupling, and how changes in the distribution of calcium impacts on contractility. Under control conditions, calcium transients originated in subsarcolemmal locations and showed local regeneration through activation of calcium-induced calcium release from ryanodine receptors. Despite functional ryanodine receptors being expressed at regular (~2 μm) intervals throughout atrial myocytes, the subsarcolemmal calcium signal did not spread in a fully regenerative manner through the interior of a cell. Rather, there was a diminishing centripetal propagation of calcium. The lack of regeneration was due to mitochondria and SERCA pumps preventing the inward movement of calcium. Inhibiting these calcium buffering mechanisms allowed the globalisation of action potential-evoked responses. In addition, physiological positive inotropic agents, such as endothelin-1 and β-adrenergic agonists, as well as enhanced calcium current, calcium store loading and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate infusion also led to regenerative global responses. The consequence of globalising calcium signals was a significant increase in cellular contraction. These data indicate how calcium signals and their consequences are determined by the interplay of multiple subcellular calcium management systems

    A Bayesian Analysis of Unobserved Heterogeneity for Unemployment Duration Data in the Presence of Interval Censoring

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    In this paper, we discuss Bayesian inference of unobserved heterogeneity for unemployment duration data in the presence of right and interval-censoring, and nonproportionality. We employ accelerated failure time models with three different distributional assumptions: log-logistic, log-normal, and Weibull models, and use members of an exponential family of distributions for considering unobserved heterogeneity. We adopt a Bayesian approach, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo via WinBUGS software, to analyze the data. The proposed approach is illustrated using the unemployment duration data set of Iran in 2009. A sensitivity analysis using different latent variable models of the exponential family is also considered. After checking convergence, using the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic test, we compared different distributional assumptions using the DIC3 criterion. Our findings reveal significant discrepancies in unemployment duration based on different covariates for the sample population of Iran in 2009