52 research outputs found

    Apoptotic clearance in rabbits with experimental pulmonary emphysema

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    In order to better understand pathogenesis of pulmonary emphysema, the model of experimentally induced pulmonary emphysema in Chinchilla rabbits was used for the estimation of apoptotic clearance of pulmonary tissue. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in three groups of animals: experimental group-E on hypercholesterolemic diet (4% edible oil solution of crystalline cholesterol), control group-C1 on standard diet for that animal species and animals on oily diet-C2. Apoptotic detection in cytocentrifuge preparations of lung washings was evaluated by in situ TUNEL. The property of alveolar macrophages to engulf apoptotic cells was estimated by light microscopy including 300 features (related subsequent steps: adsorption, internalization and intracellular processing of free apoptotic bodies) and was evaluated by scoring and indexing method. Internalization of apoptotic bodies by alveolar macrophages, as well as free apoptotic bodies were decreased in E compared to both C1 and C2 group (p<0.01 and p<0.05 respectively). Intracellular processing of apoptotic bodies by alveolar macrophages is significantly decreased in C2 in comparison with E (p<0.05) and C1 group (p<0.01). Apoptotic capacity of pulmonary tissue is significantly decreased in C2 in comparison with C1 group (p<0.01). The results implicate that immuno-metabolic competence of pulmonary tissue might be essentially associated with tissue remodeling in pulmonary emphysema.U cilju boljeg razumevanja patogeneze plućnog emfizema, u radu je korišć en eksperimentalni model emfizema pluća na činčila kunićima za procenu apoptotskog kapaciteta plućnoga tkiva. Bronholaveolarna lavaža je urađena na tri grupe životinja: eksperimentalnoj grupi-E na hiperholesterolskoj dijeti (4% uljani rastvor kristalnog holesterola), kontrolnoj grupi-C1 na standardnoj dijeti za tu životinjsku vrstu i grupi životinja na uljanoj dijeti-C2. Određivanje apoptotskih parametara cito-centrifužnih preparata bronhoalveolarnog lavata vršeno je posle bojenja preparata TUNEL in situ citohemijskim metodom. Sposobnost alveolarnih makrofaga da odstrane apoptotske ćelije fagocitozom procenjivana je svetlosnom mikroskopijom na 300 prikaza po preparatu (prikazi uključuju: adsorpciju, internalizaciju i intracelularno procesiranje apoptotskih tela) i evaluirana metodom indeksiranja i skora. Internalizacija apoptotskih tela alveolarnim makrofazima, kao i relativni procenat slobodnih apoptotskih tela, bili su signifikantno smanjeni u E grupi poredeći sa C1 (p<0.01) i C2 grupom (p<0.05). Intracelularno procesiranje apoptotskih tela alveolarnim makrofazima bilo je signifikantno smanjeno u C2 u odnosu na E (p<0.05) i C1 grupu (p<0.01). Apoptotski kapacitet tkiva pluća bio je signifikantno smanjen u C2 u poređenju sa C1 grupom (p<0.01). Ovi rezultati ukazuju da imuno-metabolička kompetentnost plućnog tkiva može biti suštinski povezana sa remodelovanjem tkiva pluća u eksperimentalnom emfizemu pluća.nul


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    This paper deals with calculated effective doses that members of real population received from radon gas and its short lived progeny during air inhalation in their dwellings at field site Kalna in Eastern Serbia. There are two crucial parameters in effective dose calculation: Dose Conversion Factor (DCF) for particular subjects (including real gender, age and physical activity level) and indoor concentration of radon and its short lived progeny in field area. According to the results of indoor radon measurements in the area of former uranium mine, Kalna, the effective dose for this real population was estimated by using the dosimetric lung model, developed by authors according ICRP Publication 66. Authentic software was developed for determination of effective dose per unit inhaled activity of radon progeny, DCF expressed in unit [mSv/WLM]. The results, obtained according to ICRP 66 dosimeter lung model, were compared with results calculated according to ICRP Publication 65. The dosimetric results were, also, compared and discussed with epidemiological approach data, according to UNSCEAR

    Implementation of climate change science in viticulture sustainable development planning in Serbia

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    Growing interest in Serbia in adaptation of viticulture to climate change emerged from a recorded positive impact of summer increased draught on domestic wine quality. Another motivation is that viticulture has been recognized as one of the fastest developing agricultural sectors in Serbia and, to contain its growing potential, it is crucial to provide basis for its future sustainable development. Prioritization and implementation of adaptation measures in practice require reliable assessment of climate projections. For climate change impact assessment is used high resolution multi-model ensemble of nine regional climate models simulations, bias corrected, with two most probable future scenarios of GHG emissions RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, for the period 2016-2100. Analysis has been done for the near future, mid-century and end of the century periods. The periods are defined according to the IPCC 5th Assessment Report, which enables comparison of climate change impacts with a wider region, and preferably motivate future international collaboration and knowledge exchange

    Textural properties of macroporous acid modified montmorillonite nanocomposites

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    Macroporous crosslinked copolymer, poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) and its nanocomposites with acid modified montmorillonite (WA) were synthesized by radical suspension copolymerization. Nanocomposites were obtained by introducing various amounts of WA into the reaction system. Textural properties of synthesized samples were analyzed by mercury intrusion porosimetry. The synthesized nanocomposites have significantly higher specific surface area in comparison to the copolymer. Total pore volume and the most dominant pore diameter decrease with incorporation of acid modified montmorillonite in copolymer matrix.Physical chemistry 2012 : 11th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 201


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    The aim ofthis study was toinvestigate theresistanceof winter buds to lowwinter temperatures oneighttablevarieties of differentripening time. The study was conducted during vine dormancy at three testing dates during winter i.e. over the last ten days of the three winter months of December, January and February. At the first, second and third dates, the air temperature in the freezing chamber was reduced to - 15oC, -20oC, and -10oC, respectively.The analysis of the average values for the study period shows that Muscat Hamburg and Smederevo Muscat had the lowest and highest average percentage of completely frozen buds (48.97% and 58.84%, respectively). The average values for partly frozen buds ranged from 29.17 % in Afuz-Ali to 33.11 % in Muscat Hamburg. The evaluation of the data on unfrozen buds suggests that the average values were within the range of 11.15 % (Smederevo Muscat) to 17.91 % (Muscat Hamburg)