214 research outputs found

    Repetition of FDG PET study in the same day after appropriate patient preparation revealed two new cancer localizations: a case report

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    A positron emission tomography scan with fluorodeoxyglucosecan be affected by several factors. Skeletal muscle activation andphysiological presence of radioactivity in urine frequently causedifficulties in images interpretation. We report a case of a patientwith a non-operable left lung cancer, who was scheduled forFDG PET examination for radiotherapy planning purposes. In thefirst scan performed in the morning both elevated muscular andurinary uptake were present. For this reason another examinationwas performed on the same day. A new dose of radiopharmaceutical was given five hours after the first FDG injection and the patient was instructed to drink a large quantity of water in themeantime. The second PET scan clearly revealed two new lesions not visible at the time of the first examination: a synchronous bladder cancer, previously not known, and a mediastinal metastasis of the primary lung cancer. This case emphasizes the importance of correct patient preparation and shows the possibility to repeat PET examination on the same day

    Statistical Analysis of GSNR Fluctuations Due to Physical Layer Uncertainties

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    We present an analytical model based on the uncertainty propagation theory for the generalized signal-to-noise ratio (GSNR) error estimation at the output of an optical line system due to connector loss and amplifier gain ripple uncertainties. The results are validated by comparison with a Monte Carlo analysis, showing an excellent agreement in terms of estimated GSNR average and standard deviation

    Comparing eye-tracking system effectiveness in field and driving simulator studies

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    Background: Several studies have been developed by combining the benefits of eye-tracking systems with driving simulators to simultaneously investigate driving behavior and the potential source of distraction. However, little effort has been spent in terms of eye-tracking validation in the driving simulator environment. Objective: The overall aim of this study is to validate an eye-tracking system within the context of a driving simulation environment by considering a specific urban context application. Methods: Both a field survey and a driving simulation experiment have been developed for a case study located in Rome, Italy. The selected real road sections and events have been reproduced on the driving simulator system and an eye-tracking has been used to record the eye movements both on board of a real vehicle and on the simulator. The eye movements of 14 participants in the field survey and 18 participants in the driving simulation tests, as well as their driving performances, have been collected while approaching an urban intersection and in relation to two specific road events: i) the presence of a speed limit sign and ii) the presence of a crossing pedestrian. Results: Eye tracker parameters and driving performances were compared between the real driving tests and driving simulator experiments in order to validate the eye-tracking system. It has been validated for both the events in terms of duration and distance of the eye fixation. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that the eye-tracking system stands as an effective tool for studies and applications in a virtual reality environment

    Data-based control design for output-error linear discrete-time systems with probabilistic stability guarantees

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    In this letter we propose a novel method for direct data-based design of an output feedback controller for output-error processes in the single-input-single-output case. We consider a finite number of input/output data points collected from the system. Based on them, we define a set of state-space perturbed models consistent with data, where a bound on the disturbance is obtained by scenario optimization, and the structural properties of the models in this set are theoretically analyzed. This leads to a linear matrix inequality for the design of the feedback control law with probabilistic asymptotic stability guarantees. A simulated non-minimum phase system illustrates the approach.</p

    New provisions for the labelling of fishery and aquaculture products: Difficulties in the implementation of Regulation (EU) n. 1379/2013

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    The European Union (EU), within the renewal plan of the Common Fisheries Policy and the Common Market Organization, with the Cape IV of Reg. (EU) n. 1379/2013 have introduced new requirements for the labelling of fisheries and aquaculture products. These, as well as providing consumers with more complete information, integrate the provisions of Reg. (EU) n. 1169/2011 and acts as a tool to prevent frauds and illegal fishing. In this work the new seafood labelling provisions were evaluated, starting from the analysis of the art. 35 of the Chapter IV and comparing it with the previous EU dispositions (Reg. (EC) no. 104/2000 and no. 2065/2001). The exclusion of prepared and processed products and aquatic invertebrates from the application of the mandatory seafood labelling provisions and the role of the mass caterer operators with respect to the labelling requirements were identified as the two major shortcomings that still need to be better addressed by the legislator. Overall, what emerged from this work is that, if on the one hand the European legislation on seafood labelling has achieved important goals, evolving and improving itself, on the other it is still controversial and plagued by the same problems as 15 years ago. Therefore, the authors suggest that the regulation is modified at least extending its scope to all products and to at all stages of the fishery logistic chai

    SPECT-CT fusion: a new diagnostic tool for endocrinology

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    Wstęp: Wprowadzenie standardu DICOM do wszystkich urządzeń diagnostyki obrazowej umożliwiło fuzję obrazów tomografii emisyjnej pojedynczego fotonu (SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography), tomografii komputerowej (CT, computed tomography), magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego (MRI, magnetic resonanse imaging) i innych typów danych obrazowania biomedycznego. Fuzję można wykonywanywać w dwojaki sposób, za pomocą dedykowanych skanerów hybrydowych lub przez oprogramowanie niezwiązane z konkretnym urządzeniem. Technologia fuzji posiada niezmierny potencjał w diagnostyce obrazowej do wykrywania licznych stanów, takich jak choroby nowotworowe, choroba Alzheimera oraz inne zaburzenia nerwowe. W ośrodku autorów ponad 2 lata temu stopniowo wprowadzono fuzję SPECT-CT w diagnostyce klinicznej wielu schorzeń endokrynologicznych oraz onkologicznych. Użyto danych obrazowych SPECT oraz CT wykonanych na oddzielnych i niezależnych urządzeniach (dwugłowicowej gamma-kamerze E.Cam-Duet firmy Siemens i szesnastorzędowym tomografie komputerowym Somatom Sensation firmy Siemens). Materiał i metody: Prosty i szybki algorytm o niskiej złożoności obliczeniowej zastosowano do wykonania fuzji kolejnych 81 przypadków. Trzydziestu dwóch pacjentów zakwalifikowano do fuzji SPECT-CT po terapeutycznym leczeniu 131I u chorych po amputacji tarczycy z powodu raka, 12 - po podaniu radioaktywnych analogów somatostatyny, 7 - po terapeutycznym podaniu 131 I MIBG, 6 - po diagnostycznym podaniu MIBG z 131I lub 123I, 3 - po scyntygrafii przytarczyc oraz 2 - po scyntygrafii kości. Najbardziej powszechnym wskazaniem do fuzji była potrzeba scharakteryzowania podejrzanych zmian wykrytych na skanach CT poprzez zachodzące w nich zmiany metaboliczne. Lokalizacja anatomiczna ognisk gromadzenia widzianych na obrazach SPECT oraz ocena efektów terapii radioizotopowej były kolejnymi najczęstszymi przyczynami wskazań. Wyniki: Obserwowane błędy nałożenia wynikały z tak zwanych czynników ludzkich: nieprecyzyjnego wyboru położenia markerów, ruchów oddechowych oraz przemieszczenia markerów między kolejnymi badaniami. Fuzję ponad 74% chorych określono jako "bardzo dobrą" lub "dobrą". Wnioski: Wybór chorych, wyszkolenie personelu (zwłaszcza techników i fizyków) oraz współpraca z radiologiem to najbardziej istotne czynniki, które umożliwiają właściwe zastosowanie oraz interpretację fuzji obrazów SPECT-CT.Introduction: The introduction of the DICOM format in all diagnostic imaging devices allowed coregistering SPECT, CT, MR and other types of biomedical imaging. Fusion can be performed by dedicated hybrid devices or by means of software. The fusion algorithm consists of two steps: coregistration and simultaneous visualization. Our center gradually implemented SPECT-CT fusion in clinical diagnostic work-up of several endocrinologic and oncologic diseases more than 2 years ago. Material and methods: An easy and fast algorithm in terms of computational complexity of image fusion was presented and applied to 81 consecutive cases. Thirty-two patients were scheduled to SPECT-CT fusion after thyroidectomy and 131I treatment for thyroid cancer, twelve after somatostatine receptor scintigraphy, seven after 131I MIBG therapy, six after diagnostic MIBG scintigraphy with 123I or 131I, three after parathyroid scintigraphy and two after bone scan. The most common indication to the fusion was the need of metabolic characterization of suspected lesions detected on CT scan. The anatomic localization of a focal uptake seen on SPECT and the evaluation of the radiometabolic therapy effect folloved. Results: A variance of error level observed was a result of human factor, decision on marker&#8217;s placement, respiratory movements and marker&#8217;s displacement between acquisitions. However, 74% of patients in our series have fusion results classified as "very good" or "good". Conclusions: The selection of patients, the training of the personel and the cooperation with radiologists are the most important factors for a correct application and interpretation of the SPECT-CT image fusion

    Inter-Band GSNR Degradations and Leading Impairments in C+L Band 400G Transmission

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    Wideband optical transmission presents an appealing solution to network throughput and capacity requirements, improving existing network architectures with minimally invasive upgrades. This framework provides new perspectives into quality of transmission (QoT) management as a result of inter-band effects; the QoT is commonly given by the generalized signal-to-noise ratio (GSNR). In this study we address the leading impairments in multi-band nonlinear transmission in a C+L scenario from an operational point of view, supported by mathematical models and simulations. From this approach we identify that stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is the main contributor to inter-band effects and causes the main variation in the GSNR degradation; correspondingly, we show that the inter-band nonlinear interference (NLI) can be neglected in a C+L scenario

    Integration of GPR and FWD methods for the assessment of airfield aprons

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    Airport apron relates to an airfield area dedicated to the parking, loading/unloading, refueling and boarding of aircrafts. The standard conventional pavement solution in apron areas is a concrete rigid pavement with jointed concrete slabs, which is due to two main reasons. First, use of concrete technology helps to prevent the potential viscous behaviour of the hot-mixed asphalt solution. This is caused by long-term and permanent loads, especially at high temperatures. Secondly, use of concrete blocks avoids the decay of the wearing course due to the contact with fuel. Although it is relatively easy to design the working features of hardened concrete for apron surfacing purposes (i.e., following the requirements of pavement quality standards), great attention must be paid to the laying stages and construction process. This is to ensure that the laid concrete attains all the designed properties and no premature decays occur. Decays include, inter alia, uncontrolled cracking throughout the concrete slabs. To that effect, role and magnitude of concrete cracking in affecting strength and durability of a rigid pavement subject to external loads is still under debate. Monitoring and assessment of concrete cracking is a complex task, and several theoretical and experimental models have been developed over the past years. To this purpose, ground-truth information were collected using destructive (e.g., concrete sampling) and non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. In this regard, ultrasonic testing (UT) has been widely used for quality control of concrete and damage detection purposes. On the other hand, the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) technology is commonly used for the assessment of stiffness-related parameters of pavement structures. To this effect, mechanical properties of pavements are usually estimated in combination with the geometric information (i.e., thickness of layers/slabs) collected by the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) NDT method. In this study, a demonstration of the potential of integrating ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and falling weight deflectometer (FWD) non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for the assessment of an airfield apron has been given. The main objective was to provide an effective methodology capable to combine multi-source information from FWD, light falling weight deflectometer (LFWD), GPR, pavement construction stages and development of decay over time (available from the airport maintenance company) in order to assess the mechanical properties of an airfield apron affected by early-stage and widespread cracking. The structure of the apron was a rigid pavement with jointed concrete slabs. To this purpose, an airport apron area with dimensions of 190 m × 90 m, paved by a grid of squared concrete slabs with a side length of 7.5 m, was investigated. FWD, LFWD and a ground-coupled multi-frequency GPR system with 600 MHz and 1600 MHz central frequency antennas were used for testing purposes. The results from the integrated application of the above NDTs demonstrated significant potential for the interpretation of distinctive features of the concrete slabs, including cracking, that may affect the mechanical behavior of the pavement

    Evolution of the Anisakis risk management in the European and Italian context

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    Due to the social and legislative implications, the presence of Anisakis spp. larvae in fishery products has become a concern for both the consumers and the official Control Authorities. The issuance of a large number of provisions, aimed at better managing fish products intended to be consumed raw or almost raw and the associated risks, resulted in a very complicate legal framework. In this work, we analyzed the evolution of the normative through an overview on the local and international legislations, focusing on issues that are of practical interest for Food Business Operators (FBOs) in the fishery chain. In addition, we performed a survey across the Department of Prevention of the Italian Local Health Authorities (LHA) and the main fish markets in Italy to collect the operating procedures and the monitoring plans. Overall, we found many differences, due to the absence of a national reference standard for the management of the Anisakis risk. From this examination, it turns clear that only a participation of all the involved institutions, a strategy of synergistic interventions, as well as a correct training of FBOs, can result in an effective risk management and a proper risk communication, which should overcome states of confusion and unnecessary negative impacts on the economy