25 research outputs found

    Intracranial bleeding mimicking an extensive acute myocardial infarction with reversible apical ballooning and systolic left ventricular dysfunction. A case report

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    A novel syndrome with transient asynergy of the apical segments of the left ventricle, also known as tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy, has been recently described and presents characteristics and effects similar to acute myocardial infarction. We report the case of a 69-year-old woman presenting with chest pain typical of myocardial ischemia, electrocardiographic abnormalities typical of antero-lateral transmural myocardial infarction, and unstable clinical and hemodynamic condition. Trans-thoracic echocardiography showed a left ventricular dysfunction with a markedly decreased ejection fraction. The patient received heparin and abciximab bolus but coronary angiography demonstrated the absence of coronary stenoses, thrombi, and coronary spasm. Due to impaired neurological conditions the patient underwent brain tomography that showed subarachnoid haemorrhage secondary to a right vertebral artery aneurysm rupture. The possible occurrence of a reversible cardiomyopathy mimicking an acute coronary syndrome in presence of intracranial bleeding should be always considered

    Infectious endocarditis during pregnancy, problems in the decision-making process: a case report

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    Infective endocarditis in pregnancy has a low incidence, often being associated with a previous history of rheumatic or congenital heart disease. In most reports the disease tends to run a subacute course and to appear more frequently in the third trimester of pregnancy. We present the case of a 36-year-old woman with large vegetations on the mitral valve due to infective endocarditis detected at the 32nd week of her first pregnancy. The difficulties in selecting the appropriate management strategy, particularly optimal time and mode of delivery, optimal time and type of valve surgery, are emphasized

    Nietypowy echokardiograficzny obraz przepukliny rozworu przełykowego przepony

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    Diagnosis of a hiatal hernia (HH) is typically made using an upper gastro-intestinal barium X-ray. A complementary test is gastroscopy or upper-intestinal endoscopy. There are reports in which HH has been diagnosed by echocardiography. We here describe a case of a HH visible on an echocardiogram in a female with palpitations. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 4: 398-39

    An unusual case of myocardial infarction

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    Myocardial infarction may be the result of embolism of calcified material from the aortic valve or thrombotic formations adhering to the same. We report a case of late myocardial infarction secondary to embolization from a thrombus adherent to the aortic valve jutting out in the ostium of the left main coronary artery. Keywords: Myocardial infarction, thromboti

    A drastic complex atheromatous aorta A case report

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    Aortic atherosclerosis is the most common disease of the aorta. More than 50% of the plaques thicker than 4 mm are located along the descending aorta. The complex morphology of the plaque, such as ulceration or the presence of thrombi, is associated with increased embolic risk. The increasing use of transesophageal echocardiogram has enhanced the recognition of aortic atheromas. We describe a case of a male patient with complex atherosclerotic disease involving the coronary vessels and descending aortic tract with some embolic complications

    Il same-sex marriage nell’esperienza costituzionale americana

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    1. Introduzione. Una lunga storia arrivata ora al punto finale con la pronuncia della Corte Suprema Federale nel caso Obergefell v. Hodges Intorno al same-sex marriage il dibattito costituzionalistico americano ha vissuto, e sta vivendo, una delle sue stagioni più interessanti e controverse. Il tema dell’ammissibilità, anzi ora della obbligatorietà costituzionale del matrimonio tra persone dello stesso sesso, costituisce una sorta di cartina di tornasole dei principali aspetti del costituzion..

    Echokardiogram miesiÄ…ca Guz w przegrodzie miÄ™dzyprzedsionkowej serca – nietypowy obraz pierwotnej amyloidozy

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    We report a patient with primary systemic amyloidosis who had a very unusual form of clinical and instrumental presentatio