2 research outputs found


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    The objective of this work was to design a automate system for microalgae cultivation on a continuous modes in laboratory scale and allow its remote monitoring and control. For this, a sensor were developed is able to measure biomass concentration. The concentration sensor used the principle of light scattering, that is, by measuring the turbidity of the culture medium by the use of a set of phototransistor and green led. It presented an mean absolute percentage error of 8.46% during the experiment. A pH, temperature and light sensor were also installed. The control of all the sensors was accomplished by means of an microcontroller. For remote control and monitoring of the controller, a database was designed and implemented on a Raspberry Pi connected to the network. The graphics and data collected are available on an HTML page that allows changes in the control mode of the photobioreactor, for example by changing the dilution rates. The controller was able to operate the photobioreactor in batch mode, as well as to maintain the culture operating in continuous regime. The continuous production of microalgae biomass in a continuous regime showed productivity 74.5% higher than the traditional batch process and 28.2% higher than semicontinuous cultivation

    Mudanças fonológicas obtidas no tratamento pelo Modelo de Oposições Múltiplas Phonological Changes obtained in the treatment based on the Multiple Opposition Approach

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    OBJETIVO: analisar as mudanças fonológicas decorrentes da aplicação do Modelo de Oposições Múltiplas no que se refere ao Percentual de Consoantes Corretas-Revisado (PCC-R), no número de fonemas adquiridos no inventário fonológico e nos tipos de generalização. MÉTODO: o grupo pesquisado foi constituído por cinco sujeitos com desvio fonológico. Foram realizadas avaliações fonoaudiológicas e complementares. Os dados da fala foram coletados e analisados por meio da avaliação fonológica pré e pós-tratamento. Os sujeitos foram submetidos à terapia pelo Modelo de Oposições Múltiplas. RESULTADOS: constatou-se que houve diferença estatisticamente significante no que tange ao PCC-R, ao número de fonemas adquiridos, à generalização a itens lexicais não utilizados no tratamento, para outra posição da palavra e para outras classes de sons. Não houve diferença estatística para a generalização dentro de uma classe de sons, porém, observou-se um aumento do percentual no pós-tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: o Modelo de Oposições Múltiplas foi efetivo para o tratamento desses sujeitos falantes do Português Brasileiro, pois proporcionou mudanças no PCC-R, no número de fonemas adquiridos e algumas generalizações (a itens lexicais não utilizados no tratamento, para outra posição na palavra, dentro de uma classe de sons, para outras classes de sons).<br>PURPOSE: to analize the phonological changes resulting from the application of the Multiple Opposition Approach concerning the Percentage of Consonants Correct - Revised (PCC-R), on the number of phonemes that were acquired in the phonological inventory and on the types of generalization. METHOD: the researched group included five subjects with phonological disorders. It was carried out phonological and complementary assessments. The speech data were transcribed and analyzed through the phonological assessment pre and post-treatment. The subjects underwent the treatment based on the Multiple Opposition Approach. RESULTS: an increase in PCC-R, number of acquired phonemes and presence of different types of generalization in the final assessment, which was statistical difference, except the results of the generalization within sound class were not statistical difference in the pos-treatment. CONCLUSION: the Multiple Oppositions Approach was effective for the treatment of Brazilian Portuguese speakers because the model provided changes in the PCC-R, number of acquired phonemes and some generalizations (to lexical items non used during treatment, to another position of the word, inside a sound class and to other sound class)