11 research outputs found

    Neuronal ribosomes exhibit dynamic and context-dependent exchange of ribosomal proteins

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    Owing to their morphological complexity and dense network connections, neurons modify their proteomes locally, using mRNAs and ribosomes present in the neuropil (tissue enriched for dendrites and axons). Although ribosome biogenesis largely takes place in the nucleus and perinuclear region, neuronal ribosomal protein (RP) mRNAs have been frequently detected remotely, in dendrites and axons. Here, using imaging and ribosome profiling, we directly detected the RP mRNAs and their translation in the neuropil. Combining brief metabolic labeling with mass spectrometry, we found that a group of RPs rapidly associated with translating ribosomes in the cytoplasm and that this incorporation was independent of canonical ribosome biogenesis. Moreover, the incorporation probability of some RPs was regulated by location (neurites vs. cell bodies) and changes in the cellular environment (following oxidative stress). Our results suggest new mechanisms for the local activation, repair and/or specialization of the translational machinery within neuronal processes, potentially allowing neuronal synapses a rapid means to regulate local protein synthesis

    Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling of nascent proteomes in vivo

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    Although advances in protein labeling methods have made it possible to measure the proteome of mixed cell populations, it has not been possible to isolate cell-type-specific proteomes in vivo. This is because the existing methods for metabolic protein labeling in vivo access all cell types. We report the development of a transgenic mouse line where Cre-recombinase-induced expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase (L274G) enables the cell-type-specific labeling of nascent proteins with a non-canonical amino-acid and click chemistry. Using immunoblotting, imaging and mass spectrometry, we use our transgenic mouse to label and analyze proteins in excitatory principal neurons and Purkinje neurons in vitro (brain slices) and in vivo. We discover more than 200 proteins that are differentially regulated in hippocampal excitatory neurons by exposing mice to an environment with enriched sensory cues. Our approach can be used to isolate, analyze and quantitate cell-type-specific proteomes and their dynamics in healthy and diseased tissues

    Dynamic SILAC to Determine Protein Turnover in Neurons and Glia

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    Cellular protein turnover—the net result of protein synthesis and degradation—is crucial to maintain protein homeostasis and cellular function under steady-state conditions and to enable cells to remodel their proteomes upon a perturbation. In brain cells, proteins are continuously turned over at different rates depending on various factors including cell type, subcellular localization, cellular environment, and neuronal activity. Here we describe a workflow for the analysis of protein synthesis, degradation, and turnover in primary cultured rat neurons and glia using dynamic/pulsed SILAC and mass spectrometry

    Local and global influences on protein turnover in neurons and glia

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    Regulation of protein turnover allows cells to react to their environment and maintain homeostasis. Proteins can show different turnover rates in different tissue, but little is known about protein turnover in different brain cell types. We used dynamic SILAC to determine half-lives of over 5100 proteins in rat primary hippocampal cultures as well as in neuron-enriched and glia-enriched cultures ranging from 20 days. In contrast to synaptic proteins, membrane proteins were relatively shorter-lived and mitochondrial proteins were longer-lived compared to the population. Half-lives also correlate with protein functions and the dynamics of the complexes they are incorporated in. Proteins in glia possessed shorter half-lives than the same proteins in neurons. The presence of glia sped up or slowed down the turnover of neuronal proteins. Our results demonstrate that both the cell-type of origin as well as the nature of the extracellular environment have potent influences on protein turnove

    The Xenobiotic Extrusion Mechanism of the MATE Transporter NorM_PS from Pseudomonas stutzeri

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) in bacterial pathogens has become a severe threat to public health. Membrane transporters of the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family contribute critically to MDR, making them promising drug targets. Despite recent advances, structures in different conformations and the mechanistic details of their antiport cycle are still elusive. Here we studied NorM_PS, a representative MATE transporter from Pseudomonas stutzeri, using biochemical assays in combination with hydrogen/deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry. Our results confirm that the antiport is proton dependent and electroneutral with a stoichiometry of two protons per one doubly positively charged substrate. We investigated the conformational dynamics upon substrate binding, and our hydrogen/deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry analysis revealed an occlusion in the proposed binding site as well as a closure of the cytoplasmic cavity and formation of a periplasmic cavity. Together with the results of selected variants (D38N, D373N and Q376A), we propose a six-step rocker-switch model for NorM_PS, which also increases our understanding of related MATE transporters and may help to fight the burden of MDR

    Ligand-induced conformational dynamics of the Escherichia coli Na<sup>+</sup>/H<sup>+</sup> antiporter NhaA revealed by hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry

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    Na+/H+ antiporters comprise a family of membrane proteins evolutionarily conserved in all kingdoms of life and play an essential role in cellular ion homeostasis. The NhaA crystal structure of Escherichia coli has become the paradigm for this class of secondary active transporters. However, structural data are only available at low pH, where NhaA is inactive. Here, we adapted hydrogen/deuterium-exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) to analyze conformational changes in NhaA upon Li+ binding at physiological pH. Our analysis revealed a global conformational change in NhaA with two sets of movements around an immobile binding site. Based on these results, we propose a model for the ion translocation mechanism that explains previously controversial data for this antiporter. Furthermore, these findings contribute to our understanding of related human transporters that have been linked to various diseases

    Proteome dynamics during homeostatic scaling in cultured neurons

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    Protein turnover, the net result of protein synthesis and degradation, enables cells to remodel their proteomes in response to internal and external cues. Previously, we analyzed protein turnover rates in cultured brain cells under basal neuronal activity and found that protein turnover is influenced by subcellular localization, protein function, complex association, cell type of origin, and by the cellular environment (Dörrbaum et al., 2018). Here, we advanced our experimental approach to quantify changes in protein synthesis and degradation, as well as the resulting changes in protein turnover or abundance in rat primary hippocampal cultures during homeostatic scaling. Our data demonstrate that a large fraction of the neuronal proteome shows changes in protein synthesis and/or degradation during homeostatic up- and down-scaling. More than half of the quantified synaptic proteins were regulated, including pre- as well as postsynaptic proteins with diverse molecular function

    Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling of nascent proteomes in vivo

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    Although advances in protein labeling methods have made it possible to measure the proteme of mixed cell populations, it has not been possible to isolate cell-type-specific proteomes in vivo. This is because the existing methods for metabolic protein labeling in vivo access all cell types. We report the devlopment of a transgenic mouse line where Cre-recombinase-induced expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase (L274G) enables the cell-type-specific labeling of nascent proteins with a non-canonical amino-acid and click chemistry. Using immunoblotting, imaging and mass spectrometry, we use our transgenic mouse to label and analyze proteins in excitatory principal neurons and Purkinje neurons in vitro (brain slices) and in vivo. We discover more than 200 proteins that are differentially regulated in hippocampal excitatory neurons by exposing mice to an environment with enriched sensory cues. Our approach can be used to isolate, analyze and quantitate cell-type-specific proteomes and their dynamics in healthy and diseased tissues

    Precisely measured protein lifetimes in the mouse brain reveal differences across tissues and subcellular fractions.

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    The turnover of brain proteins is critical for organism survival, and its perturbations are linked to pathology. Nevertheless, protein lifetimes have been difficult to obtain in vivo. They are readily measured in vitro by feeding cells with isotopically labeled amino acids, followed by mass spectrometry analyses. In vivo proteins are generated from at least two sources: labeled amino acids from the diet, and non-labeled amino acids from the degradation of pre-existing proteins. This renders measurements difficult. Here we solved this problem rigorously with a workflow that combines mouse in vivo isotopic labeling, mass spectrometry, and mathematical modeling. We also established several independent approaches to test and validate the results. This enabled us to measure the accurate lifetimes of ~3500 brain proteins. The high precision of our data provided a large set of biologically significant observations, including pathway-, organelle-, organ-, or cell-specific effects, along with a comprehensive catalog of extremely long-lived proteins (ELLPs).peerReviewe