5 research outputs found

    Adsorption and Electrokinetics at Silica-Electrolyte Interfaces: A Molecular Simulation Study

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    Experimentally investigating the nanoscale behavior at oxide-electrolyte interfaces has proven to be extremely challenging. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations have arisen as a potential computational alternative to gain atomic level insights at these interfaces. But how accurately do these simulations represent the physics and chemistry at the interface? In many situations we do in fact not know. Validation at the interface remains challenging. The force fields used in MD simulations, that describe the inter-particle interactions, are generally optimized for purposes deviating considerably from interfaces. Yet, these same force fields are blindly used to model surface-fluid interactions, yielding wildly varying results of for example ion adsorption. This dissertation tackles the problem of simulating interfaces by critically looking at MD simulations and proposing novel solutions, both for MD simulations in general and specifically targeting their validity and limitations with regards to modeling interfaces
Complex Fluid Processin

    The importance of specifically adsorbed ions for electrokinetic phenomena: Bridging the gap between experiments and MD simulations

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    Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are uniquely suitable for providing molecular-level insights into the Electric Double Layer (EDL) that forms when a charged surface is in contact with an aqueous solution. However, simulations are only as accurate in predicting EDL properties as permitted by the atomic interaction models. Experimental ζ-potential values and surface charges could provide a potentially suitable reference to validate and tune the interaction models, if not for the fact that they themselves are a product of imperfect models used to interpret the raw measurement data. Here, we present an approach to tune an interaction model by comparing Electro-Osmotic Flow (EOF) MD simulations against experimental Streaming Current (SC) measurements while minimizing potential modeling errors arising from both approaches. The point that is least susceptible to interpretation and modeling errors is argued to be at the concentration for which zero flow velocity is observed in EOF simulations and a net zero electric current is measured in SC experiments. At this concentration, the ζ-potential is also zero. We were able to match the experimental concentration at which ζ = 0 in MD simulations for a CaCl2 solution at pH 7.5 in contact with fused silica by tuning the ion-surface Lennard-Jones cross interactions. These interactions were found to greatly affect the ion distribution within the EDL and particularly the formation of inner-sphere surface-complexes, which, in turn, affects the electrokinetic flow. With the ion distribution determined explicitly, a series of properties can be calculated unambiguously, such as the capacitance needed for surface complexation models.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Complex Fluid Processin

    On the transferability of ion parameters to the TIP4P/2005 water model using molecular dynamics simulations

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    Countless molecular dynamics studies have relied on available ion and water force field parameters to model aqueous electrolyte solutions. The TIP4P/2005 model has proven itself to be among the best rigid water force fields, whereas many of the most successful ion parameters were optimized in combination with SPC/E, TIP3P, or TIP4P/Ew water. Many researchers have combined these ions with TIP4P/2005, hoping to leverage the strengths of both parameter sets. To assess if this widely used approach is justified and to provide a guide in selecting ion parameters, we investigated the transferability of various commonly used monovalent and multivalent ion parameters to the TIP4P/2005 water model. The transferability is evaluated in terms of ion hydration free energy, hydration radius, coordination number, and self-diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution. For selected ion parameters, we also investigated density, ion pairing, chemical potential, and mean ionic activity coefficients at finite concentrations. We found that not all ions are equally transferable to TIP4P/2005 without compromising their performance. In particular, ions optimized for TIP3P water were found to be poorly transferable to TIP4P/2005, whereas ions optimized for TIP4P/Ew water provided nearly perfect transferability. The latter ions also showed good overall agreement with experimental values. The one exception is that no combination of ion parameters and water model considered here was found to accurately reproduce experimental self-diffusion coefficients. Additionally, we found that cations optimized for SPC/E and TIP3P water displayed consistent underpredictions in the hydration free energy, whereas anions consistently overpredicted the hydration free energy.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Complex Fluid ProcessingEngineering Thermodynamic

    Surface Protolysis and Its Kinetics Impact the Electrical Double Layer

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    Surface conductivity in the electrical double layer (EDL) is known to be affected by proton hopping and diffusion at solid-liquid interfaces. Yet, the role of surface protolysis and its kinetics on the thermodynamic and transport properties of the EDL are usually ignored as physical models consider static surfaces. Here, using a novel molecular dynamics method mimicking surface protolysis, we unveil the impact of such chemical events on the system’s response. Protolysis is found to strongly affect the EDL and electrokinetic aspects with major changes in Formula Presented potential and electro-osmotic flow.Complex Fluid Processin

    Preferential Adsorption in Mixed Electrolytes Confined by Charged Amorphous Silica

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    Preferential ion adsorption in mixed electrolytes plays a crucial role in many practical applications, such as ion sensing and separation and in colloid science. Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous NaCl, CaCl2, and NaCl-CaCl2 solutions confined by charged amorphous silica, we show that Na+ ions can adsorb preferentially over Ca2+ ions, depending on the surface structure. We propose that this occurs when the local surface structure sterically hinders the first hydration shell of the Ca2+ ion. Introducing a protrusion metric as a function of protrusion of deprotonated silanols, ion-specificity is successfully predicted on isolated, vicinal, and geminal silanols alike, provided that no other deprotonated silanols are found nearby. Furthermore, we introduce a new strategy to analyze the results as a function of distance from the surface. This approach effectively removes surface roughness effects allowing for direct comparison with classical electric double layer theory and distinction of specifically adsorbed ions and electrostatically adsorbed ions.Complex Fluid ProcessingEngineering Thermodynamic