8 research outputs found

    Çayır Meralarda Zehirli Bitkilerin Etkileri Ve Hayvan Zehirlenmelerine Karşı Önleyici Tedbirler

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    Ülkemizde 14,6 milyon ha alan kaplayan doğal çayır-meralar en önemli doğal kaynaklarımız arasında yer almaktadır. Bu alanlar hayvanların ihtiyacı olan kaba yemlerin en ucuz karşılandığı alanlar olarak da dikkat çekmektedir. Ancak ülkemizde uzun yıllar boyunca hiçbir amenajman kuralına uyulmadan yapılan otlatma nedeniyle halen çayır mera alanlarımızın vejetasyonu klimaks durumdan uzaklaşmış olup, hayvanların tüketmek istemedikleri, yemekte zorlandıkları ve bazıları hayvanlara toksik etki gösteren bitkilerden oluşmaktadır. Bu alanlarda bitkiler tarafından zehirlenen hayvanlar ciddi ekonomik kayıplara yol açmaktadır. Hayvanlarda ölüm, kilo kaybı, yavru atma, azalan verimlilik gibi kayıplar doğrudan kayıplar olarak nitelendirilirken, ilave yem temini, tedavi maliyeti, amenajman düzenlenmesi ve bitkiler tarafından hayvan zehirlenmelerini azaltma çabaları nedeniyle ortaya çıkan yem kayıpları dolaylı kayıplar olarak ifade edilmektedir. Çayır-meralarda bulunan zehirli bitkilerden kaynaklanan hayvan sağlığı ve hayvan kayıpları ile ilgili olumsuzlukları en aza indirmek için çayır meralarda bulunan zehirli bitkilerin yayılma sebepleri, zehir seviyeleri ve hangi koşullarda hayvanlara etki edeceği bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Bu bilgiler ışığında zehirlenme etkilerini azaltmak için amenajman stratejileri geliştirilmeli ve zehirli bitkiler belirlenerek korunma yöntemleri geliştirilmelidir. Bu literatür çalışmasında, çayır-meralardaki zehirli bitkilerden kaynaklanan kayıplar ve korunma yöntemleri tartışılmıştır

    Geographical variation in nutrient composition of Lotus tenuis (Waldst. &Kit.) populations from seeds collected from different locations

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    To investigate the effect of seed origin on the nutritive value of narrowleaf birdsfoot trefoil (NBT, Lotus tenuis Waldst.&Kit.), seeds of 86 NBT populations were collected from plants spontaneously occurring in natural pastures and rangelands located at different geographical gradients of the Black Sea Region, Turkey. Some nutrient contents of these populations regrown under the same conditions were determined. Minimum and maximum values with regard to the crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), Ca, P, Mg, K and condensed tannin contents, relative feed value, Ca P-1 and K (Ca+Mg)-1 ratios were found as 176.83 and 238.87, 201.00 and 351.61, 307.19 and 435.48, 15.01 and 21.60, 2.18 and 3.77, 3.03 and 4.02, 8.43 and 16.69, 20.00 and 31.50 g kg-1 dry matter, 189.70 and 263.41, 4.73 and 9.57, 0.35 and 0.88, respectively. The effects of seed genotype from different altitudes (Ca P-1), latitudes (digestible dry matter and ADF) and longitudes (CP and Mg) on some nutrient contents and feed values were found significant (P<0.05). The correlations between altitude and NDF, P and Mg or between latitude and P and Mg contents of populations were significant. There were no specific trends in chemical composition and the nutritive value of tested NBT populations due to geographical variation. Thus, the results suggested that all studied geographical populations can be selected to obtain the nutritionally superior forage

    Ecotype traits of the natural populations of the birdsfoot trefoil (lotus corniculatus) in association with the geographical parameters of the sampling sites

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    Birdsfoot trefoil, which is native to Turkish flora, is the most valuable and common Lotus species in Turkey. However, existing information on the ecology, distribution, and plant traits of the Birdsfoot trefoil is scant for the natural flora of Turkey. Therefore, seeds from 126 wild birdsfoot trefoil (WBT) populations were collected from plants spontaneously occurring in natural pasture and rangelands located (altitudes ranged from 5 to 2193 m a.s.l.) in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. These populations were grown under the same ecological conditions in 2010 and 2011 to determine the ecotype traits of the WBT and the relationships between these traits and the geographical features of the locations. The WBT was present (1-25% of botanical composition) in all ranges of altitude, although there was an increase in the presence and frequency of WBT with increasing altitude until 1000 m a.s.l. There were negative correlations between some traits (dry matter and seed yields, morphologic, and also root and crown-rot resistant traits) and altitude at which the seeds were collected. The data revealed that there was evidence of considerable inherent variations in all traits and thus there was a huge genetic diversity in the region. When populations were compared for agronomic and morphologic traits, the best populations were between altitudes of 251 and 500 m. It was observed that all populations had a spreading growth habit, except for 05TA01, 05TA02, and 60ER01 (semi-erect) and 60TU02 (semi-spreading). The results suggested that new grazing, forage types, and disease resistant WBT varieties may be bred from the studied populations

    Geographical Variation in Nutrient Composition of Lotus tenuis (Waldst.&Kit.) Populations from Seeds Collected from

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    To investigate the effect of seed origin on the nutritive value of narrowleaf birdsfoot trefoil (NBT, Lotus tenuis Waldst.&amp;Kit.), seeds of 86 NBT populations were collected from plants spontaneously occurring in natural pastures and rangelands located at different geographical gradients of the Black Sea Region, Turkey. Some nutrient contents of these populations regrown under the same conditions were determined. Minimum and maximum values with regard to the crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), Ca, P, Mg, K and condensed tannin contents, relative feed value, Ca P-1 and K (Ca+Mg)-1 ratios were found as 176.83 and 238.87, 201.00 and 351.61, 307.19 and 435.48, 15.01 and 21.60, 2.18 and 3.77, 3.03 and 4.02, 8.43 and 16.69, 20.00 and 31.50 g kg-1 dry matter, 189.70 and 263.41, 4.73 and 9.57, 0.35 and 0.88, respectively. The effects of seed genotype from different altitudes (Ca P-1), latitudes (digestible dry matter and ADF) and longitudes (CP and Mg) on some nutrient contents and feed values were found significant (<0.05). The correlations between altitude and NDF, P and Mg or between latitude and P and Mg contents of populations were significant. There were no specific trends in chemical composition and the nutritive value of tested NBT populations due to geographical variation. Thus, the results suggested that all studied geographical populations can be selected to obtain the nutritionally superior forageTo investigate the effect of seed origin on the nutritive value of narrowleaf birdsfoot trefoil (NBT, Lotus tenuis Waldst.&amp;Kit.), seeds of 86 NBT populations were collected from plants spontaneously occurring in natural pastures and rangelands located at different geographical gradients of the Black Sea Region, Turkey. Some nutrient contents of these populations regrown under the same conditions were determined. Minimum and maximum values with regard to the crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), Ca, P, Mg, K and condensed tannin contents, relative feed value, Ca P-1 and K (Ca+Mg)-1 ratios were found as 176.83 and 238.87, 201.00 and 351.61, 307.19 and 435.48, 15.01 and 21.60, 2.18 and 3.77, 3.03 and 4.02, 8.43 and 16.69, 20.00 and 31.50 g kg-1 dry matter, 189.70 and 263.41, 4.73 and 9.57, 0.35 and 0.88, respectively. The effects of seed genotype from different altitudes (Ca P-1), latitudes (digestible dry matter and ADF) and longitudes (CP and Mg) on some nutrient contents and feed values were found significant (<0.05). The correlations between altitude and NDF, P and Mg or between latitude and P and Mg contents of populations were significant. There were no specific trends in chemical composition and the nutritive value of tested NBT populations due to geographical variation. Thus, the results suggested that all studied geographical populations can be selected to obtain the nutritionally superior forag

    Genetic potential of wild birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) seeds collected from different geographical locations regarding to nutrient composition and nutritive value

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    To investigate the effects of seed origin on the nutrient content and nutritive value of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), seeds of wild birdsfoot trefoil (WBT) communities were collected from plants spontaneously occurring in pasture, rangelands and silvopastoral areas located at four altitudes, two latitudes and eight longitudes ranges of the Black Sea Region, Turkey. The relative feed value (RFV) and metabolizable energy (ME), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and condensed tannins (CT) contents, K/(Ca ? Mg) and Ca/P ratios of 126 populations from these seeds collected from different locations and grown under the same climatic conditions were determined. Altitude was significantly correlated with the abundance of WBT (r2 = 0.71). The abundance of population (percentage of WBT populations) in the silvopastoral areas (58.4 %) was higher than that in upland (5.6 %), pasture (16.7 %) and rangeland (19.3 %). The ME, RFV and ADF, NDF, P, K and CT contents of populations were not influenced by altitudinal and geographical gradients. There were obvious effects of altitude on Ca and Mg, of latitude on Ca and of longitude on CP, Ca and Mg, and also on Ca/P and K/(Ca ? Mg) ratios. This study provided information on genetic potentials of WBT populations in terms of nutritional properties. The results indicated that seeds selected from the populations that have high feed value can be used to improve the studied areas or artificial pasture and agroforest landscapes

    Mera yabancı otlarının kontrolünde keçilerin kullanımı

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    Meraların ekonomik değerlerini azaltan yabancı otlarla mücadele kaçınılmaz bir zorunluluktur. Günümüzde, yabancı ot mücadelesi kapsamında başvurulan herbisit kullanımı ve mekanik mücadele gibi uygulamaların gittikçe artan maliyetleri, uygulamalarında karşılaşılan çeşitli zorluklar ve ekosisteme olan olumsuz etkileri nedeniyle, biyolojik mücadele ajanı olarak keçilerin kullanımı gittikçe daha fazla popülerlik kazanmaktadır. Keçiler, ülkemiz meralarında en fazla problem oluşturan başta Centaurea, Cirsium ve Rumex cinslerine ait otsu türler ile Rubus, Rosa ve Genista cinslerine ait çalılar olmak üzere birçok yabancı ot türleri ile mücadeleyi en ekonomik bir şekilde gerçekleştirebilecek ve hatta bu mücadeleyi ekonomik kazanca dönüştürebilecek çevre dostu canlılardır. Keçiler, otlamadaki farklı bitki tercihleri nedeniyle diğer hayvan türleri ile birlikte aynı merada otlatılmaları durumunda mera vejetasyonlarının yabancı otlara karşı rekabet güçlerini artırmaları yanında meraya da ek bir yük getirmemekte veya çok az yük getirmektedir. Keçilerin, sığırlar ve atlar ile birlikte otlatılmaları sürünün parazit problemlerini azaltıcı etkiye de sahip olabilmektedir. Bozulan meralarımızın bitki kompozisyonlarının istenilen yönde değişmesi ve buna bağlı olarak da meralarımızın üretim güçlerinin artırılmasına olumlu katkılarda bulunabilen keçilerin, bir şekilde mera amenajman planlarında daha fazla yer almaları önemlidir. Bu derlemede, keçilerin otlama davranışları ile mera amenajmanı ve ıslahı çalışmalarındaki etkinliği değerlendirilmiştir

    Bazı Yabani Dar Yapraklı Gazal Boynuzu (Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit.) Populasyonlarının Morfolojik, Agronomik, Fenolojik ve Tesis Ömrü Özellikleri

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    Genetik kaynaklar bakımından Akdeniz İklim Kuşağı'nda yer alan en önemli ülkelerden biri olan Türkiye'nin, doğal florasında yer alan gazal boynuzu türlerinin; ekolojisi, dağılımı ve bitkisel özellikleri hakkındaki bilgi oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin Karadeniz Bölgesi doğal alanlarından örneklenen yabani daryapraklı gazal boynuzu (DGB) populasyonlarının; morfolojik, agronomik, fenolojik ve tesis ömrü özellikleri ile gelişme formlarının belirlenmesi ve bu özellikler ile örnekleme alanlarının rakım, enlem ve boylam değerleri arasındaki ilişkilerin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Örnekleme alanlarının rakımları 1 ile 1510 m arasında değişmiştir. Çalışmada 86 adet yabani DGB örneklenmiştir. DGB, çalışma yapılan her rakım derecesinde bulunmakla birlikte, bulunma sıklığı 1-300 m rakım aralığında daha fazla olmuştur. Diğer yandan gelişme formu hariç, incelenen tüm özelliklerin çok önemli varyasyonlar gösterdikleri belirlenmiştir. Bütün DGB populasyonları yatık gelişme formu göstermişlerdir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, DGB populasyonlarının düşük rakımlı alanlara daha iyi uyum sağladığını ve çalışılan bölgenin, başta otlakiye amaçlı ve hastalıklara dayanıklı yeni DGB çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi olmak üzere yapılacak her türlü çalışmalar için zengin genetik materyal kaynağına sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.Existing information on the ecology, distribution and plant traits of Lotus taxa is scant for the natural flora of Turkey, which is one of the most important countries in the Mediterranean zone for genetic resources and genetic diversity of these species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine (i) morphologic, agronomic, phenologic, stand persistence traits and growth habits of some wild narrowleaf birdsfoot trefoil (NBT; Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit.), and (ii) the relationships between these traits and altitude, latitude or longitude of the natural habitats, the samples of which were obtained from diverse natural areas of Black Sea Region, Turkey. The altitudes of sampling sites ranged from 1 to 1510 m. A total of 86 wild NBT were sampled in the study. NBT was present in all ranges of altitude, although its frequency was the highest in altitudes between 1-300 m. On the other hand, considerable variations were determined for the investigated traits, except for growth habit in which all populations had decumbent growth habit. The results of the present study indicate that NBT better adapted to lowlands and studied region offers important genetic resources for further researches and also may serve as a valuable breeding material for new grazing-type and disease resistant NBT varieties

    Morphological, Agronomical, Phenological and Stand Persistence Traits of Some Wild Narrowleaf Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit.) Populations

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    Existing information on the ecology, distribution and plant traits of Lotus taxa is scant for the natural flora of Turkey, which is one of the most important countries in the Mediterranean zone for genetic resources and genetic diversity of these species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine (i) morphologic, agronomic, phenologic, stand persistence traits and growth habits of some wild narrowleaf birdsfoot trefoil (NBT; Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit.), and (ii) the relationships between these traits and altitude, latitude or longitude of the natural habitats, the samples of which were obtained from diverse natural areas of Black Sea Region, Turkey. The altitudes of sampling sites ranged from 1 to 1510 m. A total of 86 wild NBT were sampled in the study. NBT was present in all ranges of altitude, although its frequency was the highest in altitudes between 1-300 m. On the other hand, considerable variations were determined for the investigated traits, except for growth habit in which all populations had decumbent growth habit. The results of the present study indicate that NBT better adapted to lowlands and studied region offers important genetic resources for further researches and also may serve as a valuable breeding material for new grazing-type and disease resistant NBT varieties