38 research outputs found

    How do we explore the seafloor and sub-seafloor? Tools and applications in Marine Geosciences

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    8 pages, 4 figuresHow do we explore the seafloor and sub-seafloor? Tools and applications in Marine Geosciences. More than 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by the oceans, however, there is little in-depth knowledge of their submarine topography, internal structures and active processes. Progress in marine geosciences is closely linked to technology and the development of specialized instrumentation for geophysical exploration. Thus, the technological revolution that has taken place over recent years will allow us to gain a better understanding of the history and evolution of our planetPeer Reviewe

    Active tectonic and sedimentary processes along the São Vicente Canyon (SW Iberian Margin): High-Resolution Imaging

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    Marine Technology Workshop (Martech05), 17-18 November 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona.-- 2 pages, 1 figureThe authors are grateful for funding from MCYT Acción Especial HITS (REN2000-2150-E), European Commission EASSS-III programme (HPRI-CT99-0047), European Large Scale Facility (HPRI-CT2001-00120) and Spanish National Project IMPULS (REN2003-05996MAR)Peer Reviewe

    Bathymetric map of the Gulf of Cadiz, NE Atlantic Ocean: The SWIM multibeam compilation

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    Marine Technology Workshop (Martech05), 17-18 November 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona.-- 2 pages, 1 figurePeer Reviewe

    First AUV and ROV investigation of seismogenic faults in the Alboran Sea (Western Meditarranean)

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    Gràcia, Eulàlia ... et al.-- 7th International Workshop on Marine Technology – Martech Workshop 2016, 26-28 October 2016, Barcelona.-- 2 pages, 3 figuresIn May-June 2015 we carried out the SHAKE cruise on board the RV “Sarmiento de Gamboa” the first in situ investigation using state-of-the-art underwater vehicles, the AUVs “AsterX” and “IdefX” (IFREMER, France) and the ROV “Max Rover” (HCMR, Greece). Here we present how these vehicles helped us to achieve our main goals to survey active seismogenic faults and associated structures of the Eastern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)Peer Reviewe

    Acoustic and seismic imaging of the Adra Fault (NE Alboran Sea): in search of the source of the 1910 Adra earthquake

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    13 pages, 7 figures, 1 tableRecently acquired swath-bathymetry data and high-resolution seismic reflection profiles offshore Adra (Almería, Spain) reveal the surficial expression of a NW–SE trending 20 km-long fault, which we termed the Adra Fault. Seismic imaging across the structure depicts a sub-vertical fault reaching the seafloor surface and slightly dipping to the NE showing an along-axis structural variability. Our new data suggest normal displacement of the uppermost units with probably a lateral component. Radiocarbon dating of a gravity core located in the area indicates that seafloor sediments are of Holocene age, suggesting present-day tectonic activity. The NE Alboran Sea area is characterized by significant low-magnitude earthquakes and by historical records of moderate magnitude, such as the Mw = 6.1 1910 Adra Earthquake. The location, dimension and kinematics of the Adra Fault agree with the fault solution and magnitude of the 1910 Adra Earthquake, whose moment tensor analysis indicates normal-dextral motion. The fault seismic parameters indicate that the Adra Fault is a potential source of large magnitude (Mw ≤ 6.5) earthquakes, which represents an unreported seismic hazard for the neighbouring coastal areasThe authors acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) through National Projects IMPULS (REN2003-05996MAR), EVENT (CGL2006-12861-C02-02) and SHAKE (CGL2011-30005-C02-02); Acciones Complementarias EVENT-SHELF (CTM 2008-03346-E/MAR) and SPARKER (CTM 2008-03208-E/MAR) and the ESF TopoEurope TOPOMED project (CGL2008-03474-E/BTE). We thank the captain, crew, scientific party and technical staff of the UTM-CSIC on board the Spanish R/V “Hesperides” and R/V “García del Cid” during the IMPULS and EVENT-SHELF cruises, respectively. We thank Fabrizio Pepe (Univ. Palermo) for his assistance in using the Geotrace software.We thank guest editor Hans Nelson, Carlos Marín Lechado and an anonymous referee for constructive comments and reviews. This work has been carried out within Grup de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya B-CSI (2009 SGR 146)Peer reviewe

    Adquirir, processar i compartir: el camí de les dades oceanogràfiques

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    Una visió general del recorregut de les dades oceanogràfiques (dades en general però centrant-nos en el cas particular de dades batimètriques), des de la seva adquisició i generació de metadades, Control de qualitat i processat fins arribar a tenir unes dades públiques i compartides en diferents portalsPeer Reviewe

    Submarine Mapping using Multibeam Bathymetry and and Acoustic Backscatter: Illuminating the Seafloor

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    5 pages, 4 figuresWe thank funding from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (previous MCyT) through projects ESF EuroMargins SWIM (REN2002-11234-E-MAR) and PN IMPULS (REN2003-05996MAR).Peer Reviewe

    Què fa i què pot fer la UTM amb les dades de campanyes ocenogràfiques a nivel nacional i internacional (SeaDataCloud, EMODNet)

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    2 pagesEl Servei de Dades de la UTM s’encarrega de gestionar les dades espacials adquirides durant les campanyes en vaixells oceanogràfics. No només les emmagatzemem, sinó que gràcies a la generació de metadades, és possible conèixer quines dades s’han adquirit, on, quan, com i donar accés a les dades que siguin de caràcter públic. En aquesta xerrada us explicarem com podeu consultar tota la informació de les campanyes, tant a nivell nacional en el nostre Catàleg de Campanyes (amb documentació associada, mapes de navegació i dades), com a nivell internacional en la Infraestructura SeaDataNet de la que la UTM en forma part. També veureu com podeu accedir a les dades públiques i generar mapes mitjançant el Geoportal UTM i també com podem assignar Digital Object Identifier (DOI) al dataset complet de la campanya o a unes dades en concret si us interessa, per tal de que puguin cer citades a les publicacionsPeer Reviewe

    Gestió de dades de campanyes oceanogràfiques per a una informació accessible

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    3 pages, 2 figures[EN] During research cruises on oceanographic vessels, a large amount of data of different types are acquired, covering all study areas and characterizing and providing information on the sea surface, the water column, the seabed and the sub-seabed. These data are very valuable not only as a source of oceanographic research but also because it is difficult and expensive to acquire them in the complex marine environment. It is therefore essential to make this information accessible and reusable. […][ES] Durante las campañas de investigación en buques oceanográficos se adquieren una gran cantidad de datos de diferente naturaleza, que cubren todos los ámbitos de estudio y que caracterizan y nos dan información tanto de la superficie del mar como de la columna de agua, del fondo y del subfondo marino. Estos datos son muy valiosos, no sólo porque son la fuente de las investigaciones oceanográficas, sino por la dificultad y el elevado coste de adquisición debido a la complejidad que representa trabajar en el medio marino. La accesibilidad de esta información y estos datos es por tanto fundamental y de ahí la importancia de que sean accesibles y reutilizables. […][CAT] Durant les campanyes d’investigació en vaixells oceanogràfics s’adquireixen una gran quantitat de dades de diferent naturalesa, que cobreixen tots els àmbits d’estudi i que caracteritzen i ens donen informació tant de la superfície del mar com de la columna d’aigua, i del fons i subfons marí. Aquestes dades són molt valuoses, no només perquè són la font de les investigacions oceanogràfiques, sinó per la dificultat i l’elevat cost d’adquisició a causa de la complexitat que representa treballar en el medi marí. L’accessibilitat d’aquesta informació i aquestes dades és per tant fonamental i d’aquí la importància que siguin accessibles i reutilitzables. […]Peer reviewe

    Bedform Mapping: Multibeam Data Processing, Metadata and Spatial Data Services

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    4 pagesMultibeam data processing is essential for bedform mapping because the resulting bathymetric map is the basis for the characterization of bedforms and for further analysis and interpretations. The existence of a large amount of spatial data in general and swath bathymetry data in particular requires the creation of metadata and spatial data services that should make it possible to find, view and download data in order to share them at various levels, meeting international standards following the INSPIRE DirectivePeer Reviewe