15 research outputs found


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    The urban configuration in the Mediterranean area, which has noticeable solar radiation and significant thermal oscillation, is one of the factors that affect the microclimate and the urban heat island phenomenon of the cities located in that zone. To contribute to the improvement of urban comfort, this work presents an experimental methodological proposal for the analysis and multicriteria optimization of performance indicators using a parametric workflow through Grasshopper. This workflow can lead to the development of a set of environmental design criteria as support tools in the design of the urban configuration. The methodology is based on the quantification of two parameters on the analysis and management of daylight in interior spaces by means of dynamic metrics and, on the other hand, on the evaluation of hygrothermal conditions and the urban heat island effect, which affect both the daytime comfort of passersby and the nighttime comfort of dwellings. This study considers the most typical variables of urban layout, both morphological and material. The case study analyzed is located in the city of Seville (Spain), which has a significant percentage of its contemporary buildings without a suitable adaptation to local climate conditions. The results obtained from the case study prove the potential of the proposed methodology to evaluate and optimize lighting and thermal performance at the neighbourhood scale. Thus, it provides urban planners with a powerful decision support tool for both urban expansion and urban renewal

    Assessment of integrated solutions for the combined energy efficiency improvement and seismic strengthening of existing URM buildings

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    The European building stock is an aging infrastructure, mainly built prior to building codes. Furthermore, 65% of these buildings are located in seismic regions, which need to be both energetic and seismically retrofitted to comply with performance targets. Given this, this manuscript presents integrated constructive solutions that combine both energy efficiency improvement and seismic strengthening. The goal and novelty is to design and to evaluate one-shot, compatible, noninvasive, and complementary solutions applied to the façades of buildings with a minimum cost. To do so, different constraints have been borne in mind: the urban environment, achievable seismic and energy performance targets, and reduced construction costs. The method was applied to an old Spanish neighbourhood constructed in the 1960s. Different retrofitting packages were proposed for an unreinforced masonry case study building. A sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the effects of each configuration. A benefit/cost ratio was proposed to comparatively assess and to rank the solutions. The results of the seismoenergetic performance assessment showed that improving the behaviour of walls leads to higher benefit ratios than improving the openings. However, this latter strategy generates much lower construction costs. Integrating seismic into energetic retrofitting solutions supposes negligible additional costs but can improve the seismic behaviour of buildings by up to 240%. The optimal solution was the addition of higher ratios of steel grids and intermediate profiles in openings while adding thermal insulation in walls and renovating the window frames with PVC and standard 4/6/4 double glazing

    The Definition of the Heritage Status of Modern Residential Architecture from a Multi-Scalar and Perceptual Approach. A Heritage Perspective in the Case Study of the Neighbourhood of El Plantinar in Seville (Spain)

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    The demographic, political, social and economic evolution of the last 40 years has shown how difficult it has been for the residential architecture of the 1960s to adapt to the needs of the turn of the century, in many cases suffering abandonment by the administration and the citizens themselves. However, these architectural ensembles, grouped together in the so-called “barriadas” (neighbourhoods), represented a change of era and a conceptual transformation in the way the city was built. This has led various international organisations to consider the need to study and protect them. The El Plantinar neighbourhood, located in the city of Seville, is one of these architectural complexes that are in a situation of vulnerability. The aim of this article is to propose a research methodology that, from different scales and with the incorporation of new players, allows us to understand these modern assets in their maximum dimension and to define their unique heritage. The methodology is structured in two phases. In the first phase, a general study of the neighbourhood is carried out on three scales: urban, object-typological and perceptive. In the second phase, the cultural attributes of the urban ensemble, of a patrimonial nature to which values can be assigned, are identified. The results provide very heterogeneous attributes that contribute to enrich the neighbourhood beyond the traditional scientific-technical and objectual vision that accompanies the assets of the modern period. The conclusions indicate that a methodology that takes into account different approaches and scales is necessary to incorporate these neighbourhoods solidly into the heritage landscape

    The definition of the heritage status of modern residential architecture from a multi-scalar and perceptual approach. A heritage perspective in the case study of the neighbourhood of El Plantinar in Seville (Spain)

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    The demographic, political, social and economic evolution of the last 40 years has shown how difficult it has been for the residential architecture of the 1960s to adapt to the needs of the turn of the century, in many cases suffering abandonment by the administration and the citizens themselves. However, these architectural ensembles, grouped together in the so-called “barriadas” (neighbourhoods), represented a change of era and a conceptual transformation in the way the city was built. This has led various international organisations to consider the need to study and protect them. The El Plantinar neighbourhood, located in the city of Seville, is one of these architectural complexes that are in a situation of vulnerability. The aim of this article is to propose a research methodology that, from different scales and with the incorporation of new players, allows us to understand these modern assets in their maximum dimension and to define their unique heritage. The methodology is structured in two phases. In the first phase, a general study of the neighbourhood is carried out on three scales: urban, object-typological and perceptive. In the second phase, the cultural attributes of the urban ensemble, of a patrimonial nature to which values can be assigned, are identified. The results provide very heterogeneous attributes that contribute to enrich the neighbourhood beyond the traditional scientific-technical and objectual vision that accompanies the assets of the modern period. The conclusions indicate that a methodology that takes into account different approaches and scales is necessary to incorporate these neighbourhoods solidly into the heritage landscape

    Urban layout for building solar optimization and outdoor comfort balance: neighborhood strategy in Mediterranean climate

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    The urban configuration in the Mediterranean area, which has noticeable solar radiation and significant thermal oscillation, is one of the factors that affect the microclimate and the urban heat island phenomenon of the cities located in that zone. To contribute to the improvement of urban comfort, this work presents an experimental methodological proposal for the analysis and multicriteria optimization of performance indicators using a parametric workflow through Grasshopper. This workflow can lead to the development of a set of environmental design criteria as support tools in the design of the urban configuration. The methodology is based on the quantification of two parameters on the analysis and management of daylight in interior spaces by means of dynamic metrics and, on the other hand, on the evaluation of hygrothermal conditions and the urban heat island effect, which affect both the daytime comfort of passersby and the nighttime comfort of dwellings. This study considers the most typical variables of urban layout, both morphological and material. The case study analyzed is located in the city of Seville (Spain), which has a significant percentage of its contemporary buildings without a suitable adaptation to local climate conditions. The results obtained from the case study prove the potential of the proposed methodology to evaluate and optimize lighting and thermal performance at the neighbourhood scale. Thus, it provides urban planners with a powerful decision support tool for both urban expansion and urban renewal

    The architecture role in the efficient urban design: a first step to the guided reflection

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    The role of architects in urban design is quite unknown in society and the significance of architecture is relegated, in most cases, to the building. Fundamental aspects such as the width of the streets, the vegetation, the height of the buildings or the pavement seem alien to architecture. Even its impact on energy efficiency and user comfort, not only on public roads but also inside buildings, is often ignored. This idea of separation between architecture and efficient urban design is also that of those who start the degree in Architecture. Therefore, the objective of this teaching experience is to provoke a critical reflection of the students on these issues prior to the start of the degree, carrying out a workshop in the Zero Course in Architecture in which the active participation of the student is encouraged.El papel de arquitectos y arquitectas en el diseño urbano es bastante desconocido en la sociedad y el alcance de la arquitectura queda relegado, en la mayoría de los casos, al edificio. Aspectos fundamentales como el ancho de las calles, la vegetación, la altura de los edificios o el pavimento parecen ajenos a la arquitectura. Incluso su repercusión en la eficiencia energética y el confort de los usuarios, no solo en la vía pública sino también en el interior de edificios, es ignorada en muchas ocasiones. Esta idea de separación entra arquitectura y diseño urbano eficiente es también la de aquellos que inician el grado en Arquitectura. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta experiencia docente es provocar una reflexión crítica del alumnado sobre estos temas previa al inicio del grado, realizando para ello un taller en el Curso Cero en Arquitectura en el que se fomenta una participación activa del estudiantado.Peer Reviewe

    Energy optimization: bringing professional practice closer to different educational levels

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    This study addresses the concerning disconnect between academic training in architecture and the growing need to incorporate sustainability and energy efficiency into professional practice. Given the increasing importance of energy efficiency and building certification, this disconnect has become a significant challenge. The article proposes an educational methodology that simulates the professional experience, addressing energy efficiency in an interdisciplinary manner from initial design to certification. This methodology has been implemented at various educational levels and has proven effective in equipping students with an understanding of energy efficiency concepts and their practical application. The results indicate that this innovative methodology can help bridge the gap between education and professional practice in architecture, preparing future architects to effectively address sustainability and energy efficiency in their projects and careers.Este estudio aborda la preocupante desconexión entre la formación académica en arquitectura y la creciente necesidad de integrar la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia energética en la práctica profesional. Dada la importancia cada vez mayor de la eficiencia energética y la certificación en edificios, esta desconexión se ha convertido en un desafío significativo. El artículo propone una metodología educativa que simula la experiencia profesional, abordando la eficiencia energética, de forma interdisciplinar, desde el diseño inicial hasta la certificación. Esta metodología se aplicó en varios niveles educativos y demostró ser efectiva para capacitar a los estudiantes en la comprensión de conceptos de eficiencia energética y su aplicación práctica. Los resultados indican que esta innovadora metodología puede ayudar a cerrar la brecha entre la educación y la práctica profesional en arquitectura y preparar a los futuros arquitectos para abordar la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia energética de manera efectiva en sus proyectos y carreras.Peer Reviewe

    Assessment of Integrated Solutions for the Combined Energy Efficiency Improvement and Seismic Strengthening of Existing URM Buildings

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    The European building stock is an aging infrastructure, mainly built prior to building codes. Furthermore, 65% of these buildings are located in seismic regions, which need to be both energetic and seismically retrofitted to comply with performance targets. Given this, this manuscript presents integrated constructive solutions that combine both energy efficiency improvement and seismic strengthening. The goal and novelty is to design and to evaluate one-shot, compatible, noninvasive, and complementary solutions applied to the façades of buildings with a minimum cost. To do so, different constraints have been borne in mind: the urban environment, achievable seismic and energy performance targets, and reduced construction costs. The method was applied to an old Spanish neighbourhood constructed in the 1960s. Different retrofitting packages were proposed for an unreinforced masonry case study building. A sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the effects of each configuration. A benefit/cost ratio was proposed to comparatively assess and to rank the solutions. The results of the seismoenergetic performance assessment showed that improving the behaviour of walls leads to higher benefit ratios than improving the openings. However, this latter strategy generates much lower construction costs. Integrating seismic into energetic retrofitting solutions supposes negligible additional costs but can improve the seismic behaviour of buildings by up to 240%. The optimal solution was the addition of higher ratios of steel grids and intermediate profiles in openings while adding thermal insulation in walls and renovating the window frames with PVC and standard 4/6/4 double glazing

    Esclerosi múltiple: preguntes i respostes per a pacients i familiars

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    Ha colaborado en este proyecto el Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante (ISABIAL).Este libro pretende resolver algunas dudas que plantea la Esclerosis Múltiple, mediante un formato de preguntas y respuestas que los autores de este libro (profesionales y especialistas multidisciplinares involucrados en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad) han intentado condensar en estas páginas. Trasladando de este modo los conocimientos y la experiencia acumulados. Este libro tiene algunas peculiaridades. La primera es que en su redacción y revisión han participado pacientes de la Asociación de Esclerosis Múltiple de Alicante (ADEMA) y de la Asociación Alicantina de Esclerosis Múltiple "Vega Baja" y ello ha ayudado a conseguir una redacción y contenido claro y conciso, sin tecnicismos innecesarios, pero de gran aplicación y contenido científico clínico. La segunda peculiaridad es que, al ser la Comunidad Valenciana, donde vivimos, una comunidad plurilingüe, este libro tiene versiones en castellano y en valenciano. La tercera peculiaridad es que el libro no tiene patrocinio de la industria farmacéutica y ninguno de los autores ha recibido remuneración por su contribución. Conscientes de que los conocimientos y los tratamientos sobre la enfermedad van cambiando con el tiempo, se intentará actualizarlo periódicamente y tras esta edición de mayo de 2017. Se estructura en los siguientes capítulos: 1) ¿Qué es la esclerosis múltiple i por qué se produce?; 2) Los síntomas de la enfermedad; 3) Diagnóstico; 4) Tratamiento; 5) Tratamiento rehabilitador y sintomático; 6) Dolor y Esclerosis Múltiple; 7) Aspectos emocionales en la Esclerosis Múltiple; 8) La Esclerosis Múltiple y la mujer; 9) Mi vida día día; 10) Actividad física y ejercicio; 11) Ármate de valor.Aquest llibre pretén resoldre alguns dubtes que planteja l'Esclerosi Múltiple, mitjançant un format de preguntes i respostes que els autors d'aquest llibre (professionals i especialistes multidisciplinaris involucrats en el diagnòstic i tractament de la malaltia) han intentat condensar en aquestes pàgines. Traslladant d'aquesta manera els coneixements i l'experiència acumulats. Aquest llibre té algunes peculiaritats. La primera és que en la seua redacció i revisió han participat pacients de l'Associació d'Esclerosi Múltiple d'Alacant (ADEMA) i de l'Associació Alacantina d'Esclerosi Múltiple "Vega Baixa" i això ha ajudat a aconseguir una redacció i contingut clar i concís, sense tecnicismes innecessaris, però de gran aplicació i contingut científic clínic. La segona peculiaritat és que, en ser la Comunitat Valenciana, on vivim, una comunitat plurilingüe, aquest llibre té versions en castellà i en valencià. La tercera peculiaritat és que el llibre no té patrocini de la indústria farmacèutica i cap dels autors ha rebut remuneració per la seua contribució. Conscients que els coneixements i els tractaments sobre la malaltia van canviant amb el temps, s'intentarà actualitzar-lo periòdicament i després d'aquesta edició de maig de 2017. S'estructura en els següents capítols: 1) Què és l'esclerosi múltiple i per què es produeix?; 2) Els símptomes de la malaltia; 3) Diagnòstic; 4) Tractament; 5) Tractament rehabilitador i simptomàtic; 6) Dolor i Esclerosi Múltiple; 7) Aspectes emocionals en l'Esclerosi Múltiple; 8) L'Esclerosi Múltiple i la dona; 9) La meua vida dia dia; 10) Activitat física i exercici; 11) Arma't de valor

    La expresión oral y escrita, objetivo fundamental de calidad de la enseñanza

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    Convocatoria de Proyectos de innovación de Extremadura 2017/2018Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES Miguel Durán (Azuaga, Badajoz) desarrollado dentro del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad del centro, que tenía como objetivo principal que los alumnos adquirieran las competencias necesarias para una correcta expresión oral y escrita (mejora de la competencia informacional y las competencias comunicativa e idiomática). Para conseguir el objetivo se organizaron distintas actividades promovidas por el Grupo de Trabajo de la Biblioteca del centro: fomento de la lectura, feria del libro, Día de la poesía, diversas actividades de lectura en la biblioteca, club de lectura con libros digitales, etc., así como la realización de otras actividades y la elaboración de materiales por parte de los distintos departamentos del instituto como: exposiciones de los alumnos ante el aula, lectura en distintos soportes, realización de trabajos de investigación, actividades de enriquecimiento del vocabulario, etc.ExtremaduraES