54 research outputs found

    Analysis of Hue Spectra During Storage of Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

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    Color information is widely used in non-destructive quality assessment of perishable horticultural produces. The presented work investigated color changes of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) samples received from retail system. The effect of storage temperature (10±2°C and 24±4°C) on surface color and firmness was analyzed. Hue spectra was calculated using sum of saturations. A ColorLite sph850 (400-700nm) spectrophotometer was used as reference instrument. Dynamic firmness was measured on three locations of the surface: tip cap, middle and shoulder. Significant effects of storage conditions and surface location on both color and firmness were observed. Hue spectra responded sensitively to color development of pepper. Prediction model (PLS) was used to estimate dynamic firmess based on hue spectra. Accuracy was very different depending on the location. Firmness of the tip cap was predicted with the highest accuracy (RMSEP=0.0335). On the other hand, middle region cannot be used for such purpose. Due to the simplicity and rapid processing, analysis of hue spectra is a promising tool for evaluation of color in postharvest and food industry

    Influence of parameters of drying on laser induced diffuse reflectance of banana discs

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    Banana discs of 1 cm thickness were immersed into different antioxidant solutions to slow down potentially disturbing discoloration during drying. Samples were randomly split into 8 groups according to the 2^p experimental design. Two antioxidant solutions with 1.66% and 4.59% ascorbic acid, two levels of drying temperature with 50°C and 80°C, two levels of drying time with 6h and 8h were used or adjusted. Laser diodes of seven wavelengths (532, 635, 650, 780, 808, 850 and 1064 nm) were selected to illuminate the surface and light penetration pattern was evaluated on the basis of radial profiles. Profiles acquired at three wavelengths (532, 635 and 650 nm) were found to respond sensitively to adjusted parameters. As a result of drying, intensity decay was observed to move closer to incident point. Significant effect (p<0.01) of temperature, drying time and their interaction was found on extracted descriptive attributes of intensity profiles: full width at half maximum (FWHM), distance of inflection point (DIP) and slope of logarithmic decay (SLD). Beyond their presence, antioxidant concentration was neutral factor without significant contribution to the model. Results were in agreement with reference spectroscopic measurements, especially with NDVI index. Promising results suggest that evaluated method might be suitable for monitoring purposes during drying of fruits

    Integrált rehabilitációs ellátás I. – hazai előzmények, erősségek, gyengeségek

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    A rehabilitációs ellátás hazánkban jellemzően kórházakban történik. A rehabilitációban tevékenykedő szakemberekskollégák évtizedekkel ezelőtt felismerték, hogy a társadalom idősödése, a krónikus egészségi állapotok gyakoribbá válása miatt a szükségletek ilyen módon nem lesznek kielégíthetők. Kísérleti lakóközösségi rehabilitációs programokat indítottak. Jelentős tapasztalat a közösségi pszichiátria területén alakult ki. Az Egészségügyi Szakmai Kollégium Rehabilitációs Tagozata és Tanácsa Rehabilitációs Ellátási Programokat fejlesztett, amelyek az optimális betegutakat bemutatják. Az ezekkel kapcsolatos bizonyítékokat szakkönyv foglalja össze. Az egészségügyi ellátás reformja aktualitást ad az eddigi tapasztalatok feldolgozásának, a rendelkezésre álló erőforrások, valamint a közösségi rehabilitációs programok fejlesztését támogató, illetve akadályozó tényezők számbavételének. A Rehabilitációs Ellátási Programok fejlesztése többszöri tesztelési fázis alapján készült el, a betegutak mellett a szakmai elvárásokat és az eredményesség felmérésére ajánlott módszereket is tartalmazzák. A jelen helyzet adatainak bemutatása az Országos Statisztikai Adatgyűjtési Program, illetve a Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítás Alapkezelő adatai alapján történik. Ezekben az ellátás területi egyenetlensége és a fekvőbeteg ellátás dominanciája látszik. A rehabilitációs képzésben az utóbbi időben kedvező változások történtek. A közösségi rehabilitáció fejlesztésében felhasználhatók a praxisközösségi modellprogramok eredményei, a kommunikációt jól támogathatja az Egészségügyi Elektronikus Szolgáltatói Tér. Jelen tanulmány korlátja, hogy nem sikerült teljeskörű adatokat gyűjteni. Az érintett lakosság preferenciái sem ismertek. Következtetésként megállapítható az elmagányosodás növekedése, a szociális ellátórendszer átalakulása, mind a vertikális, mind a horizontális integráció szükségessége és a háziorvos kapuőri szerepének javítása, amihez célzott edukációs programok is szükségesek. | Provision of hospital-based rehabilitation services are typical for Hungary. Professionals working in re- habilitation medicine have recognized some decades ago that due to ageing of the society and increasing frequency of chronic health conditions the needs will not be met by the existing services. Experimental com- munity-based rehabilitation services have been ini- tiated in cooperation with World Health Organization European Office. Important and promising experiences have been gathered in the field of community psychiat- ric rehabilitation services. Rehabilitation Medicine Di- vision and Council of the Healthcare Professional Bo- ard have developed Rehabilitation Care Programmes. Those also include recommended optimal care pathway for different health conditions. Evidence of the Rehabilitation Care Programmes have been collec- ted and published in a handbook. The ongoing health care reform in Hungary calls for summarizing earlier experiences and review of available resources as well as strengths and weaknesses supporting or hindering the development of community-based rehabilitation ser- vices. The Rehabilitation Care Programmes have been developed on basis of multiple test phases where sig- nificant number of hospital rehabilitation wards from different service levels and territorial regions of Hunga- ry have been participated. Beside suggested care pat- hways basic conditions of rehabilitation care services as well as recommended methods of effectiveness eva- luation of service provision are part of the programme descriptions. Introduction of present situation is based on data of the National Statistical Data-Collection Prog- ramme in rehabilitation medicine and data provided by the National Health Insurance Fund. Our findings demonstrate the dominance of hospital-based servi- ce provision and the inequal availability of services by regions. Several favourable changes have occurred at the training in rehabilitation of medical students and other students of professionals employed in rehabilita- tion medicine, like physiotherapists and psychologists. Experiences gained in recent primary-care practice fellowships have also brought useful information in de- velopment of community-based rehabilitation services. Communication of different healthcare providers is sup- ported by the e-Health Care Cloud Hosting. Authors re- gard as limitation of their study the inability of providing a full-scale data base. Preferences of the effected popu- lation remained unknown as well. As conclusion we can confirm the growing isolation of elderly population, the social care services are experiencing reorganization and modifications. Those features call for both vertical and horizontal coordination among all care providers with a potential role in rehabilitation, as well as strengthening the gate-keeper function of general practitioners. The la- ter need calls for goal-oriented education programmes

    Módszer a fémek emisszivitásának becslésére

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    A fémek emisszivitásának ismerete egyre fontosabb anyagtudományi és folyamatmodellezési szempontból. Az eddigi vizsgálatok megmutatták, hogy a legtöbb anyag emisszivitása hőmérsékletfüggő, és a legérdekesebb a 300-1000 K hőmérséklettartomány, ahol a változás a legintenzívebb és a folyamatszabályozás szempontjából a leglényegesebb. Hőmérsékletfüggő emisszivitást észleltünk az alacsonyan ötvözött acélok plazmanitridálása során, és egy most futó téma kapcsán az alacsonyan ötvözött alumínium (AlMg1, AlMg3) emisszivitását kell vizsgálnunk. A dolgozatban bemutatjuk az általunk kifejlesztett módszert, részletesen tárgyaljuk az alumíniumötvözetre kapott mérési és számítási eredményeket, és összehasonlítjuk a szakirodalomban található eredményekkel

    Method for Emissivity Estimation of Metals

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    Knowledge of the surface emissivity of metals is becoming more and more important both from the material science, process modelling and control point of view. Previous research results have shown that the emissivity of most metals depends on the temperature of the surface. It has also been reported that the most important temperature region is between 300 – 1000 K degrees, where the change of the emissivity is the most intense, which is also the most significant from a process control point of view. We also report temperature dependent emissivity observed during plasma nitriding of low alloy steels. Related to one of our present research topics the study of the low alloy aluminum (AlMg1, AlMg3) emissivity has prooven relevant. In this article the developed emissivity estimation model is presented. In the first part a literature overview and the theoretical approach of the new method is discussed, followed by the experimental results for low alloy aluminium emissivity determination and a comparison with the results available in the literature

    Csatolási, anizotrópia és domén-jelenségek mágneses vékonyrétegekben = Coupling, anisotropy and domain phenomena in magnetic thin films

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    Antiferromágnesesen (AF) csatolt fémes multirétegek fontos szerepet játszanak mind az alapkutatásban, mind a mágneses adatrögzítésben és szenzorikában. A projekt célja volt egyes, az óriás mágneses ellenállás (GMR) jelenségén alapuló nanoeszközök teljesítőképességét befolyásoló csatolási és mágneses anizotrópia tulajdonságok, valamint mágneses doménjelenségek felderítése. Kísérleti módszereink a mágnesezettség és a mágneses ellenállás mérése, a neutronreflektometria, a szinkrotron-Mössbauer-reflektometria (SMR) és a Mössbauer-polarimetria voltak. A projekt főbb eredményei: Azonosítottuk a szuperparamágneses tartományok GMR-járulékát elektrolitikusan leválasztott Co/Cu multirétegekben, módszert dolgoztunk ki annak elkülönítésére és minimalizálására. Felderítettük az AF-domének érésének mechanizmusát erősen csatolt Fe/Cr multirétegekben, igazoltuk abban a koercitív erő szerepét. A "túltelítési doménmemória-hatást" a réteg-réteg-csatolás laterális eloszlásával magyaráztuk. Két új doménátalakulást, a hőmérsékletindukált érést és a komplex durvulást találtuk meg és elemeztük. Kifejlesztettük az érés Monte Carlo-szimulációját és általános sejtautomata-modelljét. Megalkottuk a diffúz SMR teljes DWBA-elméletét és -algoritmusát. Kidolgoztuk a laboratóriumi és a szinkrotronos vékonyréteg-Mössbauer-polarimetria elveit és a módszereket Fe/Cr és Fe/Gd multirétegek csatolási tulajdonságainak vizsgálatára alkalmaztuk. Megépítettük és beüzemeltük a világ első CEMS polarimétereit. | Antiferromagnetically (AF) coupled metallic multilayers play an important role in fundamental science as well as in magnetic recording technology and sensorics. The project aimed at clarifying coupling and magnetic anisotropy properties and also magnetic domain phenomena influencing the performance of nanodevices based on giant magnetoresistance (GMR). Experimental methods included measurement of magnetisation and magnetoresistance, neutron reflectometry, synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry (SMR) and Mössbauer polarimetry. Main results of the project: GMR contribution of superparamagnetic regions in electrodeposited Co/Cu multilayers was identified; a method was developed for separating and minimising it. The mechanism of ripening of AF domains in strongly-coupled Fe/Cr multilayers was elucidated and the role of coercivity was demonstrated. 'Supersaturation memory effect' was ascribed to lateral distribution of the layer-layer coupling. Two new domain transformations, viz. temperature-induced ripening and complex coarsening were found and analysed. A Monte Carlo simulation and a general cellular automaton model of ripening were developed. Full DWBA theory and algorithm of diffuse SMR were established. Principles of laboratory and synchrotron thin-film Mössbauer polarimetry were elaborated and the methods were applied to studying coupling properties of Fe/Cr and Fe/Gd multilayers. The world's first CEMS polarimeters were built and put into operation

    On the microscopic origin of the magneto-electronic phase separation in Sr doped LaCoO3

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    The nanoscopic magneto-electronic phase separation in doped La1-xSrxCoO3 perovskites was studied with local probes. The phase separation is directly observed by M\"ossbauer spectroscopy in the studied doping range of 0.05 <= x <= 0.25 both at room-temperature as well as in the low temperature magnetic phase. Extended with current synchrotron based X-ray spectroscopies, these data help to characterize the volume as well as the local electric and magnetic properties of the distinct phases. A simple model based on a random distribution of the doping Sr ions describes well both the evolution of the separated phases as well as the variation of the Co spin state. The experiments suggest that Sr doping initiates small droplets and a high degree of doping driven cobalt spin-state transition, while the Sr-free second phase vanishes rapidly with increasing Sr content

    Candidate plant gene homologues in grapevine involved in Agrobacterium transformation

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    Abstract The grapevine (Vitis vinifera) genome was analyzed in silico for homologues of plant genes involved in Agrobacterium transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana spp. Grapevine homologues of the glucomannan 4-betamannosyltransferase 9 gene CslA-09 involved in bacterial attachment to the cell wall, homologues of reticulon-like proteins BTI1, 2, 3 and RAB8 GTPases, both involved in T-DNA transfer to the host cell, homologues of VirE2 interacting protein VIP1 that contributes to the targeting of T-DNA into the nucleus and to its integration, and homologues of the histone protein H2A, which promotes the expression of T-DNA encoded genes, were selected. Sequences homologous to the arabinogalactan-protein AtAGP17 were not found in the grape genome. Seventeen selected candidates were tested by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis for changes in their expression levels upon inoculation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58. Of the tested homologues, the expression of VvRab8a, VvVip1a and two histone genes (VvHta2 and VvHta10) increased significantly, therefore we hypothesize that these might be involved in Agrobacterium transformation of V. vinifera.</jats:p
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