8 research outputs found

    Are alveolar bone changes a determinant factor for "cara inchada" in cattle?

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    In order to study possible alterations of the skeleton which might play a role in the pathogenesis of the periodontitis of "cara inchada" in young cattle, ribs from 20 affected calves, 2 to 10 months old, were examined. Electrolytically decalcified longitudinal sections of the costochondral junction and cross sections through the corpus costae, stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin, were studied. In five calves, longitudinal sections of the proximal humerus were examined as well. The status of mineralization was checked by microradiograms. Systemic alteration of the skeleton due to disturbances of mineral metabolism could not be shown in any of the animals. In seven 2 to 4 months old calves, no bone changes were found. The reduced osteogenesis in six 3 to 5 months old calves and the reduced osteogenesis and diminished chondral growth in seven 5 to 10 months old calves are therefore a consequence of the disease. The results show that the development of the alveolar bone was not defective, so this cannot be a determinant factor for the development of the periodontitis of "cara inchada" in cattle

    Are alveolar bone changes a determinant factor for "cara inchada" in cattle?

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    In order to study possible alterations of the skeleton which might play a role in the pathogenesis of the periodontitis of "cara inchada" in young cattle, ribs from 20 affected calves, 2 to 10 months old, were examined. Electrolytically decalcified longitudinal sections of the costochondral junction and cross sections through the corpus costae, stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin, were studied. In five calves, longitudinal sections of the proximal humerus were examined as well. The status of mineralization was checked by microradiograms. Systemic alteration of the skeleton due to disturbances of mineral metabolism could not be shown in any of the animals. In seven 2 to 4 months old calves, no bone changes were found. The reduced osteogenesis in six 3 to 5 months old calves and the reduced osteogenesis and diminished chondral growth in seven 5 to 10 months old calves are therefore a consequence of the disease. The results show that the development of the alveolar bone was not defective, so this cannot be a determinant factor for the development of the periodontitis of "cara inchada" in cattle

    Diagnóstico da deficiência de fósforo em bovinos pelos exames histológicos e microrradiográficos de costelas

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    The objective of the present study was to show the efficiency of histologic and microradiographic techniques performed on rib bone samples as a mean of diagnosing the phosphorus status of cattle raised on phosphorus deficient pastures and receiving different mineral supplements. The rib samples were obtained from cattle of different ages which died from disease that was clinically and epidemiologically diagnosed as botulism. Ten out of 24 juvenile and adult animals studied exibited alterations of osteomalacia, while the others without those alterations served as controls. It is suggested that the method could be useful to improve the diagnosis of phosphorus deficiency of cattle in Brazil

    Estudos histológico-morfométricos e microrradiográficos de costelas de bovinos suplementados com fosfato de rocha Morphologic-morphometrical and microradiographical studies on ribs of cattle supplemented with rock phosphate

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de avaliar, através de técnicas especializadas, as possíveis alterações ósseas produzidas em bovinos em decorrência da ingestão prolongada de diferentes níveis de flúor contido no fosfato de rocha de Tapira utilizado como fonte suplementar de fósforo. No primeiro experimento bovinos confinados ingeriram, durante 6 meses, quantidades variáveis (63 e 128g/dia) de fosfato de Tapira contendo 1.3% de flúor. No segundo experimento, bovinos em pastos de Brachiaria decumbens ingeriram, durante 33 meses, misturas minerais contendo diferentes níveis de fosfato de rocha de Tapira. No terceiro experimento, novilhas com idade inicial média de 14 meses ingeriram mistura mineral com fosfato de Tapira até a quinta lactação inclusivamente. Através de exames histológicos, morfométricos e microrradiográficos das amostras de costelas, não se observaram alterações da normalidade óssea, bem como não foram registradas diferenças entre amostras provenientes de diferentes tratamentos. Tais achados permitem inferir que, do ponto de vista de alterações ósseas, o fosfato de rocha de Tapira pode ser utilizado como fonte suplementar de fósforo para bovinos, nas dosagens, períodos e manejos alimentares estudados, sem risco de produzir alterações patológicas nos esqueleto dos animais.<br>The present study was conducted to evaluate possible bone changes in cattle due to the ingestion of different levels of fluorine from rock phosphate used as a phophorus supplement. The bone material studied were ribs collected from cattle of three experiments where Tapira rock phosphate was used at different levels and during different periods as a partial or sole source of supplementary phosphorus. In the first experiment feedlot cattle ingested during a 6 month period 63 and 128g/day of Tapira rock phosphate containing 1.3% fluorine. In the second experiment cattle maintained in Brachiaria decumbens pastures during 33 months ingested several levels of Tapira rock phosphate in the mineral mixtures. In the third experiment heifers averaging 14 months of age ingested a mineral supplement with Tapira rock phosphate until the 5th lactation period. Careful examination of the rib samples by histological, morphometric and microradiographic techniques revealed no abnormalities which could be related to fluorine ingestion, neither any differences among tretaments regarding the bone structure. These findings support the conclusion that, as far as bone alterations are concerned, Tapira rock phosphate could be used as a source of phosphorus for cattle under the conditions described in the experiments, a practice which would markedly reduce the cost of phosphorus supplementation