2 research outputs found

    On QKD industrialization

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    During the 25 years of existence of the first protocol for Quantum Key Distribution, much has been said and expected of what came to be termed as Quantum Cryptography. After all this time, much progress has been done but also the reality check and analysis that naturally comes with maturity is underway. A new panorama is emerging, and the way in which the challenges imposed by market requirements are tackled will determine the fate of Quantum Cryptography. The present paper attempts to frame a reasonable view on the issues of the security and market requirements that QKD should achieve to become a marketable technology

    Manejo Multidisciplinario del Adenocarcinoma de Páncreas: Guía de Práctica Clínica AUNA

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    Introduction: This article provides recommendations for the Multidisciplinary Management of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in the RED AUNA. Methods: A systematic search of clinical practice guidelines (CPG) similar to topics of interest was developed, it was assessed with the AGREE II instrument, a list of questions was elaborated under the PICO structure, a de novo search was carried out prioritizing reviews systematic with or without meta-analysis, followed by primary studies, the elaboration of the evidence tables and the evaluation of the global quality for the outcomes of the clinical questions was carried out following the GRADE methodology. Results: 5 PICO questions corresponding to initial management and systemic management were formulated with 18 recommendations regarding the most effective method for pathological diagnosis, biliary drainage and the most effective and safe systemic treatment in the neoadjuvant, adjuvant and metastatic setting. Conclusions: This article summarizes the methodology and evidence-based recommendations of the CPG for the multidisciplinary management of pancreatic adenocarcinoma of the AUNA Clinic Network.Introducción: Este artículo brinda recomendaciones para el Manejo Multidisciplinario del Adenocarcinoma de Páncreas en la RED AUNA. Métodos: Se desarrolló una búsqueda sistemática de guías de práctica clínica (GPC) similares al tópico de interés, se valoró con el instrumento AGREE II, se elaboró un listado de preguntas bajo la estructura PICO, se realizó una búsqueda de novo priorizando revisiones sistemáticas con o sin meta-análisis, seguida de estudios primarios, la elaboración de las tablas de evidencia y la evaluación de la calidad global para los desenlaces de las preguntas clínicas se realizó siguiendo la metodología GRADE. Resultados: Se formularon 5 preguntas PICO correspondientes al manejo inicial y manejo sistémico con 18 recomendaciones respecto al método más efectivo para el diagnóstico patológico, el drenaje biliar y el tratamiento sistémico más efectivo y seguro en el escenario neoadyuvante, adyuvante y metastásico. Conclusiones: El presente artículo resume la metodología y las recomendaciones basadas en evidencia de la GPC para el manejo multidisciplinario del Adenocarcinoma de páncreas de la Red de Clínicas AUNA