8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the areas of neuronal cell bodies and nuclei in the myenteric plexus of the duodenum of adult rats

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    This study compared the areas of cell body and nucleus profiles of the myenteric neurons in the antimesenteric and intermediate regions of the duodenum of adult rats. Five male rats were used. The duodenum was removed and dissected to whole-mount preparations, which were stained by the Giemsa technique. The areas of cell body and nucleus profiles of 100 neurons, 50 from each region, of each animal, were assessed with image analyser. Based on the global mean±SD of the areas of cell body profiles, neurons were labelled as small, medium or large. It was observed that the neurons did not differ significantly in size or incidence between the antimesenteric and intermediate regions. However, the nuclei of the small and medium neurons were significantly smaller in the latter region. It is discussed that the smaller nuclear size could be related to the cell bodies being slightly smaller on this region and to a possible smaller biosynthetic activity which would influence nuclear size

    Neurônios NADH-diaforase positivos do jejuno de ratos adultos (Rattus norvegicus) desnutridos: aspectos quantitativos NADH-diaphorase positive neurons of the jejunum of disnurtured adult rats (Rattus norvegicus): quantitative aspects

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    Temos por objetivo contribuir com informações sobre os aspectos quantitativos dos neurônios mioentéricos NADH-diaforase positivos do jejuno de ratos submetidos a desnutrição protéica. Foram utilizados 10 ratos (90 dias de idade), divididos em grupos: controle (n=5, ±278g) e desnutrido (n=5, ±280g). Nos 120 dias seguintes, os ratos do grupo controle receberam ração com teor protéico de 22%, os do grupo desnutrido, 8%. Ao final deste período, os ratos do grupo controle pesaram ±394,4g e os desnutrido ±273,5g.O jejuno foi submetido à técnica histoquímica da NADH-diaforase para evidenciação de células nervosas em preparado de membranas. Foram contados os neurônios presentes em 80 campos microscópicos em ambos os grupos. Verificaram-se no controle ±674,6 neurônios e no desnutrido ±1326,8 neurônios; A dieta não alterou a organização dos neurônios entretanto, levou a um menor desenvolvimento corporal nos animais desnutridos, contribuindo para que os neurônios destes sofressem menor dispersão e apresentassem maior densidade por mm².<br>We aim at contributing with information on the quantitative aspects of the NADH-diaphorase positive myenteric neurons of the jejunum of adult rats subjected to protein desnutrition. Ten rats aging 90 days were divided into two groups: control (n=5, ±278 g) and disnurtured (n=5, ±280 g). In the following 120 days, the rats from the control group had chow with 22% protein level, and those from the disnurtured group, with 8% protein level. After this period, the control rats weighted ±394.4g and the disnurtured ±273.5g. The jejunum was subjected to the histochemical technique of the NADH-diaphorase to stain nerve cells in whole-mounts. The neurons found in 80 microscopic fields of both groups were counted. In the control ±674.6 neurons were observed, and ±1326.8 neurons were counted in the disnurtured group. The low-protein diet did not alter the organization of the neurons, but led to a smaller body growth in the disnurtured animals, preventing neuronal dispersal and leading to a greater density per mm²

    Morphologic and quantitative study of the myenteric neurons of the jejunum of malnourished rats (Rattus norvegicus) Estudo morfológico e quantitativo dos neurônios mientéricos do jejuno de ratos desnutridos (Rattus norvegicus)

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    We studied the effects of maternal proteic desnutrition on the neurons of the myenteric plexus of the jejunum of rats from Rattus norvegicus species. It was used litters of female rats which received diet with normal proteic level during gestation and lactation (group NN), normal diet during gestation and hypoproteic diet during lactation (group ND); hypoproteic diet during gestation and normal diet during lactation (group DN); hypoproteic diet during both gestation and lactation (group DD). After weaning all the animals received diet of normal proteic level until the 60th day of age, when they were killed. The jejunum of the animals was subjected to whole-mount preparations stained by the method of Giemsa and used for the morphologic and quantitative analyses of the neurons of the myenteric plexus. We verified that maternal proteic malnutrition does not cause decrease on the number of myenteric neurons per unit area of jejunum in rats, but elicits mechanisms which assure that, when the animal again receives normal proteic level diet (22%) there occurs storage of proteic material on the cytoplasm of the neurons, thus rendering them larger and strongly basophylic.<br>Estudamos os efeitos da desnutrição protéica materna sobre os neurônios do plexo mientérico do jejuno de ratos da espécie norvegicus. Utilizamos filhotes de ratas que receberam dieta com teor protéico normal durante a gestação e a lactação (grupo NN), dieta normoprotéica durante a gestação e hipoprotéica durante a lactação (grupo ND); dieta hipoprotéica durante a gestação e normoprotéica durante a lactação (grupo DN); dieta hipoprotéica durante a gestação e lactação (grupo DD). Após o desmame todos os animais receberam dieta com teor protéico normal até os 60 dias de vida ocasião em que foram sacrificados. Preparados de membrana do jejuno foram corados pelo método de Giemsa e foram utilizados para análises morfológicas e quantitativas dos neurônios do plexo mientérico. Verificamos que a desnutrição protéica materna não provoca redução no número de neurônios mientéricos por área do jejuno de ratos, porém desencadeia mecanismos que fazem com que quando o animal volta a receber dieta com teor protéico normal (22%) ocorra acúmulo de material protéico no citoplasma dos neurônios, o que os torna maiores e fortemente basofílicos

    Alterações do epitélio branquial e das lamelas de tilápias (Oreochromis niloticus) causadas por mudanças do ambiente aquático em tanques de cultivo intensivo The influence of the aquatic environment in tanks sequetially interconnected with PVC pipes on the gill epithelium and lamellas of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    Objetivou-se analisar o comportamento do epitélio branquial de tilápias, cultivadas em tanques posicionados em diferentes altitudes e interconectados por tubos de PVC. Filamentos branquiais de quatro espécimes de quatro tanques (T1, T2, T3 e T4) interconectados seqüencialmente foram submetidos à rotina histológica, para obtenção de cortes de 5µm de espessura, os quais foram corados com Hematoxilina-Eosina, ou submetidos à técnica histoquímica para glicoconjugados: PAS + solução de diástase ou Alcian Blue pH 2,5 ou Alcian Blue pH 1,0. Considerando as regiões basal, intermediária e apical dos filamentos, mensurou-se a área lamelar e contou-se o número de células mucosas em cada uma dessas regiões, o que correspondia a 0,56 mm². Verificou-se que a concentração de oxigênio, pH e a temperatura se reduziam progressivamente com a passagem da água de um tanque para outro. Em função disso, constatou-se um aumento abrupto do número de células mucosas e da área lamelar no T2, e uma redução progressiva destas medidas nos tanques que recebiam água do T2. Além disso, observou-se nos animais do T2, T3 e T4, descolamento do epitélio branquial, hiperplasia celular no espaço interlamelar e telangectasias. Conclui-se que o ambiente aquático de tanques interconectados seqüencialmente por tubos de PVC se altera ao passar de um tanque para o outro, e que estas flutuações físico-químicas se refletem no comportamento do epitélio branquial através de variações da área lamelar e do número de células mucosas.<br>The behavior of the gill epithelium of tilapias cultured in tanks at different altitudes and interconnected with PVC pipes was analyzed. Gill filaments of four specimens from four tanks (T1, T2, T3 e T4) sequentially interconnected were submitted to histological routine to obtain 5-mm-thick cuts that were stained with HE or submitted to histochemistry reactions PAS + diastase solution or Alcian Blue pH 2.5 or Alcian Blue pH 1.0. Considering the intermediary, apical and basal regions of the filaments, the lamellar area was measured and the amount of mucous cells was counted. It was verified that oxygen, pH, and temperature decreased progressively as the water flew from one tank to another. Thus, an increase was realized of the amount of mucous cells and the lamellar area in T2, as well as a progressive decrease of these measures on the tanks which received water from T2. Moreover, detachment of the gill epithelium, cellular hyperplasia in the interlamellar space, and telangectasias were observed in the fishes from T2, T3 e T4. It was concluded that the aquatic environment in tanks sequentially interconnected with PVC pipes suffers alterations from one tank to another, as that physico-chemical fluctuations reflect on the behavior of the gill epithelium through variations of the lamellar area and the amount of mucous cells