8 research outputs found

    Evaluating Competing Preferences of Hunters and Landowners for Management of Deer Populations

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    Most state wildlife agencies consider public input in the management of whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations. In 2013, we surveyed deer hunters (n = 3,600) and landowners (n = 4,604) in southwest Minnesota to gauge their preferences for managing deer. We hypothesized a priori that, irrespective of their perceived impacts of deer, hunters would prefer deer populations to be increased and landowners would prefer deer populations to be decreased. Our findings suggest that defining stakeholder groups according to primary associations with deer (i.e., farming and hunting) accurately categorized differences in tolerance levels for deer populations in our study area. Deer damage was considered relatively minor by landowners, yet, 51% of landowners wanted deer densities reduced. Although 59% of hunters were satisfied with the number of deer, 62% of hunters still wanted deer densities increased in the future. Almost two-thirds of hunters were not satisfied with the number or quality of bucks where they hunted, and an antler-point restriction was the only potential regulation supported by hunters to reduce harvest mortality rates of bucks. To enable managers to monitor trends in public satisfaction relative to the fundamental objectives of deer management in an area, we recommend conducting frequent surveys of primary stakeholders

    Understanding Deer, Bear, and Forest Trends in the North Georgia Mountains: The Value of Long-term Data

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    Most state wildlife agencies collect harvest data to inform management decisions. However, these data are typically considered across relatively short time periods and are rarely revisited. We present a case study using historical records to investigate potential agents (i.e., harvest, predation, and forest change) influencing the declining white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) population in the north Georgia mountains. We used long-term black bear (Ursus americanus) and deer harvest data, and indices of forest stand conditions from 1979–2015 on eight Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in the north Georgia mountains. During 1979–2015, harvest of male and female deer declined by 85% and 97%, respectively. Over the same time period, mean yearling male deer body weight increased by 21%, mean antler diameter increased by 62%, and mean antler beam length increased by 92%. We observed a 97% reduction in availability of early successional forests (0–10 years old) and a 53% increase in volume of large diameter (\u3e27.9 cm) oak species, suggesting increasing homogeneity/maturation of forest stands across all eight WMAs. Concomitantly, the U.S. Forest Service increased the acreage under prescribed fire management from 2,916 to 5,629 ha during 2003–2015. Black bear populations grew at an annual rate of 1.07 for males and 1.08 for females. Our analyses indicated that despite the reduction in early successional habitats as illustrated by the reduction in young forests (0–10 years old), deer condition indices have improved suggesting that a habitat-driven change in fecundity was not the likely primary driver of the deer population decline. However, increasing fawn predation, coupled with a decline in available fawning cover may be reducing recruitment rates and should be investigated as potential causes for the observed population decline. Our research also illustrates the importance of maintaining longterm data, especially the value offered to evaluate trends over time

    Nighttime Traffic Volume Predicts Risk of Deer–Vehicle Collisions

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    Annually, in the United States, \u3e1 million deer (Odocoileus spp.)–vehicle collisions are reported, resulting in losses of $4.6 billion in vehicle damage and medical expenses. Wildlife and transportation managers require better information about traffic volumes relative to seasonal and diurnal deer movement patterns to appropriately evaluate the risks associated with deer–vehicle collisions (DVCs). We incorporated traffic volume data with DVC data and the movement rates and incidences of road crossings by white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) to evaluate if traffic volume or deer behaviors mediate the incidence of DVCs along a high-volume interstate highway in Morgan County in central Georgia, USA. From May 2012 to July 2014, we monitored the movements and survival of 25 deer (13 males, 12 females) instrumented with global positioning system (GPS) collars in an area 1.6 km north and south of a 7.7-km section of Interstate 20 in our study area. We used a linear mixed model to quantify the effects of mean traffic volume and total road crossings on DVCs for each hour of the day. Deer movements and DVCs were primarily crepuscular. Approximately 60% of GPS-collared deer crossed roads; 7 deer accounted for \u3e90% of all road crossings. Approximately 73% of daily traffic occurred between 0700 and 1859 hours. Nearly twice the number of daily DVCs occurred during the fall (9.8 DVCs/day) than during the next highest season (winter; 4.9 DVCs/day). Although DVCs occurred at greater frequencies during crepuscular periods, results of our linear mixed model suggested only nighttime traffic volume predicted DVCs. The relationship between nighttime DVCs and traffic volume is likely due to the inability of drivers to perceive deer in a roadway during this time. We recommend mitigation efforts focus on increasing driver vigilance and reducing vehicle speed during nighttime periods, especially during the fall season

    Variation in White-tailed Deer Antler Size: The Effects of Age, Landscape Composition, and Physiographic Province

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    Spatial variation in landscape composition can influence phenotypic expression in wildlife species and can improve management efforts to express certain phenotypic traits. We evaluated the influence of age, landscape composition, and physiographic province on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) antler characteristics using data from 16,622 male deer (age range: 1.5–3.5+ years old) harvested between 1997–2016 across five physiographic provinces in Georgia. Age and physiographic province influenced antler size index (ASI; P \u3c 0.001). ASI of yearling males was greatest (- x = 53.37; SE = 0.39) in the Upper Coastal Plain and least (- x = 46.23; SE = 0.51) in the Lower Coastal Plain physiographic province. Given the differences in ASI among physiographic provinces, we evaluated how landscape composition within each physiographic province influenced ASI of 7,325 yearling (1.5-year-old) males. Yearling ASI was positively related to increasing coverage of cultivated crops and suburban-urban areas (e.g., parks, small housing developments). Conversely, evergreen and deciduous forested cover consistently had a negative effect on ASI, except in the Ridge and Valley physiographic province where evergreen was positively related to ASI. Wildlife managers and hunters should recognize the effects of age, landscape composition, and physiographic province when setting antler size expectations

    Comparison of Fencing Designs for Excluding Deer from Roadways

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    We evaluated the efficacy of several fencing designs for restricting movements of 18 captive, female white-tailed deer (Odocoelus virginianus), including standard wovenwire fencing (1.2-m, 1.5-m, 1.8-m, 2.1-m, and 2.4-m tall), opaque fencing (1.2-m, 1.5-m, and 1.8-m tall), and an outrigger fence (i.e., 0.6-m outriggers attached to a 1.2-m-tall wire fence angled at 45Âș). We recorded the number of successful fence crossings for each deer and characterized behaviors associated with each failed crossing attempt. No deer crossed the 2.4-m fence, whereas all deer crossed the 1.2-m fence. We observed no differences in crossing success between woven-wire and opaque fencing at height

    Resource selection of deer hunters in Georgia\u27s Appalachian Mountains

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    White‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and hunters on 2 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) within the Chattahoochee National Forest of northern Georgia, USA, significantly declined in number from the 1980s to 2018. Managers were interested in understanding how they could manipulate hunter distribution according to deer management goals. To understand the spatial distribution of hunting pressure and factors driving hunter resource selection, we analyzed GPS tracking data from 58 deer hunters over the 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 hunting seasons. We evaluated hunter selection on 3 spatial scales relative to elevation, slope, and distance from roads, trails, wildlife openings, deciduous forest, mixed forest, and evergreen forest. We incorporated covariates into 6 binary logistic regression models, plus a null model, within a used versus available framework. First, we compared hunter locations to available locations generated within the 2 WMAs. Elevation and distance to deciduous forest had the greatest effect on hunter selection, where hunters selected for lower elevations and closer proximity to deciduous forest. Second, we compared individual hunting bout locations to available locations generated within a buffer around the hunter\u27s starting location with a buffer radius equal to the maximum distance they travelled from their starting location. At the bout scale, distance to wildlife openings and elevation were the most important drivers of hunter selection; hunters selected areas closer to wildlife openings and higher elevations. Third, we compared individual hunter stand locations (used) to randomly selected locations along the hunter\u27s travel path (available). Only distance to roads and deciduous forest were significant in explaining hunter selection of stands. Hunters chose locations farther from roads and closer to deciduous forest relative to their travel paths. Mapping our WMA‐scale results revealed that only 5% of the total WMA area contained a greater relative probability of hunter selection compared to the probability of non‐selection. Our results suggest that vast refuge areas for deer likely existed on the WMAs during our study period. Manipulating hunter distribution is not necessary to aid in sustaining deer on either WMA at this time

    Understanding Deer, Bear, and Forest Trends in the North Georgia Mountains: The Value of Long-term Data

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    Most state wildlife agencies collect harvest data to inform management decisions. However, these data are typically considered across relatively short time periods and are rarely revisited. We present a case study using historical records to investigate potential agents (i.e., harvest, predation, and forest change) influencing the declining white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) population in the north Georgia mountains. We used long-term black bear (Ursus americanus) and deer harvest data, and indices of forest stand conditions from 1979–2015 on eight Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in the north Georgia mountains. During 1979–2015, harvest of male and female deer declined by 85% and 97%, respectively. Over the same time period, mean yearling male deer body weight increased by 21%, mean antler diameter increased by 62%, and mean antler beam length increased by 92%. We observed a 97% reduction in availability of early successional forests (0–10 years old) and a 53% increase in volume of large diameter (\u3e27.9 cm) oak species, suggesting increasing homogeneity/maturation of forest stands across all eight WMAs. Concomitantly, the U.S. Forest Service increased the acreage under prescribed fire management from 2,916 to 5,629 ha during 2003–2015. Black bear populations grew at an annual rate of 1.07 for males and 1.08 for females. Our analyses indicated that despite the reduction in early successional habitats as illustrated by the reduction in young forests (0–10 years old), deer condition indices have improved suggesting that a habitat-driven change in fecundity was not the likely primary driver of the deer population decline. However, increasing fawn predation, coupled with a decline in available fawning cover may be reducing recruitment rates and should be investigated as potential causes for the observed population decline. Our research also illustrates the importance of maintaining longterm data, especially the value offered to evaluate trends over time

    Variation in White-tailed Deer Antler Size: The Effects of Age, Landscape Composition, and Physiographic Province

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    Spatial variation in landscape composition can influence phenotypic expression in wildlife species and can improve management efforts to express certain phenotypic traits. We evaluated the influence of age, landscape composition, and physiographic province on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) antler characteristics using data from 16,622 male deer (age range: 1.5–3.5+ years old) harvested between 1997–2016 across five physiographic provinces in Georgia. Age and physiographic province influenced antler size index (ASI; P \u3c 0.001). ASI of yearling males was greatest (- x = 53.37; SE = 0.39) in the Upper Coastal Plain and least (- x = 46.23; SE = 0.51) in the Lower Coastal Plain physiographic province. Given the differences in ASI among physiographic provinces, we evaluated how landscape composition within each physiographic province influenced ASI of 7,325 yearling (1.5-year-old) males. Yearling ASI was positively related to increasing coverage of cultivated crops and suburban-urban areas (e.g., parks, small housing developments). Conversely, evergreen and deciduous forested cover consistently had a negative effect on ASI, except in the Ridge and Valley physiographic province where evergreen was positively related to ASI. Wildlife managers and hunters should recognize the effects of age, landscape composition, and physiographic province when setting antler size expectations