100 research outputs found

    Electronic Word Of Mouth (E-WOM), Kepuasan Konsumen dan Pengaruh Langsung dan Tak Langsung terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi pada Mahasiswa FEB Untag di Semarang)

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    The present of internet in our lives today make the communication easier and discloser. Communication through social networks that can gather many people makes the internet as a medium that is loved by many people. Students and business man like this medium because its efficiently and effectively. Sharing experiences through social networks will speed up information and promotion. This study analyzed the influence of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) and customer satisfaction with social media and consumer buying interest. Samples were FEB students of UNTAG Semarang, with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression and path analysis with SPSS 13. The results showed there is a significant positive effect of e-word of mouth and customer satisfaction with social media, there is a positive influence on customer satisfaction with e-word of mouth, and there is a direct and indirect effect of the e-word of mouth for consumers to buy. Social networking can open up opportunities for rapid promotion media effectively and efficiently

    Feeding Treatment Based on Palm Oil Byproduct and Supplementation to Support Reproduction Performance of Bull

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    Palm oil waste (by product)can be used as a potential feed for livestock. Nevertheless, the study research of the effect of Palm oil waste (by product) as a feed to the bull performance was limited. The purpose of this research is to get technology to improve semen quality through improving protein of feed based on palm oil waste (byproducts). This research was conducted in PTPN 6 Jambi and used 30 bulls that separated into 3 treatments, treatment I (feed protein 12% and suplementation), treatment II (feed protein 12%) and treatment III (existing feed, feed protein 10%). Parameter were measured i.e feed consumption, libido, sperm motility, mass movement, sperm concentration, sperm abnormality, volume, pH, consistency, colour, body condition score and average daily gain. Design of this research was completely randomized design. Data was analyzed use ANOVA. The result showed that there is no significantly different on semen quality between treatmens. Semen quality of three treatments were appropriate to standart of quality semen of bull (sperm abnormality 50% and sperm concentration >500 million/ml). Based on this consideration, feed with protein level 10% more efficient because it needs less cost but results a good semen quality. The conclusion of this research is protein level 10% can supporting performance reproduction of bull

    Concentrate supplementation for crossbred bulls to increase profitability of smallholder fattening operations in East Java, Indonesia

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    Growth rates of bulls in Indonesia raised in smallholder fattening systems are generally low due to inadequate nutrition. This study compared bull growth and farmer profit between two feeding management systems, namely traditional feeding (as control) and intervention feeding by supplementation with a high quality concentrate. Bos taurus-Ongole cross bred bulls (n=46) aged 1.5-2 years, owned by smallholder farmers, from two villages in East Java were used in this study. The bulls were divided into two treatment groups; control and intervention. Farmers in the intervention group were provided with a concentrate containing onggok, copra and palm kernel cake. Farmers were instructed to feed 4 kg DM of concentrate/bull/day in addition to their existing roughage diet for 161 days or until sold. No changes were made to the feeding or management of the bulls in the control group. Mostly control group farmers used local forages and agricultural by product as a feed, without any supplementation. The daily feed cost and the cost of 1 kg of liveweight gain was higher in the intervention group (IDR 8827 and IDR 11990, respectively) than that of the control group (IDR 2606 and IDR 5543, respectively). Moreover, the average daily gain of bulls in the intervention group (0.82 kg/bull/day) was higher than that of bulls in the control group (0.52 kg/bull/day), resulting in a greater profit for the fattening period. Daily income minus feed costs was higher for farmers in the intervention group (IDR 24182/day), compared to farmers in the control group (IDR 15774/day). It is concluded that although there were additional costs for feeding high-quality feeds, but higher growth rates of bulls resulted in greater profits for smallholder farmers

    Karakteristik Semen Sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) pada Tingkat Umur yang berbeda di Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong

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    Salah satu kunci keberhasilan kebuntingan adalah kemampuan sapi jantan mengawini sapi induk. Sapi jantan sebagai sumber semen harus memiliki kualitas semen yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik kualitas semen sapi PO jantan pada berbagai umur. Materi yang digunakan sebanyak 25 ekor sapi jantan yang terbagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok I (I-0/pubertas; kelompok II (I-1); kelompok III (I-2); kelompok IV (I-3) dan kelompok V (I-4). Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dikandang percobaan Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong. Metode penampungan semen dengan elektroejakulator. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif.. Hasil penampungan menunjukkan rata-rata sapi jantan PO yang berumur I-1 hingga I-3 mengalami kenaikan persentase motilitas individu, konsentrasi dan persentase viabilitas, selanjutnya mulai menurun pada umur I-4. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik kualitas semen sapi PO jantan pada umur I-2 dan I-3 mempunyai fertilitas yang baik yaitu motilitas individu 60% dan viabilitas 70%. Pemilihan sapi jantan PO sebagai pemacek dapat dilakukan saat umur 2,5-3,5 tahun (I-2 sampai I-3)

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kudus Nomor 2 Tahun 2010 Tentang Wajib Belajar 12 (Dua Belas) Tahun Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    Education is very important because it is the primary means in an effort to improve the quality of human resources. In order to improve the quality of Kudus human resources in order to be more competitive, Kudus government regency has launched a Compulsory Education 12 year program. Compulsory Education 12 year program in Kudus Regency organized with the aim to provide quality and affordable education to the community. Implementation of the Compulsory Education 12 year program is regulated in the Regional Policy Kudus Regency Number 2 Year 2010. This study aims to determine how the implementation of the Compulsory Education 12 year program in Kudus Regency and find out the factors that support or hinder the implementation so as to know what needs to be repaired and maintained.This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method, to explain phenomena that affect the implementation of the Compulsory Education 12 year program in Kudus, guided by Regional Policy Kudus Regency No. 2 of 2010 about Compulsory Education 12 (Twelve) years. The data was collected by means of structured interviews with informants and documentation obtained from actual documents relating to the object of research. Analysis data in this qualitative study with data reduction, data presentation, and verification. From the research, found the phenomena that may affect the implementation of compulsory education 12 year program in Kudus, namely communication, environmental conditions, characteristics of the implementing agencies, and resources. It can be concluded that the implementation of the Compulsory Education 12 year program in Kudus Regency factors still exist that hinder implementation. This is because the human and financial resources to support the sustainability of the program has not been available for optimum

    Effect of Particle Nano on Antiageing Activities of Cream.

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    Effect of particle nano on antiageing activities of cream had performed. In this research, the antiageing activities for common cream and particle nano cream have tested using experimental animal. Common cream with particle size 1439.8 nm-2573.4 nm was prepared by convensional methode, the other hand particle nano cream (54.6-91.8 nm) was prepared by ultrasonication. Futhermore, market cream with particle size is 548.2-975 nm then ultrasonicated be 72.4-132.2 nm. Antiageing testing result of particle nano cream shows score wrinkles is zero. From this result, particle nano cream has potential to protect of skin damage. Moreover, the testing result of antiageing activities of market cream have been increasing from 0.25 wrinkles to be 0 wrinkles after reprocess to be particle nano by ultrasonicated

    Peningkatan Stabilitas Emulsi Krim Nanopartikel Untuk Mempertahankan Kelembaban Kulit

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    Salah satu produk teknologi nano dibidang kosmetika dan farmasi adalah krim nanopartikel.Telah diperoleh krim nanopartikel dengan teksturnya yang halus yang dapat meningkatkan stabilitas emulsi dan meningkatkan sifat kelembaban kulit. Pada penelitian ini krim nanopartikel dibuat dengan proses ultrasonikasi dengan bahan baku asam stearat, cetil alkohol, cetil stearil alkohol, gliserin, air, dan emulsifier. Stabilitas emulsi krim nanopartikel meningkat 5% dibanding krim biasa. Stabilitas krim berkaitan dengan umur simpan produk. Berdasarkan hasil sintesis, diperoleh ukuran partikel 54,6 nm sampai 91,8 nm. Sedangkan aplikasi pada berbagai losion kulit krim nanopartikel terbukti dapat menghambat penguapan air kulit sebesar 15% sampai 40% untuk mempertahankan kelembaban kulit
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