95 research outputs found

    Hubungan Karakteristik Lingkungan Luar Rumah dengan Kejadian Penyakit Malaria

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between outside the home environment characteristics with the incidence of malaria in Hanura Village Padang Cermin Sub District South Lampung District.The study used analytical with cross sectional technique. The population in this study was Hanura Village residents, in 78 houses. Multistages sampling technique was made based on the level of existing area in the village of Hanura. Test statistics used in this study were chi-square. The factors influencing malaria incidence are hill distance, tree crop, shrimp ponds distance, and swamps distance. While home ownership has no significant relationship

    Insiden Malaria Dan Pola Iklim Di Kabupaten Kapuas Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah Dan Kabupaten Sumba Barat Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia Tahun 2005 - 2009

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    Perubahan iklim merupakan faktor penting untuk penyebaran berbagai jenis penyakit, salah satu nya adalah peningkatan penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk seperti malaria. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2010 ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh Perubahan iklim (curah hujan, suhu, kelembaban) terhadap kejadian penyakit malaria di Kabupaten Kapuas Kalimantan Tengah dan Kabupaten Sumba Barat Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa insiden malaria di Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah selama lima tahun (tahun 2005-2009) cenderung mengalami penurunan, dengan kisaran antara 0.01‰ - 0.31 ‰ sedangkan curah hujan cenderung berfluktuasi berkisar antara 2 mm - 556 mm, sebaliknya suhu cenderung meningkat berkisar antara 25.5 ºC - 28.6 ºC dan kelembaban cenderung stabil berkisar antara 76% - 89%. Di Kabupaten Sumba Barat NTT kecenderungan insiden malaria selama lima tahun (tahun 2005-2009) terlihat mengalami peningkatan, dengan kisaran antara 0.02‰ - 1.73 ‰ sedangkan curah hujan berfluktuasi antara 1 mm - 282 mm, sebaliknya suhu cenderung stabil berkisar antara 24.1ºC - 29 ºC dan kelembaban udara berfluktuasi antara 65% - 88%. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa kejadian malaria di dua kabupaten mempunyai fluktuasi yang tinggi pada bulan-bulan tertentu. Curah hujan tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap kejadian malaria. Kecenderungan peningkatan insiden malaria, secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh suhu dan kelembaban, namun secara langsung dapat mempengaruhi jumlah parasit malaria dan nyamuk sebagai vektor

    Pengaruh Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Insiden Malaria Di Kabupaten Bintan Kepulauan Riau Dan Kabupaten Banggai Sulawesi Tengah

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    Pemanasan global dapat menyebabkan Perubahan iklim yang memiliki potensi dampak terhadap kesehatan. Faktor iklim sendiri merupakan faktor yang penting bagi berbagai jenis penyakit, salah satu pengaruh Perubahan iklim adalah terhadap potensi peningkatan kejadian timbulnya penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk seperti malaria. Peningkatan insiden dan KLB malaria disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu, Perubahan lingkungan fisik terutama curah hujan, suhu, kelembaban dan Perubahan pemanfaatan lahan, termasuk kerusakan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2010 dengan tujuan penelitian untuk melihat pengaruh Perubahan iklim (curah hujan, suhu, kelembaban) terhadap kejadian penyakit malaria di Kabupaten Bintan Kepulauan Riau dan Kabupaten Banggai Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau selama lima tahun (tahun 2005-2009) kecenderungan insiden malaria terlihat mengalami penurunan, dengan kisaran antara 0,11‰ -2,28 ‰ sedangkan curah hujan cenderung stabil berkisar antara 42 mm - 874 mm, keadaan suhu cenderung meningkat berkisar antara 25,1 ºC – 27,9 ºC dan kelembaban cenderung stabil berkisar antara 75%-95%. Di Kabupaten Banggai Sulawesi Tengah selama sepuluh tahun (tahun 2000-2009) kecenderungan insiden malaria terlihat mengalami peningkatan, dengan kisaran antara 0,02‰ – 1,72 ‰ sedangkan curah hujan rata-rata berkisar antara 4 mm - 567 mm, keadaan suhu cenderung stabil berkisar antara 25,1 ºC – 29,3 ºC dan kelembaban udara cenderung stabil antara 67% - 86%. Kesimpulan kejadian malaria di dua kabupaten menunjukkan berfluktuasi dan tinggi pada bulan-bulan tertentu. Kejadian malaria menurut curah hujan menunjukkan Kecenderungan yang negatif, karena curah hujan tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap kejadian malaria. Kecenderungan peningkatan insiden malaria, secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh suhu dan kelembaban, namun secara langsung berpengarh terhadap parasit malaria dan nyamuk sebagai vektor

    Perilaku Pencegahan Infeksi Menular Seksual Pada Wanita Pekerja Seksual Kabupaten Tegal

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    Wanita Pekerja Seks merupakan kelompok risiko tinggi terkena IMS dan paling berpengaruh dalam persebaran IMS. Lokalisasi Peleman berada di Kabupaten Tegal, dengan kasus IMS lebih dari 50%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku WPS dalam upaya pencegahan IMS di Lokalisasi Peleman. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan informan snowball sampling. Informan berjumlah 6 WPS, 6 teman WPS, 6 mucikari dan 1 petugas kesehatan Puskesmas Jatibogor. Teknik pengambilan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan tahun 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa WPS cukup aktif mencari informasi IMS melalui teman, petugas kesehatan, penyuluhan, media cetak dan elektronik, tetapi tidak melalui mucikari. Hampir semua WPS merayu pelanggan untuk memakai kondom dan dapat memakai kondom dengan baik. Vaginal higiene WPS belum baik, mereka membersihkan vagina bagian dalam menggunakan antiseptik dan pasta gigi. Female sex workers are the high risk group to be infected STIs and the most influential group that responsible for the spreading of STIs. Peleman prostitution site is located in Tegal district which has more than 50% STIs case. The purpose of this research is to find out the image of female sex workers behaviour in the effort of STIs prevention in Peleman prostitution site.This research was qualitative research and used snowball sampling technique. Informant for this research amounts 6 FSW, 6 FSW\u27s friends, 6 pimps, and 1 health workers of Puskesmas Jatibogor. The data collection in this research used in-depth interview and observation. The data analyzed descriptively and presented in narrative form. This result was held in 2014 year. The result showed that FSW were quite actively looking for STIs information through friends, health workers, elucidation, print and electronic media, but not through a pimp. Almost all of FSW asked costumers to used condoms and could use condoms properly. Vaginal hygiene of FSW has not been good, they really cleaned the inside of vagina using an antiseptic and toothpaste

    Teaching Recount Text Writing Using Picture Series

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    : The research is about improving ability on recount text writing through Pictures Series to the Eighth Grade Students 0f SMPN 2 Monterado. The purpose of the study is to know how Pictures Series improves the Students\u27 ability in writing recount text. It is expected that the research would be useful for the teachers and students in language teaching and learning process. The method used in this research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting. This method is done in three cycles in order to get the maximum result of the research. The number of research participant is 30 students. The tools of collecting data are reading test, observation checklist and field notes. In Cycle 1, the students\u27 mean score was 53.5. and cycle 2, the mean score was 59. Then, cycle 3 was 72.6. Based on the standard of passing score of the school which is 65, the result of the 3rd cycle is already adegrate. It is suggested that the research has been successful

    Multiplier Effect Industri Pariwisata Candi Muara Takus Terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat Di Kecamatan XII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    The research was carried on in Kampar regency precisely in the District XII Koto Kampar. This study was conducted in Kampar regency located in District XII Koto Kampar. This study aims to (1) Identify the characteristics of visitors, businessmen and labor (2) To identify the perception of the condition of Tourism Muara Takus by visitors, businesses and workers in the tourist area (3) Measuring multiplier effet that caused by Muara Takus tourist activities on the economy of the community. The method used is descriptive method. By sampling methods Quota sampling techniques using Sampling Insidential election. In assessing the perception of using Rating Scale and analyzing the economic impact of travel activty in Muara Takus using Keynesian Income Multiplier to see the impact directly, impact indirectly and impact advance are processed using a computer application Microsoft Excel 2010. The results of this study showed the perception of visitor 54% is good enough, the perception of buisnesses 65% good and perception of labor 66% good, For value of Keynesian income multiplier is 2.6, Income Multiplier Ratio Type I with a value of 1, and the ratio of Type II income multiplier of 1.19, in accordance with the provisions (META, 2001) if the value of Keynesian income multiplier ≥ 1 which means that the existence of Muara Takus tourism has economic impact on the economy of the local community is quite large

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Filariasis Di Indonesia (Data Riskesdas 2007)

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    Filariasis or elephantiasis diseases which caused by filaria worm and contagious through mosquito bite, still the major community health problem in Indonesia. There are several type of filaria worm in Indonesia, i.e. Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Brugia timori. The vectors of filariasis are Culex quinquefasciatus in the urban area, Anopheles spp, Aedes spp and Mansonia spp in the rural area. The infection risk in some area of filariasis related to the situation of local area. Various factor of environmental area which area physical, biological and also cultural social to be influence to development of transmitted filariasis by mosquito. The analysis of data Riskesdas 2007 has been done to perform of factor influence filariasis case in Indonesia. Same parameters was analyzed to case of filariasis in last 12 months; gender, ages, educations, work, mosquito net USAge, sources of water, effluent dismissal, residences, water dismissal channel, existence of livestock in house. From analysis inferential, show there is no relation between genders, age, education, work, and mosquito net USAge, sources of water, water dismissal channel, and existence of livestock in house to case filariasis. Statistically indicates that there is significantly difference between residences in rural and in urban to case of filariasis in last 12 months. Responder who live in rural areas (0,05%) have 2,4 times risk higher than responder who live in urban (0,03%). The same as condition of water dismissal channel shows to existence of significantly differences. Responder who have water dismissal channel without cover have high risk infections of filariasis in the last 12 months were 0,05%, while the responder have water dismissal channel with cover have high risk in last 12 months were 0,03%
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