850 research outputs found

    Status of Farmer Producers Organizations (FPO) in Andhra Pradesh

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    A Variety of approaches have emerged over the years to address the problems of small and marginal farmers' agriculture. In order to improve the welfare and living standards of farmers, there is a need to create appropriate ecosystem in the state. Such institutional arrangement/membership-based institutions are found to be the backbone for primary sector. Both Central and State governments are stressing on promoting 'Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs) as an important strategy for creating an ecosystem for enhancing farmers profit

    Analisa Stabilitas Transien pada Sistem Transmisi Sumatera Utara 150 KV - 275 KV dengan Penambahan PLTA Batang Toru 4 X 125 MW

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    Sistem kelistrikan Sumatera Utara yang dipasok dengan menggunakan sistem Transmisi 150 kV dan 275 kV merupakan sistem transmisi dengan pusat beban terbesar di Sumatera. Dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan listrik, sesuai dengan RUPTL, Sistem Transmisi Sumatera Utara akan mengoperasikan PLTA Batang Toru dengan kapasitas 4 x 125 MW pada tahun 2020. Karena potensi sumber energi yang cukup besar di Sumatera Utara adalah tenaga air dan panas bumi. Dengan penambahan PLTA Batang Toru 4 x 125 MW, perlu dilakukan studi kestabilan transien untuk mengetahui kestabilan sistem saat terjadi gangguan transien. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa case lepasnya generator, lepasnya satu saluran dan saluran ganda tidak menyebabkan sistem keluar dari batas stabil. Karena ketika generator lepas, daya supply yang hilang hanya 5-8% dari total pembangkitan. Begitu juga dengan kasus single pole auto reclosing dengan waktu Circuit Breaker kembali tertutup sebesar 500 ms setelah gangguan, hasil respon sudut rotor, frekuensi dan tegangan menunjukkan sistem masih stabil. Pada penentuan waktu pemutusan kritis (CCT), nilai CCT pada sistem 2018 dapat ditemukan pada 120 ms – 140 ms (batas rekomendasi CCT sistem besar). Sedangkan pada sistem 2020 tetap dalam keadaan stabil ketika terjadi gangguan hubung singkat 3 fasa . Sehingga penentuan CCT (Critical Clearing Time) melebihi dari batas rekomendasi nilai CCT untuk sistem besar

    Angka Kejadian Anemia pada Pasien Anak Penderita Hiv/aids di Rsup Sanglah Denpasar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui angka kejadian anemia pada pasien anak penderita HIV/AIDS di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar. Penelitian observasional ini dilakukan di RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar pada periode Desember 2014 sampai Juni 2015. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rekam medis pasien anak penderita HIV/AIDS. Anemia ditentukan dengan mengikuti pola anemia berdasarkan WHO-2011. Angka kejadian anemia disajikan secara deskriptif. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat 39 pasien anak penderita HIV/AIDS yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai sampel. Dari 39 pasien, terdapat 26 anak (67%) tidak mengalami anemia, 7 anak (18%) mengalami anemia ringan, 5 anak (13%) mengalami anemia sedang dan satu anak (2%) mengalami anemia berat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat angka kejadian non-anemia sebesar 67% dan anemia 33% pada pasien anak penderita HIV/AIDS di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

    Angka Kejadian Penyakit Autoimun pada Pasien Anak di Rsup Sanglah Denpasar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui angka kejadian pasien anak dengan penyakit autoimun di RSUP Sanglah Kota Denpasar. Penelitian observasional ini dilakukan di RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar pada periode Maret 2016 sampai Juni 2016. Kriteria subyek penelitian adalah pasien anak dengan penyakit autoimun pada usia 0-18 tahun yang menjalani rawat inap, rawat jalan dan rawat darurat di RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar. Data pasien diperoleh dari rekam medis serta buku registrasi dan sensus semua pasien anak pada periode Januari tahun 2015 sampai Juni 2016. Angka kejadian penyakit autoimun pada anak disajikan secara deskriptif. Pada penelitian ini, terdapat 50 pasien anak dengan penyakit autoimun yang melakukan kontrol pada periode Januari 2015 sampai dengan Juni 2016 yang diperoleh dari 22.881 jumlah anak yang melakukan kunjungan rawat jalan, rawat inap maupun gawat darurat pada periode tahun tersebut. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat angka kejadian penyakit autoimun pada periode Januari 2015 sampai Juni 2016 sebesar 0,22% pada anak di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

    Nature and magnitude of risk in the semi-arid tropics (SAT) of India - a case of Mahabubnagar District in Andhra Pradesh

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    Agriculture in the Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) is almost universally characterized by low farmer investment in agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides and seeds. Even labor inputs and investments in land improvements and irrigation are usually low compared with other regions of the developing world. Many researchers have carried out research aimed at testing whether these low investment levels are partly or fully caused by the risky nature of agriculture in these areas or by the risky nature of farmers (Binswanger etal, 1979). Risk and risk aversion of farmers is not the only potential source of low investment or “underinvestment”; it could also result from generally low profitability (measured as expected returns) or from credit constraints. To establish that it is risk or risk aversion that lead to underinvestment, empirical knowledge on these questions is required. Risks are inescapable in any agriculture.

    Changes in Agriculture and Village Economies

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    The Village Level Studies of ICRISAT are designed to collect farm level data to assist research in its task of generating new technologies suited to the needs and means of farmers living in the semi-arid tropics. They serve as a vehicle to study the changes in agriculture and village economies. This publication is a comprehensive study of 240 households from six villages, Aurepalle and Dokur in Andhra Pradesh and Kalman, Kanzara, Kinkheda and Shirapur villages in Maharashtra undertaken from 1975 to 1984 and later resumed in 2001-02 with a more representative sample of 446 households. It documents the changes that occurred in agriculture and household economies in these villages over a 26-year period between 1975-78 and 2001-04. The studies while giving a clear picture of farming systems in the rural areas, help in identifying the socioeconomic and institutional constraints faced by the farming community. The studies reveal the slow disappearance of joint families (dominant in 1975-78) and the emergence of nuclear families. They delve deep into the trends pertaining to average family size, literacy levels, household income, consumption standards, dependence on farming as a major occupation, reduced dependence on crop and livestock enterprises for sustenance, nonfarm sources of income, real wages of labor, etc. The studies reveal that households had less land to operate in 2001-04 than in 1975-78 and that cropping patterns have undergone drastic changes with cash crops overtaking food crops in all the VLS villages. Despite moderate increases in productivity, crop and livestock production have become non-remunerative due to steadily increasing production costs and stagnant product prices. The publication finally addresses the policy implications of drastically changed cropping patterns and nonviability of crop and livestock enterprises among other issues, and suggests measures to improve the state of rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics


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    Non-Performing Loans (NPL) is a significant phenomenon especially in the State Banks of Sri Lanka. This is a typical feature in the majority of the banks in Asian countries. NPL arise based on several reasons. Among them, this study examines the significance of the institutional factors on Non-Performing loans. The population comprised of loan borrowers from State banks in Sri Lanka. Sample comprised 102 loan borrowers selected through random sampling from selected state banks in Western Province that borrowed loans during 2013-2018.. Data was collected through a questionnaire based on 08 variables identified through literature review and analyzed using independent sample t tests. Results show except management efficiency all other variables influenced on NPL. Policies should formulate to mitigate the effects of influential variables.&nbsp

    Targeting and Diffusion of Groundnut improved cultivars in Tamil Nadu state of India

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    India is a major grower and producer of oilseeds as well as a major importer of vegetable oils, ranks fourth among the countries in oilseed economy, next to USA, China and Brazil spending USD 10 billion in 2012-13. Nearly 14 million farmers are involved in oilseed production, mostly in arid and semi-arid regions of the country, whose capacity to adopt modern technology are constrained by poor resource base. This is coupled with aberration in monsoon and market economy presents a formidable challenge to make oilseed production sustainable in the long run. In order to curtail the growing vegetable oil import bills and increase the production and productivity of oilseeds, the Technology Mission on Oilseeds (TMO) was initiated in 1986 with the following objectives; (i) self-reliance in edible oils (ii) reduce imports almost to zero (iii) raise oilseeds production to 18 million tonnes (mt) by 1989-90 and 26 mt of oilseeds and produce 8 mt of vegetable oil by 2000 AD. However, the TMO had unable to create a sustained growth in area under groundnut and the trend was reversed. Before the initiation of TMO (TE 1986-87), the area, production and productivity of groundnut was 7.08 million ha (m ha), 5.81 mt and 795 kg per ha of which, almost 85 per cent as rainfed crop. Implementation of TMO created marked improvement in the first decade and shifted the area, production and productivity to 7.80 ha, 7.84 mt and 993 kg per acre in TE 1995-96 which recorded an increase of 11, 35 and 21 per cent, respectively. Though the irrigated cropped area has increased to 19 per cent, the country production decreased to 6.33 mt from lesser area (5.33 m ha) by shifting its productivity to 1.3 t/ha in 2011-12..

    How Farmers Struggle to Survive in the SAT ?

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    The Semi-Arid Tropics (SAT) account for 37% of the area and 37% of the population of India. They have a share of 46% of the gross cultivated area of the country but only 32% of the gross irrigated area. The mean normal rainfall in these regions is 965 mm as against the country’s average of 1212 mm. As per the National Sample Survey for 1999-2000, monthly per capita expenditure in the Indian SAT is the lowest (Rs 472) and their poverty head count (24.3%) the highest among the different agroclimatic regions of the country. Low and variable rainfall, moderate population density, inadequate irrigation cover an

    Current Trends and Plausible Future outlooks of Food Legumes in Asia

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    Food legumes play an important and diverse role in the farming systems and in the diets of the poor people around the world and for achieving food and nutritional security in the developing countries. Given the importance of food legumes in the developing countries especially in Asia, the objective of this paper is to assess crop specific trends, distribution and developments in area, production and productivity of three important legumes crops like groundnut, chickpea and pigeonpea and also to provide the plausible futures of these crops under the changing future climate. In this study, a global partial equilibrium multi-commodity trade model was used to assess the future projection of supply, demand, prices and trade of the food legume producing and consuming countries around the world. The study revealed that production has not been able to meet demand due to the secondary treatment of pulses in Asian countries. The projected demand for groundnut, chickpea and pigeonpea in Asia will grow much faster than production as direct consequence of growing population in the region. By 2050 the production of chickpea is about 8% less than that of demand in Asia. Although yield increases compensate for much of the production forgone due to area contraction, it does not fully satisfy demand, leading to a deficit of chickpea production intensifying with time. The aggregate production and consumption of pigeonpea in Asia more than doubles in 2050 compared to the level in 2000 which was 3 mt. The projected demand for groundnut in Asia will increase from 7 mt in 2010 to 8.9 mt in 2050. To meet the increasing demand of food legumes in the region, there is need to improve the average yield and profitability of the legume crops by developing short duration, drought resistant, high yield varieties and ensuring competitive prices to increase the adoption of new technologies by farmers in the region
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