44 research outputs found

    Natural history of stage II/III breast cancer, bone metastasis and the impact of adjuvant zoledronate on distribution of recurrences

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    Aim: The prognosis for women with breast cancer has improved markedly over recent decades. However, mortality from breast cancer remains high and, for those developing metastatic disease, curative therapy is not possible. Here, we report the frequency and distribution of disease recurrence(s) in a large population of women with AJCC stage II/III breast cancer and evaluate the impact of adjuvant treatment with the bisphosphonate zoledronate on clinical outcomes. Patients and methods: In the context of the AZURE study (ISRCTN7981382), 3359 patients with histologically confirmed stage II/III breast cancer were randomised to receive standard adjuvant treatment ± zoledronate for five years. Patients were followed up for 10 years and all patients with recurrent disease in that time identified. The site of first recurrence, the first distant recurrence site(s) and bone metastasis at any time were recorded and outcomes in the control and zoledronate treatment groups compared. Survival after recurrence was also evaluated. Results: In the study population as a whole, disease recurrence at a median follow-up of 117 months occurred in 1010/3359 (30%) women with a relatively constant rate of disease relapse of around 3% per year. 727 (72%) first recurrences were at distant sites, 178 locoregional (18%) and 105 (10%) both locoregional and distant relapses occurred synchronously. Bone was the most frequent first recurrence site occurring in 463 (14%) of all patients and was the only distant metastatic site in 265 (7.9%). 69% of the control group who developed recurrent disease had bone metastases identified. Bone metastases were more frequent in those with oestrogen receptor (ER) positive disease and recurrences overall, especially at visceral sites, were more likely with ER negative disease. Zoledronate reduced bone metastases in both ER subgroups but increased the proportion with extra-skeletal metastases, particularly in women who were not definitely postmenopausal at study entry. Adjuvant zoledronate also reduced bone metastases after recurrence at an extra-skeletal site. Conclusions: This analysis provides contemporary information on the frequency and pattern of recurrences after treatment for stage II/III breast cancer that may be of value in planning future adjuvant trials. It confirms the ongoing importance of bone metastases and describes in detail for the first time the effects of adjuvant zoledronate on the pattern of metastasis

    Liquid biopsy in cervical cancer: Hopes and pitfalls

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    Cervical cancer (CC) is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide, with about 90% of cancer-related deaths occurring in developing countries. The geographical influence on disease evolution reflects differences in the prevalence of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, which is the main cause of CC, as well as in the access and quality of services for CC prevention and diagnosis. At present, the most diffused screening and diagnostic tools for CC are Papanicolaou test and the more sensitive HPV-DNA test, even if both methods require gynecological practices whose acceptance relies on the woman’s cultural and religious background. An alternative (or complimen-tary) tool for CC screening, diagnosis, and follow-up might be represented by liquid biopsy. Here, we summarize the main methodologies developed in this context, including circulating tumor cell detection and isolation, cell tumor DNA sequencing, coding and non-coding RNA detection, and exosomal miRNA identification. Moreover, the pros and cons of each method are discussed, and their potential applications in diagnosis and prognosis of CC, as well as their role in treatment mon-itoring, are explored. In conclusion, it is evident that despite many advances obtained in this field, further effort is needed to validate and standardize the proposed methodologies before any clinical use

    Management of bone metastasis and cancer treatment-induced bone loss during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international perspective and recommendations

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    Optimum management of patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic has proved extremely challenging. Patients, clinicians and hospital authorities have had to balance the risks to patients of attending hospital, many of whom are especially vulnerable, with the risks of delaying or modifying cancer treatment. Those whose care has been significantly impacted include patients suffering from the effects of cancer on bone, where delivering the usual standard of care for bone support has often not been possible and clinicians have been forced to seek alternative options for adequate management. At a virtual meeting of the Cancer and Bone Society in July 2020, an expert group shared experiences and solutions to this challenge, following which a questionnaire was sent internationally to the symposium's participants, to explore the issues faced and solutions offered. 70 respondents, from 9 countries (majority USA, 39%, followed by UK, 19%) included 50 clinicians, spread across a diverse range of specialties (but with a high proportion, 64%, of medical oncologists) and 20 who classified themselves as non-clinical (solely lab-based). Spread of clinician specialty across tumour types was breast (65%), prostate (27%), followed by renal, myeloma and melanoma. Analysis showed that management of metastatic bone disease in all solid tumour types and myeloma, adjuvant bisphosphonate breast cancer therapy and cancer treatment induced bone loss, was substantially impacted. Respondents reported delays to routine CT scans (58%), standard bone scans (48%) and MRI scans (46%), though emergency scans were less affected. Delays in palliative radiotherapy for bone pain were reported by 31% of respondents with treatments often involving only a single dose without fractionation. Delays to, or cancellation of, prophylactic surgery for bone pain were reported by 35% of respondents. Access to treatments with intravenous bisphosphonates and subcutaneous denosumab was a major problem, mitigated by provision of drug administration at home or in a local clinic, reduced frequency of administration or switching to oral bisphosphonates taken at home. The questionnaire also revealed damaging delays or complete stopping of both clinical and laboratory research. In addition to an analysis of the questionnaire, this paper presents a rationale and recommendations for adaptation of the normal guidelines for protection of bone health during the pandemic

    MiRNA dysregulation underlying common pathways in type 2 diabetes and cancer development. an Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM)/Italian Association of Medical Diabetologists (AMD)/Italian Society of Diabetology (SID)/Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE)/Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF) multidisciplinary critical view

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    Increasing evidence suggests that patients with diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes (T2D), are characterized by an increased risk of developing different types of cancer, so cancer could be proposed as a new T2D-related complication. On the other hand, cancer may also increase the risk of developing new-onset diabetes, mainly caused by anticancer therapies. Hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and chronic inflammation typical of T2D could represent possible mechanisms involved in cancer development in diabetic patients. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a subset of non-coding RNAs, ⁓22 nucleotides in length, which control the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression through both translational repression and messenger RNA degradation. Of note, miRNAs have multiple target genes and alteration of their expression has been reported in multiple diseases, including T2D and cancer. Accordingly, specific miRNA-regulated pathways are involved in the pathogenesis of both conditions. In this review, a panel of experts from the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM), Italian Association of Medical Diabetologists (AMD), Italian Society of Diabetology (SID), Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE), and Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF) provide a critical view of the evidence about the involvement of miRNAs in the pathophysiology of both T2D and cancer, trying to identify the shared miRNA signature and pathways able to explain the strong correlation between the two conditions, as well as to envision new common pharmacological approaches

    Management of bone metastasis and cancer treatment-induced bone loss during the COVID-19 pandemic : an international perspective and recommendations

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    Optimum management of patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic has proved extremely challenging. Patients, clinicians and hospital authorities have had to balance the risks to patients of attending hospital, many of whom are especially vulnerable, with the risks of delaying or modifying cancer treatment. Those whose care has been significantly impacted include patients suffering from the effects of cancer on bone, where delivering the usual standard of care for bone support has often not been possible and clinicians have been forced to seek alternative options for adequate management. At a virtual meeting of the Cancer and Bone Society in July 2020, an expert group shared experiences and solutions to this challenge, following which a questionnaire was sent internationally to the symposium’s participants, to explore the issues faced and solutions offered. 70 respondents, from 9 countries (majority USA, 39%, followed by UK, 19%) included 50 clinicians, spread across a diverse range of specialties (but with a high proportion, 64%, of medical oncologists) and 20 who classified themselves as non-clinical (solely lab-based). Spread of clinician specialty across tumour types was breast (65%), prostate (27%), followed by renal, myeloma and melanoma. Analysis showed that management of metastatic bone disease in all solid tumour types and myeloma, adjuvant bisphosphonate breast cancer therapy and cancer treatment induced bone loss, was substantially impacted. Respondents reported delays to routine CT scans (58%), standard bone scans (48%) and MRI scans (46%), though emergency scans were less affected. Delays in palliative radiotherapy for bone pain were reported by 31% of respondents with treatments often involving only a single dose without fractionation. Delays to, or cancellation of, prophylactic surgery for bone pain were reported by 35% of respondents. Access to treatments with intravenous bisphosphonates and subcutaneous denosumab was a major problem, mitigated by provision of drug administration at home or in a local clinic, reduced frequency of administration or switching to oral bisphosphonates taken at home. The questionnaire also revealed damaging delays or complete stopping of both clinical and laboratory research. In addition to an analysis of the questionnaire, this paper presents a rationale and recommendations for adaptation of the normal guidelines for protection of bone health during the pandemic

    Current status and future directions in the treatment of bone metastases from breast cancer

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    The clinical treatment of bone metastasis from breast cancer is currently based on the systemic administration of antiresorptive agents, radiopharmaceuticals, and/or local treatments such as radiation therapy, radiofrequency ablation and surgery. However, these therapeutic options are merely palliative and do not show to have a significant positive impact on patients' survival. In addition, the systemic administration of antiresorptive drugs and/or antitumour agents and/or radiopharmaceuticals may negatively affect normal bone metabolism with detrimental consequences for cancer patients. Hence, the need to identify alternative therapeutic strategies that, based on the hallmarks of bone metastasis, can effectively thwart tumour cell growth while, at the same time, overcoming antitumour drug-induced bone loss and preserving bone health. To this aim, current studies are directed toward the development of new molecules with low toxicity and/or novel drug delivery systems, which may efficiently hinder the growth of metastatic cells, while other studies are focussed on the design of new clinical treatments that, by acting on early stages of breast cancer, may prevent the homing and the subsequent growth of cancer cells in the bone. These treatments might also target occult micro-metastases before their development into clinically evident bone lesions, ultimately hindering bone relapse and disease progression. However, this therapeutic approach implies the identification of early stage breast cancer patients being at high risk of developing bone metastases. The discovery of novel specific biomarkers as predictor of metastatic bone disease may help clinicians in selecting these patients

    [Cell-based strategies: novel perspectives for cancer therapy]. FT Terapie cellulari in oncologia: recenti acquisizioni e sviluppi futuri

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    Cellular therapies represent an emerging field in oncology. Several studies support the efficacy of cell-based immunotherapies for different solid tumors. Recent approaches, however, have been optimized in using adult stem cells, genetically modified to produce cytotoxic molecules for fighting cancer. In this review, we focused major preclinical and clinical results in this fascinating field of cell-based strategies against cancer

    [Bone health in the oncologic patient]. FT La "bone health" nel paziente oncologico

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    Progressive bone loss, resulting in both osteoporosis and osteomalacia, is a frequent long-term complication in cancer patients undergoing common anti-tumor treatment programs. Monitoring of bone health by both imaging techniques and biochemical markers measurement, is useful in preventing the severe skeleton default