130 research outputs found

    Measurement of holistic well-being among Japanese retirees in Malaysia: a framework

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    In this era of globalization and borderless world, the well-being of the community is given much prominence as a weapon in ensuring sustainable community development and a better livelihood for mankind. The focus of this paper is to identify the possible factors that could be used to evaluate on the well-being among Japanese retirees residing in Malaysia. A thorough search of the existing literature was used to collect data. The results showed that well-being is better measured if we could combine both the objective and subjective dimensions and the dimensions could vary based on the concerned community. Various factors were recognized to measure the holistic well-being among Japanese retirees in Malaysia and this could be a yardstick for future researchers that are embarking studies on retirees living away from the homeland

    Review of factors that influence leadership styles among top management in small and medium size enterprises

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    Leadership styles among top management in small and medium size enterprises are important in the development of these enterprises. The focus of this study is to identify the enabling factors that will influence the leadership styles in small and medium size enterprises. Data for this study was obtained from previous literature. It was identified that four dimensions of transformational leadership and three dimensions of transactional leadership and in addition some socio-demographic factors have the potential to influence leadership styles

    Factors influencing the effective use of technology among Malaysian teachers

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    Previous studies revealed that the socio-demographic factors are vital and would sway the actual usage of computer (AUC) among secondary school teachers. Nevertheless the outcome of previous studies had shown inconsistent results. Hence, it is pertinent to investigate further on the influence of socio-demographic factors of gender, age, teaching experience, main subject taught, and training in computer usage on AUC among secondary school teachers. The AUC means the intensity of the computer usage by teachers, which would be measured in terms of how frequently the computer is used for job related and personal tasks. Interestingly this study has been carried out in Malaysia seeing that numerous incentives and support were given to the Mathematics, Science and English language (MSE) teachers to use computer in schools but preliminary observations found that they are not fully making use of the investment in technology

    The effects of leadership attributes and motivation to lead on preferred job characteristics: case study of undergraduates in Malaysian universities

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    The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between the leadership attributes and motivation to lead (MTL) of undergraduates in Malaysia with their inclination to choose specific types of job characteristics or job attributes. Many researches has proven that personality is positively related to preferred job characteristics, but no research to the researchers’ knowledge has been done on leadership attributes and motivation to lead with selected job characteristics. Data were collected from 711 undergraduates from Malaysian public universities. The results showed that leader attributes contributes a stronger predictive effect than the motivation or keenness to lead in determining the selection of specific job characteristics. This finding supports the research hypothesis that undergraduates who have been exposed to leadership training and development have gained greater emotional and cognitive maturity that enable them to be more open to a broader range of job characteristic types. No significant difference was observed between males and females, nor between Science and Humanity programs of study in the students’ selection of specific job characteristics. Findings, implications and directionsfor research are discussed

    Level of involvement in village administration and development activity among village development and security committee in village vision movement: an analysis of Malaysian case

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    The main objective of this study is to determine the level of involvement among Village Development and Security Committee (VDSC) in Village Vision Movement (VVM) in Malaysia. This study also intends to discover factors that influence it. A total of 235 respondents were involved in this study from three zones in Malaysia. Each zone was represented by a state whereby Selangor represented the central zone, Negeri Sembilan represented the southern zone and Pahang represented the east coast zone. Generally, it was identified that majority of VDSC members possessed moderate level of involvement. Results gained concluded that zone where respondents lived and education achievement have significant differences with the level of involvement while period of holding a position in VDSC and income were found to have significant and positive relationship with the level of involvement among VDSC members in village administration and development matters

    The march to sustainability of agriculture through contract farming - how will the youth fare?

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    Undoubtedly modern farming methods are important as the driver that will enable the sustainability of agriculture and one of it is contract farming that is believed to have a high prospect in enabling the agriculture sector to accomplish the mission of sustainability. It is often said that one of the pertinent groups in any society is the youth and their contribution is indeed vital in safeguarding the agriculture sector and its’ march to sustainability. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the level of acceptance of youth toward contract farming and its’ contributing factors. The data for this study was collected via a survey method and a total of 400 students from four tertiary institutions in Malaysia participated in this study. The outcome of the study depicted that the respondents had a highly positive acceptance toward contract farming and its’ significant predictors were attitude, knowledge and belief. It was further identified that education plays an important role in motivating our youth to be involved in agriculture. Moreover, the study too showed that with proper exposure of knowledge and information, youth are determined to accept and be involved in agriculture in an enterprising manner

    Comparison of work values of Malaysian youth in different contexts at school and university

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    The social contexts of youth in different levels of the education system contain some differences. Youths in school are very much influenced by family orientations and peers towards work and work choices, whereas youths in colleges and universities gain wider exposure through socialization with fellow students and lecturers, administrators, external agents and through their involvement in a variety of campus activities. The exposure to different role sets and role models may engender differential influence on work values of students in schools and at universities. Although there are some researches of work values of adolescents, there are not many researches that compares youth work values across different age groups in school and university contextual settings. Yet this gap in knowledge is important if we are to examine the patterns of work values formation across different age levels and social-educational settings. This study aims to fill the gap in the knowledge of the formation of patterns of work values emerging amongst youths who are in the school setting, in comparison to those who have entered college and universities in Malaysia

    Socio-demographic factor that impinge youth acceptance towards agriculture: the case of contract farming in Malaysia

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    Contract farming has been identified as one of the agriculture branches that have a huge potential to attract youth participation in agriculture based on its bigger profits and easiness to conduct. This study intends to investigate socio-demographic factor that affect acceptance towards contract farming among youth in Malaysia. A total of 400 respondents were involved in this study. The respondents were selected from four universities in Malaysia and all of them are either in Agriculture, Economic or other courses (social science and pure science). From the ANOVA test conducted it can be concluded that zone have significant difference with acceptance towards contract farming while Pearson Correlation employed indicates that age and monthly expenditure have no significant relationship with acceptance towards contract farming

    Entrepreneurial mindset among students of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Malaysia

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    This article examines entrepreneurial mindset among the students of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. The findings presented are a small part of the overall research data on the readiness of TVET students in Malaysia to venture into entrepreneurship. This quantitative study involves 1000 students from eight selected public TVET institutions in Peninsular Malaysia. Overall, the study finds that respondents’ level of entrepreneurial mindset is at a moderate level. Furthermore, there is a significant difference in the level of entrepreneurial mindset between the respondents at the certificate level and diploma level, the background of the family/parents who own businesses and otherwise, and also between the respondents who are involved and not involved in business activities. This study holds a positive view that there is potential in enhancing the entrepreneurial mindset of students in TVET institutions in order to generate as many job creators as possible. Hence, the study suggests that the Ministry and all relevant stakeholders to streamline the strategy of the Higher Education Insititution (HEI) Entrepreneurship Action Plan by focusing on the key growth factors of entrepreneurial mindset so that the target of new entrepreneurial talents among HEI students can be realised and also by taking into consideration the potentials of TVET students in Malaysia

    A review of contract farming and factors that impinge youths acceptance to contract farming

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    The growing body of literature associated with contract farming had examined its relevance and relationships between a number of variables in order to gain a better understanding on being involved in contract farming and agriculture in general. Youths acceptance of contact farming is an important element to the successful implementation of this farming method in agriculture. Thus, it is significant to draw to attention to the factors that affect youths participation in contract farming and its implications to policy development strategies. This article would be useful for future researchers who are seeking directions to further examine the determinants of youths acceptance of contract farming