500 research outputs found

    VLT/UVES shows no cosmological variability of alpha

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    The cosmological variability of alpha is probed from individual observations of pairs of FeII lines. This procedure allows a better control of the systematics and avoids the influence of the spectral shifts due to ionization inhomogeneities in the absorbers and/or non-zero offsets between different exposures. Applied to the FeII lines of the metal absorption systems at zabs = 1.839 in Q1101--264 and at zabs = 1.15 in HE0515--4414 observed by means of UVES at the ESO-VLT, it provides da/a = 0.4 (+/- 1.5 stat)x10^{-6}. The result is shifted with respect to the Keck/HIRES mean da/a = -5.7(+/- 1.1 stat})x10^{-6} (Murphy et al. 2004) at a high confidence level (95%). Full details of this work are given in Levshakov et al (2005)Comment: 3 pages, 1 postscript figur

    The lithium isotope ratio in the metal-poor halo star G271-162 from VLT/UVES observations

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    A high resolution (R = 110.000), very high S/N (>600) spectrum of the metal-poor turnoff star G271-162 has been obtained in connection with the commissioning of UVES at VLT/Kueyen. Using both 1D hydrostatic and 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres, the lithium isotope ratio has been estimated from the LiI 670.8 nm line by means of spectral synthesis. The necessary stellar line broadening (1D: macroturbulence + rotation, 3D: rotation) has been determined from unblended KI, CaI and FeI lines. The 3D line profiles agree very well with the observed profiles, including the characteristic line asymmetries. Both the 1D and 3D analyses reveal a possible detection of 6Li in G271-162, 6Li/7Li = 0.02 +-0.01 (one sigma). It is discussed if the smaller amount of 6Li in G271-162 than in the similar halo star HD84937 could be due to differences in stellar mass and/or metallicity or whether it may reflect an intrinsic scatter of the Li isotope ratio in the ISM at a given metallicity.Comment: 5 pages with 6 figures. Accepted as a letter in A&

    Connecting European snow cover variability with large scale atmospheric patterns

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    Abstract. Winter snowfall and its temporal variability are important factors in the development of water management strategies for snow-dominated regions. For example, mountain regions of Europe rely on snow for recreation, and on snowmelt for water supply and hydropower. It is still unclear whether in these regions the snow regime is undergoing any major significant change. Moreover, snow interannual variability depends on different climatic variables, such as precipitation and temperature, and their interplay with atmospheric and pressure conditions. This paper uses the EASE Grid weekly snow cover and Ice Extent database from the National Snow and Ice Data Center to assess the possible existence of trends in snow cover across Europe. This database provides a representation of snow cover fields in Europe for the period 1972–2006 and is used here to construct snow cover indices, both in time and space. These indices allow us to investigate the historical spatial and temporal variability of European snow cover fields, and to relate them to the modes of climate variability that are known to affect the European climate. We find that both the spatial and temporal variability of snow cover are strongly related to the Arctic Oscillation during wintertime. In the other seasons, weaker correlation appears between snow cover and the other patterns of climate variability, such as the East Atlantic, the East Atlantic West Russia, the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Polar Pattern and the Scandinavian Pattern

    UVES radial velocity accuracy from asteroid observations. Implications for the fine structure constant variability

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    High resolution observations of the asteroids Iris and Juno have been performed by means of the UVES spectrograph at the ESO VLT to obtain the effective accurac y of the spectrograph's radial velocity. The knowledge of this quantity has impo rtant bearings on studies searching for a variability of the fine structure cons tant carried on with this instrument. Asteroids provide a precise radial velocit y reference at the level of 1 m/s which allows instrumental calibration and the recognition of small instrumental drifts and calibration systematics. In particu lar, radial velocity drifts due to non uniform slit illumination and slit optica l misalignment in the two UVES spectrograph arms can be investigated. The positi on of the solar spectrum reflected by the asteroids are compared with the solar wavelength positions or with that of asteroid observations at other epochs or wi th the twilight to asses UVES instrumental accuracy . Radial velocities offsets in the range 10--50 m/s are generally observed likely due to a non uniform slit illumination. However, no radial velocity patterns with wavelength are detected and the two UVES arms provide consistent radial velocities. These results suggest that the detected alpha variability by Levshakov et al. (2007) deduced from a drift of -180 (+/- 85) m/s at z =1.84, between two sets of FeII lines falling in the two UVES arms may be real or induced by other kinds of systematics than those investigated here. The proposed technique allows real time quality check of the spectrograph and should be followed for very accurate measurements.Comment: Accepted A&

    The cosmic microwave background radiation temperature at z = 3.025 toward QSO 0347--3819

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    From the analysis of the CII fine-structure population ratio in the damped Ly_alpha system at z = 3.025 toward the quasar Q0347--3819 we derive an upper bound of 14.6 (+/- 0.2) K on the cosmic microwave background temperature regardless the presence of other different excitation mechanisms. The analysis of the ground state rotational level populations of H_2 detected in the system reveals a Galactic-type UV radiation field ruling out UV pumping as an important excitation mechanism for CII. The low dust content estimated from the Cr/Zn ratio indicates that the IR dust emission can also be neglected. When the collisional excitation is considered, we measure a temperature for the cosmic background radiation of T = 12.1 (+1.7, -3.2) K. The results are in agreement with the T = 10.968 (+/-) 0.004 K predicted by the hot Big Bang cosmology at z = 3.025.Comment: Accepte

    IR Colors and Sizes of Faint Galaxies

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    We present J and Ks band galaxy counts down to J=24 and Ks=22.5 obtained with the new infrared imager/spectrometer, SOFI, at the ESO New Technology Telescope. The co-addition of short, dithered, images led to a total exposure time of 256 and 624 minutes respectively, over an area of ∼20\sim20 arcmin2^2 centered on the NTT Deep Field. The total number of sources with S/N>5>5 is 1569 in the J sample and 1025 in the Ks-selected sample. These are the largest samples currently available at these depths. A dlogNlogN/dmm relation with slope of ∼0.36\sim0.36 in J and ∼0.38\sim0.38 in Ks is found with no evident sign of a decline at the magnitude limit. The observed surface density of ``small'' sources is much lower than ``large'' ones at bright magnitudes and rises more steeply than the large sources to fainter magnitudes. Fainter than J∼22.5J\sim22.5 and Ks∼21.5\sim21.5, small sources dominate the number counts. Galaxies get redder in J-K down to J∼20\sim20 and Ks∼19\sim19. At fainter magnitudes, the median color becomes bluer with an accompanying increase in the compactness of the galaxies. We show that the blue, small sources which dominate the faint IR counts are not compatible with a high redshift (z>1z>1) population. On the contrary, the observed color and compactness trends, together with the absence of a turnover at faint magnitudes and the dominance of small sources, can be naturally explained by an increasing contribution of sub-L∗L^* galaxies when going to fainter apparent magnitudes. Such evidence strongly supports the existence of a steeply rising (α≪−1\alpha\ll-1) faint end of the local infrared luminosity function of galaxies - at least for luminosities L<0.01L∗L<0.01L^*.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&A; 15 pages, 13 figure
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