750 research outputs found

    Human security : introducing approaches from the territorial planning management

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    La inseguridad es uno de los mayores desafíos al que se enfrentan los gobernantes en América Latina. Este problema avanza desde una visión sectorial en los años ochenta hacia una visión transversal a partir de los noventa. Esto implica una evolución de su concepto; desde su consideración como una cuestión de seguridad de Estado de competencia policial y militar hacia la “seguridad humana", concepto multidimensional que contempla el desarrollo humano y la satisfacción de necesidades. En Argentina la inseguridad se agrava desde la crisis social y económica y es parte de la agenda política debido a los constantes reclamos de la sociedad. Sin embargo, con el transcurrir de los años se puede observar la imposibilidad de las gestiones gubernamentales de hacerle frente. Es por ello que en este trabajo se plantea la relación entre la seguridad humana y el Ordenamiento Territorial a través de la evaluación de la habitabilidad, enfoque que permite operacionalizar el concepto de seguridad de forma integradora y transversal. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se utiliza un caso de estudio: el piedemonte del Gran Mendoza. Se parte de la construcción de una metodología de análisis que permite espacializar los datos y de un sistema de variables e indicadores para medir la habitabilidad en términos de la seguridad humana.The insecurity is one of the major problems which the leaders face in Latin America. This problem advances from a sectorial vision in the eighties towards a transverse vision from the nineties. This involves an evolution in the meaning of this concept; from its consideration as a safety problem of State of police and military competition, towards the "human safety", multidimensional concept that contemplates the human development and the satisfaction of basic needs. In Argentina it is a problem that worsens from the social and economic crisis and is a report of the political agenda due to the constant claims of the society. Nevertheless, with to pass of the years can observe the impossibility of the governmental negotiations in facing him. In this work appears the relation between the human safety and the Territorial Planning across the evaluation of the habitability, approach that allows evaluate the safety concept of integration and transverse form. For the development of the work a case of study is in use: the Piedemonte of Great Mendoza. It splits of the construction of a methodology of spatial analysis information and of a system of variables and indicators that measures the habitability in terms of the human safety.Fil: D'Inca, Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigación y Formación para el Ordenamiento Territoria

    The assessment of the public spaces with local identity (facing globalization)

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    Se destacan los cambios del paisaje urbano, los que se plasman en el espacio público, los que fueron estructurantes de las ciudades: calles y plazas hoy en abandono ante el auge de los espacios públicos privados . Conceptualiza espacio y lugar para luego recorrer las características de los espacios públicos predominantes en cada período histórico de la humanidad. El siglo XX es analizado en detalle para determinar los factores que más han influido en la transformación; como las comunicaciones , que transmiten imágenes conocidas por todos, aunque logran una identidad más global que local. Se analizan los principales espacios públicos del Gran Mendoza, si han sido renovados o no, en asociación con el consumo y cultura de la imagen, su vinculación con las líneas estructurantes de la ciudad y espacios verdes más relevantes. Se tiene en cuenta el crecimiento poblacional y uso del suelo. A través de relevamiento y encuestas se detectan problemas que permiten determinar algunas áreas periféricas desvinculadas del tejido urbano de la metrópolis, motivo de diversas propuestas.The urban scenery changes are highlighted, which manifest themselves in the public space, the ones that were cities structuring: streets and squares nowadays in neglection before the boom of private public spaces. It conceptualizes space and place in order to, then, go all over the characteristics of the predominant public spaces in each historic period of mankind. The 20th century is analized in detail to determine the factors that have most influenced the transformation. The main public spaces of Great Mendoza are analized, wether they have been renewed or not, in association with image consumption and culture, its connections with the city and the most relevant green spaces structuring lines. Population growth and soil use are taken into account.Fil: D'Inca, Verónica

    A landscape approach of Potrerillos

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    Se está creando un nuevo espacio. La construcción de la presa de Potrerillos implica muchos cambios en la localidad. Potrerillos le debe su identidad a la importancia que tiene su esencia, su origen, y su historia en la conformación de su estructura y sus propiedades formales particulares, elementos que deben considerarse a la hora de analizar la definición de su paisaje. Es importante que el ordenamiento territorial y un análisis apropiado del paisaje guarden relación. Que formen parte de la misma estrategia de desarrollo, en función de la valoración de los sitios no sólo a partir de su funcionalidad sino a través de su configuración paisajística. Se garantiza de esta forma un tipo de intervención que no solo contemple el óptimo funcionamiento de la localidad sino que mantenga y potencie sus características diferenciadoras, que son en definitiva el motivo por el cual se plantea el desarrollo y transformación del sitio.A new space is being created. The Potrerillos dam building implies a lot of changes in the locality. The identity is given by its essence, origin, and history, elements that must be considered at the time of analyzing the landscape. It is important for the territorial management an appropriate analysis of the landscape, as part of the same development strategy. The places assessment and their landscape shaping guarantees a type of intervention that not only consider the ideal running of the locality but also that keep and promote its distinguishing features, which are, all in all, the reason why a place development and transformation is considered.Fil: D'Inca, Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigación y Formación para el Ordenamiento Territoria

    Ion cyclotron emission on ASDEX upgrade

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    This works deals with the Ion Cyclotron Emission (ICE), a plasma instability that takes place both in astrophysical plasmas and in fusion energy facilities like Tokamaks and Stellarators, when a population of high energetic ions is present. These fast ions can interact with the waves which propagate in the background thermal plasma and excite instabilities in the Mega-Hertz range. This emission can be measured in a non-intrusive way with radio-frequency probes and provide information on the characteristics of the fast ions. The hope of a new diagnostic sparked many studies in the years 1992-2002 but, in spite of the theoretical and experimental progresses, no practical instrumentation was achieved. There are indeed two main difficulties: first, the ICE involves many different types of plasma phenomena: waves propagation, resonances, conversion and absorption in complex geometries, core and edge plasma modelling, fast ion creation and trajectories; all these aspects are entangled. Therefore, accurate data both in time and frequency domains and a theory that covers these physics fields are necessary to distinguish the impact of these different phenomena. Second, there are technical difficulties in measuring high-frequency signals with a sufficient Signal-to-Noise Ratio to discriminate it from the background noise. The purpose of this study is to address these issues with the use of the latest acquisition technologies and an improved ICE theory, which can relate in a new light the properties of the fast ions to the characteristics of the emission

    Modelo de indicadores ambientales : observatorio ambiental

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    Los indicadores ambientales son una herramienta para efectuar el monitoreo de la biodiversidad a través de la recolección sistemática de datos obtenidos mediante mediciones u observaciones en series de tiempo y espacio. Se entiende por indicador ambiental a una variable o suma de variables que proporciona una información sintética sobre un fenómeno ambiental complejo que permite conocer y evaluar el estado y variación de la calidad ambiental. Para la caracterización y detección de indicadores ambientales del litoral de Río Negro se identifican y jerarquizan los conflictos o problemáticas del ambiente, a partir de lo cual se seleccionan las principales variables que componen el sistema de indicadores y por último, se recopilan los niveles de información existentes y los que requieren ser relevados e incorporados a bases de datos relacionales. Los requisitos que deben tener los indicadores seleccio nados son: ser medibles (cuali y cuantitativamente), compresibles, fáciles de usar e interrelacionar, tener dimensión espacial y temporal, ser objetivos sensibles a los cambios y permitir el diagnóstico y pronóstico en función de la detección de situaciones de alerta ambiental. Se realiza una aproximación a la selección de variables e indicadores con el fin de definir el modelo de datos y categorías de agrupamiento. El sistema de indicadores generados se agrupa en función de la disponibilidad de datos existentes y la posibilidad de recopilación para un correcto funcionamiento del prototipo del Observatorio. El modelo adoptado incorpora 3 subsistemas (ambiental, social y económico) interrelacionando con 3 nodos institucionales (que proveen y/o precisan estos datos para la toma de decisiones). Cada indicador se describe en una ficha metodológica, cuyo diseño es normalizado para un correcto funcionamiento del Observatorio. La implementación del modelo de indicadores exige contar con una infraestructura que permita la aplicación de mediciones, observaciones y registros y contar además, con personal idóneo para una correcta manipulación y análisis.Environmental Indicators are a tool to carry out the biodiversity monitoring through the systematic data collection obtained through measurements and observations in time and space series. For the characterisation and detection of environmental indicators from the coastal region of Río Negro, the environment conflicts or problems are identified and organized into a hierarchy, from which the main variables composing the indicators system are selected, and finally, the levels of information in existence and those that need to be surveyed or included to related data basis are gathered. An Approach to the selection of variables and indicators is made in order to define the data and gathering categories model. The adopted model adds three subsystems (environmental, social and economic) interrelated with three institutional nodes (that provide and specify data for the decision-making). Each indicator is described in a methodological file, the design of which is normalized for a correct Observatory working. The indicators model implementation requires tocount on an infrastructure permitting the implementation of measurements, observations and recordings as well as on suitable staff for a correct handling and analysis.Fil: Therburg, Almut. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigación y Formación para el Ordenamiento TerritorialFil: D'Inca, Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigación y Formación para el Ordenamiento TerritorialFil: López, Mariela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigación y Formación para el Ordenamiento Territoria

    The molecular landscape of colitis-associated carcinogenesis

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    In spite of the well-established histopathological phenotyping of IBD-associated preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions, their molecular landscape remains to be fully elucidated. Several studies have pinpointed the initiating role of longstanding/relapsing inflammatory insult on the intestinal mucosa, with the activation of different pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-\u3b1, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-\u3b3), chemokines and metabolites of arachidonic acid resulting in the activation of key transcription factors such as NF-\u3baB. Longstanding inflammation may also modify the intestinal microbiota, prompting the overgrowth of genotoxic microorganisms, which may act as further cancer promoters. Most of the molecular dysregulation occurring in sporadic colorectal carcinogenesis is documented in colitis-associated adenocarcinoma too, but marked differences have been established in both their timing and prevalence. Unlike sporadic cancers, TP53 alterations occur early in IBD-related carcinogenesis, while APC dysregulation emerges mainly in the most advanced stages of the oncogenic cascade. From the therapeutic standpoint, colitis-associated cancers are associated with a lower prevalence of KRAS mutations than the sporadic variant. Epigenetic changes, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNAs, are significantly involved in colitis-associated cancer development and progression. The focus now is on identifying diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, with a view to ultimately designing patient-tailored therapie

    Ion cyclotron emission on ASDEX upgrade

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    This works deals with the Ion Cyclotron Emission (ICE), a plasma instability that takes place both in astrophysical plasmas and in fusion energy facilities like Tokamaks and Stellarators, when a population of high energetic ions is present. These fast ions can interact with the waves which propagate in the background thermal plasma and excite instabilities in the Mega-Hertz range. This emission can be measured in a non-intrusive way with radio-frequency probes and provide information on the characteristics of the fast ions. The hope of a new diagnostic sparked many studies in the years 1992-2002 but, in spite of the theoretical and experimental progresses, no practical instrumentation was achieved. There are indeed two main difficulties: first, the ICE involves many different types of plasma phenomena: waves propagation, resonances, conversion and absorption in complex geometries, core and edge plasma modelling, fast ion creation and trajectories; all these aspects are entangled. Therefore, accurate data both in time and frequency domains and a theory that covers these physics fields are necessary to distinguish the impact of these different phenomena. Second, there are technical difficulties in measuring high-frequency signals with a sufficient Signal-to-Noise Ratio to discriminate it from the background noise. The purpose of this study is to address these issues with the use of the latest acquisition technologies and an improved ICE theory, which can relate in a new light the properties of the fast ions to the characteristics of the emission

    Partial glances and integration in land use

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    Fil: D'Inca, María Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigación y Formación para el Ordenamiento Territoria

    SUGAMMADEX versus neostigmine after ROCURONIUM continuous infusion in patients undergoing liver transplantation

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    Background: Rapid neuromuscular block reversal at the end of major abdominal surgery is recommended to avoid any postoperative residual block. To date, no study has evaluated sugammadex performance after rocuronium administration in patients undergoing liver transplantation. This is a randomized controlled trial with the primary objective of assessing the neuromuscular transmission recovery time obtained with sugammadex versus neostigmine after rocuronium induced neuromuscular blockade in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation. Methods: The TOF-Watch SX\uae, calibrated and linked to a portable computer equipped with TOF-Watch SX Monitor Software\uae, was used to monitor and record intraoperative neuromuscular block maintained with a continuous infusion of rocuronium. Anaesthetic management was standardized as per our institution's internal protocol. At the end of surgery, neuromuscular moderate block reversal was obtained by administration of 2 mg/kg of sugammadex or 50 mcg/kg of neostigmine (plus 10 mcg/kg of atropine). Results: Data from 41 patients undergoing liver transplantation were analysed. In this population, recovery from neuromuscular block was faster following sugammadex administration than neostigmine administration, with mean times\ub1SD of 9.4 \ub1 4.6 min and 34.6 \ub1 24.9 min, respectively (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Sugammadex is able to reverse neuromuscular block maintained by rocuronium continuous infusion in patients undergoing liver transplantation. The mean reversal time obtained with sugammadex was significantly faster than that for neostigmine. It is important to note that the sugammadex recovery time in this population was found to be considerably longer than in other surgical settings, and should be considered in clinical practice. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02697929 (registered 3rd March 2016)