585 research outputs found

    Employee voice and collective formation in the Indian ITES-BPO industry

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    The growth of the information technology enabled services-business process outsourcing industry calls for attention to employees' working conditions and rights. Can an independent organisation such as unites Pro (the union of information technology enabled services professionals) represent employees' interests and effectively work towards protecting their rights and improving their working conditions? A survey of unites members indicates that they identify with the need for such an organisation to deal with poor supervisory and managerial treatment, concerns for employee safety, grievances related to pay and workload, and even the indignities of favouritism

    Antiphospholipid (Hughes) syndrome: beyond pregnancy morbidity and thrombosis

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    The antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterised by recurrent arterial or venous thrombosis, pregnancy morbidity and the persistence of positive antiphospholipid antibodies. Many other clinical manifestations may occur including heart valve disease, livedo reticularis, thrombocytopenia and neurological manifestations such as migraine and seizures. We review a number of other manfestations including stenotic lesions, coronary artery disease and accelerated atherosclerosis, skeletal disorders and the concept of seronegative antiphospholipid syndrome

    Preserving the Autographic/Allographic Distinction

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    In his study of forms of representation, Nel- son Goodman sought to explain why some representations, like words or musical scores, are considered replicable while others, such as paintings, are not. He named the replicable rep- resentations allographic and the ones we consider nonreplicable autographic (Goodman 1976, 113). His explanation of what grounds this distinction is in his theory of notations (chaps. IV–V). That theory essentially seeks to secure the possibility of identity for representations, as well as the possibility of knowing such identity, by setting out a number of requirements. Unless a repre- sentational practice satisfies the requirements (is “amenable to notation” [121]), the token repre- sentations it produces cannot count as identical to one another or else cannot be known to be identi- cal. That is why we consider such representations nonreplicable, that is, autographic. According to Goodman, written words satisfy some of the requirements for notations (Good- man 1976, 140), with the result that word tokens can be grouped into types whose members are equivalent and interchangeable. Pictures satisfy no notational requirements: “The sketch . . . is not in a language or notation at all, but in a system without either syntactic or semantic differentia- tion” (192). This means that token pictures can- not be classified into groupings whose members are type-identical and interchangeable. In other words, no picture can count as a replica of another picture, and pictures are autographic. In 2012, I published an analysis of digital pic- tures in this journal that cast doubt on Goodman’s distinction between allographic and autographic representations (Zeimbekis 2012). I argued that (i) digital pictures are replicable representations and therefore allographic, (ii) digital pictures are not notational representations, and (iii) there is no obstacle in principle to conceiving of all pictures as replicable (allographic) representations. In a recent article, Jason D’Cruz and P. D. Mag- nus reject points (ii) and (iii) (2014, Section iii). Concerning (i), they agree that digital pictures are allographic, but they argue that they are al- lographic because they are notational, whereas I argue that digital pictures are allographic despite not being notational. To defend these positions, D’Cruz and Magnus have to rebut my own views. However, when it comes to doing this, they mis- understand key parts of my proposal and fail to grasp the proposal’s structure. As a result, they succeed neither in rebutting points (ii) and (iii) nor in justifying point (i)

    Are Digital Images Allographic?

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    Telemedicine in rheumatology: A mixed methods study exploring acceptability, preferences and experiences among patients and clinicians

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    OBJECTIVES: The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated a rapid global transition towards telemedicine; yet much remains unknown about telemedicine's acceptability and safety in rheumatology. To help address this gap and inform practice, this study investigated rheumatology patient and clinician experiences and views of telemedicine. METHODS: Sequential mixed methodology combined analysis of surveys and in-depth interviews. Between and within-group differences in views of telemedicine were examined for patients and clinicians using t-tests. RESULTS: Surveys (Patients n = 1,340, Clinicians n = 111) and interviews (Patients n = 31, Clinicians n = 29) were completed between April 2021 and July 2021. The majority of patients were from the UK (96%) and had inflammatory arthritis (32%) or lupus (32%). Patients and clinicians rated telemedicine as worse than face-to-face consultations in almost all categories, although >60% found it more convenient. Building trusting medical relationships and assessment accuracy were great concerns (93% of clinicians and 86% of patients rated telemedicine as worse than face-to-face for assessment accuracy). Telemedicine was perceived to have increased misdiagnoses, inequalities and barriers to accessing care. Participants reported highly disparate telemedicine delivery and responsiveness from primary and secondary care. Although rheumatology clinicians highlighted the importance of a quick response to flaring patients, only 55% of patients were confident that their rheumatology department would respond within 48 hours. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate a preference for face-to-face consultations. Some negative experiences may be due to the pandemic rather than telemedicine specifically, although the risk of greater diagnostic inaccuracies using telemedicine is unlikely to be fully resolved. Training, choice, careful patient selection, and further consultation with clinicians and patients is required to increase telemedicine's acceptability and safety

    Observations and asteroseismological analysis of the rapid subdwarf B pulsator EC 09582-1137

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    We made photometric and spectroscopic observations of the rapidly pulsating subdwarf B star EC 09582-1137 with the aim of determining the target's fundamental structural parameters from asteroseismology. The new data comprise ~ 30 hours of fast time-series photometry obtained with SUSI2 at the NTT on La Silla, Chile, as well as 1 hour of low-resolution spectroscopy gathered with EMMI, also mounted on the NTT. From the photometry we detected 5 independent harmonic oscillations in the 135-170 s period range with amplitudes up to 0.5% of the mean brightness of the star. In addition, we extracted two periodicities interpreted as components of a rotationally split multiplet that indicate a rotation period of the order of 2-5 days. We also recovered the first harmonic of the dominant pulsation, albeit at an amplitude below the imposed 4-sigma detection threshold. The spectroscopic observations led to the following estimates of the atmospheric parameters of EC 09582-1137: Teff = 34,806+-233 K, log g = 5.80+-0.04, and log[N(He)/N(H)] = - 1.68+-0.06. Using the observed oscillations as input, we searched in model parameter space for unique solutions that present a good fit to the data. Under the assumption that the two dominant observed periodicities correspond to radial or dipole modes, we were able to isolate a well-constrained optimal model that agrees with the atmospheric parameters derived from spectroscopy. The inferred structural parameters of EC 09582-1137 are Teff = 34,806 K (from spectroscopy), log g = 5.788+-0.004, M = 0.485+-0.011 M_solar, log(M_env/M_star) = - 4.39+-0.10, R = 0.147+-0.002 R_solar, and L = 28.6+-1.7 L_solar. We additionally derive the absolute magnitude M_V = 4.44+-0.05 and the distance d = 1460+-66 pc.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Two new hot subdwarf binaries in the GALEX survey

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    We report the discovery of two new hot, hydrogen-rich subdwarfs (sdB) in close binary systems. The hot subdwarfs, GALEX J0321+4727 and GALEX J2349+3844, were selected from a joint optical-ultraviolet catalogue of hot sub-luminous stars based on GSC2.3.2 and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer all-sky survey. Using high-dispersion spectra of the Halpha core obtained using the 2m telescope at Ondrejov Observatory we measured the radial velocities of the sdB primaries and determined orbital periods of 0.26584+/-0.00004 days and 0.46249+/-0.00007 days for GALEX J0321+4727 and GALEX J2349+3844, respectively. The time series obtained from the Northern Sky Variability Survey with an effective wavelength near the R band show that GALEX J0321+4727 is a variable star (Delta m=0.12 mag) while no significant variations are observed in GALEX J2349+3844. The period of variations in GALEX J0321+4727 coincides with the orbital period and the variability is probably caused by a reflection effect on a late-type secondary star. Lack of photometric variations in GALEX J2349+3844 probably indicates that the companion is a white dwarf star. Using all available photometry and spectroscopy, we measured the atmospheric properties of the two sdB stars and placed limits on the mass and luminosity of the companion stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Very low mass white dwarfs with a C-O core

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    The lower limit for the mass of white dwarfs (WDs) with C-O core is commonly assumed to be roughly 0.5 Msun. As a consequence, WDs of lower masses are usually identified as He-core remnants. However, when the initial mass of the progenitor star is in between 1.8 and 3 Msun, which corresponds to the so called red giant (RGB) phase transition, the mass of the H-exhausted core at the tip of the RGB is 0.3 < M_H/Msun < 0.5. Prompted by this well known result of stellar evolution theory, we investigate the possibility to form C-O WDs with mass M < 0.5 Msun. The pre-WD evolution of stars with initial mass of about 2.3 Msun, undergoing anomalous mass-loss episodes during the RGB phase and leading to the formation of WDs with He-rich or CO-rich cores have been computed. The cooling sequences of the resulting WDs are also described. We show that the minimum mass for a C-O WD is about 0.33 Msun, so that both He and C-O core WDs can exist in the mass range 0.33-0.5 Msun. The models computed for the present paper provide the theoretical tools to indentify the observational counterpart of very low mass remnants with a C-O core among those commonly ascribed to the He-core WD population in the progressively growing sample of observed WDs of low mass. Moreover, we show that the central He-burning phase of the stripped progeny of the 2.3 Msun star lasts longer and longer as the total mass decreases. In particular, the M= 0.33 Msun model takes about 800 Myr to exhausts its central helium, which is more than three time longer than the value of the standard 2.3 Msun star: it is, by far, the longest core-He burning lifetime. Finally, we find the occurrence of gravonuclear instabilities during the He-burning shell phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 9 page