8 research outputs found

    Digital Venography in Horses and Its Clinical Application in Europe.

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    Clinical diagnostic venography allows in vivo visualization of the digital venous system and the effects of venocompression related to foot load and laminitis pathology. Venography has predictive potential and helps the clinician anticipate and treat laminitis tissue damage before it is detectable by plain radiography. The authors describe the podiatry radiographic technique to correctly perform digital venography and the modifications they have developed. The authors provide guidelines for the interpretation of laminitis venograms in the context of laminitis chronology. Frequent venographic monitoring of laminitis helps clinicians understand the sometimes puzzling chronology of the disease process and improves therapeutic outcome

    A singular case of traumatic total hoof capsule avulsion

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    Total, full thickness hoof wall avulsion is rare in horses. Sometimes complications such as fracture of the distal phalanx, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis and degenerative joint disease have been reported. Limiting motion at the affected site and hoof stabilisation are essential to obtain a good hoof regeneration. This case report reviews the clinical features including diagnostic techniques (radiographic examination and venography) of a Quarter Horse filly presented with a complete and full-thickness traumatic hoof capsule avulsion complicated by an open fracture of the third phalanx. A transfixation casting technique was performed followed after one month by 2 short limb casts applied for 2 months each. Twenty-four months after trauma the foot had completely regrown. The dorsal aspect of the hoof wall appears to be remarkably shorter compared to the heels. From a radiographic viewpoint, the lateral aspect of the left hind foot shows diffuse bone remodelling and a deformed distal phalan