141 research outputs found

    Comparative Effectiveness of DPP-4 Inhibitors Versus Sulfonylurea for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Routine Clinical Practice: A Retrospective Multicenter Real-World Study

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    Introduction: DPP-4 inhibitors (DPP4i) and sulfonylureas are popular second-line therapies for type 2 diabetes (T2D), but there is a paucity of real-world studies comparing their effectiveness in routine clinical practice. Methods: This was a multicenter retrospective study on diabetes outpatient clinics comparing the effectiveness of DPP4i versus gliclazide extended release. The primary endpoint was change from baseline in HbA1c. Secondary endpoints were changes in fasting plasma glucose, body weight, and systolic blood pressure. Automated software extracted data from the same clinical electronic chart system at all centers. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to generate comparable cohorts to perform outcome analysis. Results: We included data on 2410 patients starting DPP4i and 1590 patients starting gliclazide (mainly 30–60 mg/day). At baseline, the two groups differed in disease duration, body weight, blood pressure, HbA1c, fasting glucose, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, liver enzymes, eGFR, prevalence of microangiopathy, and use of metformin. Among DPP4i molecules, no difference in glycemic effectiveness was detected. In matched cohorts (n = 1316/group), patients starting DPP4i, as compared with patients starting gliclazide, experienced greater reductions in HbA1c (− 0.6% versus − 0.4%; p < 0.001), fasting glucose (− 14.1 mg/dl versus − 8.8 mg/dl; p = 0.007), and body weight (− 0.4 kg versus − 0.1 kg; p = 0.006) after an average 6 months follow-up. DPP4i improved glucose control more than gliclazide, especially in patients who had failed with other glucose-lowering medications or were on basal insulin. Conclusions: This large retrospective real-world study shows that, in routine clinical practice, starting a DPP4i allows better glycemic control than starting low-dose gliclazide. Funding: The Italian Diabetes Society, with external support from AstraZeneca

    Possible A2E Mutagenic Effects on RPE Mitochondrial DNA from Innovative RNA-Seq Bioinformatics Pipeline

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    Mitochondria are subject to continuous oxidative stress stimuli that, over time, can impair their genome and lead to several pathologies, like retinal degenerations. Our main purpose was the identification of mtDNA variants that might be induced by intense oxidative stress determined by N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine (A2E), together with molecular pathways involving the genes carrying them, possibly linked to retinal degeneration. We performed a variant analysis comparison between transcriptome profiles of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells exposed to A2E and untreated ones, hypothesizing that it might act as a mutagenic compound towards mtDNA. To optimize analysis, we proposed an integrated approach that foresaw the complementary use of the most recent algorithms applied to mtDNA data, characterized by a mixed output coming from several tools and databases. An increased number of variants emerged following treatment. Variants mainly occurred within mtDNA coding sequences, corresponding with either the polypeptide-encoding genes or the RNA. Time-dependent impairments foresaw the involvement of all oxidative phosphorylation complexes, suggesting a serious damage to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) biosynthesis, that can result in cell death. The obtained results could be incorporated into clinical diagnostic settings, as they are hypothesized to modulate the phenotypic expression of mtDNA pathogenic variants, drastically improving the field of precision molecular medicine

    The effect of desflurane on neuronal communication at a central synapse

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    Although general anesthetics are thought to modify critical neuronal functions, their impact on neuronal communication has been poorly examined. We have investigated the effect induced by desflurane, a clinically used general anesthetic, on information transfer at the synapse between mossy fibers and granule cells of cerebellum, where this analysis can be carried out extensively. Mutual information values were assessed by measuring the variability of postsynaptic output in relationship to the variability of a given set of presynaptic inputs. Desflurane synchronized granule cell firing and reduced mutual information in response to physiologically relevant mossy fibers patterns. The decrease in spike variability was due to an increased postsynaptic membrane excitability, which made granule cells more prone to elicit action potentials, and to a strengthened synaptic inhibition, which markedly hampered membrane depolarization. These concomitant actions on granule cells firing indicate that desflurane re-shapes the transfer of information between neurons by providing a less informative neurotransmission rather than completely silencing neuronal activity

    Discontinuously supervised aerobic training vs. physical activity promotion in the self-management of type 2 diabetes in older Italian patients: design and methods of the 'TRIPL-A' randomized controlled trial

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    Physical activity (PA) has health benefits for people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Indeed, regular PA is considered an important part of any T2D management plan, yet most patients adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise referral schemes (ERS) have the potential to effectively promote physical activity among T2D patients, and their effectiveness may be enhanced when they are supported by computer-based technologies. The 'TRIPL-A' study (i.e., a TRIal to promote PhysicaL Activity among patients in the young-old age affected by T2D) aims to assess if realizing an innovative ERS, based on a strong partnership among general practitioners, specialist physicians, exercise specialists, and patients, and supported by a web-based application (WBA), can effectively lead sedentary older T2D patients to adopt an active lifestyle

    Intrinsic and Extrinsic Modulators of the Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition: Driving the Fate of Tumor Microenvironment

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    The epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an evolutionarily conserved process. In cancer, EMT can activate biochemical changes in tumor cells that enable the destruction of the cellular polarity, leading to the acquisition of invasive capabilities. EMT regulation can be triggered by intrinsic and extrinsic signaling, allowing the tumor to adapt to the microenvironment demand in the different stages of tumor progression. In concomitance, tumor cells undergoing EMT actively interact with the surrounding tumor microenvironment (TME) constituted by cell components and extracellular matrix as well as cell secretome elements. As a result, the TME is in turn modulated by the EMT process toward an aggressive behavior. The current review presents the intrinsic and extrinsic modulators of EMT and their relationship with the TME, focusing on the non-cell-derived components, such as secreted metabolites, extracellular matrix, as well as extracellular vesicles. Moreover, we explore how these modulators can be suitable targets for anticancer therapy and personalized medicine

    Adding Concomitant Chemotherapy to Postoperative Radiotherapy in Oral Cavity Carcinoma with Minor Risk Factors: Systematic Review of the Literature and Meta-Analysis

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    Simple Summary Oral cavity carcinoma (OCC) is the 11th most frequently diagnosed cancer; despite a multimodal treatment, locally advanced OCC, managed by surgery and adjuvant therapies, remains at high risk of recurrence, with a 5-year overall survival (OS) of 51%. The efficacy of postoperative chemotherapy in addition to radiotherapy (POCRT) in low-intermediate risk OCC is a controversial matter in the absence of high-risk features (ENE, R1). To establish the role of POCRT in a population with solely minor risk factors (perineural invasion or lymph vascular invasion; pN1 single; DOI >= 5 mm; close margin; node-positive level IV or V; pT3 or pT4; multiple lymph nodes without ENE), we performed a systematic review and meta-analyses focused on OS, disease-free survival (DFS), and local-recurrence-free survival (LRFS). Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the quantitative meta-analyses. Our preliminary results are in favor of POCRT in terms of OS but not conclusive for DFS and LRFS. Further analyses are suggested. When presenting with major pathological risk factors, adjuvant radio-chemotherapy for oral cavity cancers (OCC) is recommended, but the addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy (POCRT) when only minor pathological risk factors are present is controversial. A systematic review following the PICO-PRISMA methodology (PROSPERO registration ID: CRD42021267498) was conducted using the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane libraries. Studies assessing outcomes of POCRT in patients with solely minor risk factors (perineural invasion or lymph vascular invasion; pN1 single; DOI >= 5 mm; close margin < 2-5 mm; node-positive level IV or V; pT3 or pT4; multiple lymph nodes without ENE) were evaluated. A meta-analysis technique with a single-arm study was performed. Radiotherapy was combined with chemotherapy in all studies. One study only included patients treated with POCRT. In the other 12 studies, patients were treated with only PORT (12,883 patients) and with POCRT (10,663 patients). Among the patients treated with POCRT, the pooled 3 year OS rate was 72.9% (95%CI: 65.5-79.2%); the pooled 3 year DFS was 70.9% (95%CI: 48.8-86.2%); and the pooled LRFS was 69.8% (95%CI: 46.1-86.1%). Results are in favor of POCRT in terms of OS but not significant for DFS and LRFS, probably due to the heterogeneity of the included studies and a combination of different prognostic factors

    Humoral and Cell-Mediated Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in a Cohort of Immunodeficient Patients

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    This study delves into the intricate landscape of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine response in immunodeficient patients, focusing on the dynamics of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. The cohort includes patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVI), agammaglobulinemia (XLA), and combined immunodeficiency (CI). The findings reveal varying degrees of antibody production, with XLA patients exhibiting no measurable response but displaying a robust T-cell-mediated response. The study emphasizes the importance of considering both arms of the immune system in assessing vaccine immunogenicity, particularly in the context of immunodeficiency. The results challenge conventional measures of vaccine efficacy only based on antibody titers, highlighting the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the immune response in this vulnerable population. This research contributes valuable insights to guide clinical decisions regarding vaccination strategies, booster doses, and overall protection in immunodeficient individuals

    Development of a Novel Device for Decompressive Craniectomy: An Experimental and Cadaveric Study and Preliminary Clinical Application

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    Background: Decompressive craniectomy is an intervention of established efficacy in patients with intractable cerebral edema. Objective: To evaluate a new device used in alternative to decompressive craniectomy. This device is designed to perform an augmentative craniotomy by keeping the bone flap elevated using specific cranial suspension titanium plates and giving the brain enough room to swell. Methods: We tested the mechanical characteristics of the cranial brackets on dried skulls, on 3D-printed skull models, and on a preserved cadaver head. The resistance of the device was examined through dynamometric testing, and the feasibility of the surgical technique, including the suspension of the bone flap and the skin closure, was investigated on the cadaveric model. A preliminary clinical series of 2 patients is also reported. Results: The laboratory tests have shown that this system allows an adequate expansion of the intracranial volume and it could withstand a force up to 637 ± 13 N in the synthetic model and up to 658 ± 9 N in the human skull without dislocation or failure of the brackets nor fractures of the bone ridges. Preliminary application in the clinical setting has shown that augmentative craniotomy is effective in the control of intracranial hypertension and could reduce the costs and complications associated with the classical decompressive craniectomy technique. Conclusion: Preliminary laboratory and clinical results show augmentative craniotomy to be a promising, alternative technique to decompressive craniectomy. Further clinical studies will be needed to validate its efficacy

    Alternative sources of neurons and glia from somatic stem cells.

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    Stem cell populations have been shown to be extremely versatile: they can generate differentiated cells specific to the tissue in which they reside and descendents that are of different germ layer origin. This raises the possibility of obtaining neuronal cells from new biological source of the same adult human subjects. In this study, we found that epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) cooperated to induce the proliferation, self-renewal, and expansion of neural stem cell-like population isolated from several newborn and adult mouse tissues: muscle and hematopoietic tissues. This population, in both primary culture and secondary expanded clones, formed spheres of undifferentiated cells that were induced to differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Brain engraftment of the somatic-derived neural stem cells generated neuronal phenotypes, demonstrating the great plasticity of these cells with potential clinical application
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