17 research outputs found

    Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Probes for Molecular Imaging

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    The field of molecular imaging has recently seen rapid advances in the development of novel contrast agents and the implementation of insightful approaches to monitor biological processes non-invasively. In particular, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO) have demonstrated their utility as an important tool for enhancing magnetic resonance contrast, allowing researchers to monitor not only anatomical changes, but physiological and molecular changes as well. Applications have ranged from detecting inflammatory diseases via the accumulation of non-targeted SPIO in infiltrating macrophages to the specific identification of cell surface markers expressed on tumors. In this article, we attempt to illustrate the broad utility of SPIO in molecular imaging, including some of the recent developments, such as the transformation of SPIO into an activatable probe termed the magnetic relaxation switch

    Comparison of two fluorescent probes in preclinical non-invasive imaging and image-guided debridement surgery of Staphylococcal biofilm implant infections

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    Abstract Implant-associated infections are challenging to diagnose and treat. Fluorescent probes have been heralded as a technologic advancement that can improve our ability to non-invasively identify infecting organisms, as well as guide the inexact procedure of surgical debridement. This study’s purpose was to compare two fluorescent probes for their ability to localize Staphylococcus aureus biofilm infections on spinal implants utilizing noninvasive optical imaging, then assessing the broader applicability of the more successful probe in other infection animal models. This was followed by real-time, fluorescence image-guided surgery to facilitate debridement of infected tissue. The two probe candidates, a labelled antibiotic that targets peptidoglycan (Vanco-800CW), and the other, a labelled antibody targeting the immunodominant Staphylococcal antigen A (1D9-680), were injected into mice with spine implant infections. Mice were then imaged noninvasively with near infrared fluorescent imaging at wavelengths corresponding to the two probe candidates. Both probes localized to the infection, with the 1D9-680 probe showing greater fidelity over time. The 1D9-680 probe was then tested in mouse models of shoulder implant and allograft infection, demonstrating its broader applicability. Finally, an image-guided surgery system which superimposes fluorescent signals over analog, real-time, tissue images was employed to facilitate debridement of fluorescent-labelled bacteria

    Firefly Luciferase and Rluc8 Exhibit Differential Sensitivity to Oxidative Stress in Apoptotic Cells

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    Over the past decade, firefly Luciferase (fLuc) has been used in a wide range of biological assays, providing insight into gene regulation, protein-protein interactions, cell proliferation, and cell migration. However, it has also been well established that fLuc activity can be highly sensitive to its surrounding environment. In this study, we found that when various cancer cell lines (HeLa, MCF-7, and 293T) stably expressing fLuc were treated with staurosporine (STS), there was a rapid loss in bioluminescence. In contrast, a stable variant of Renilla luciferase (RLuc), RLuc8, exhibited significantly prolonged functionality under the same conditions. To identify the specific underlying mechanism(s) responsible for the disparate sensitivity of RLuc8 and fLuc to cellular stress, we conducted a series of inhibition studies that targeted known intracellular protein degradation/modification pathways associated with cell death. Interestingly, these studies suggested that reactive oxygen species, particularly hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), was responsible for the diminution of fLuc activity. Consistent with these findings, the direct application of H2O2 to HeLa cells also led to a reduction in fLuc bioluminescence, while H2O2 scavengers stabilized fLuc activity. Comparatively, RLuc8 was far less sensitive to ROS. These observations suggest that fLuc activity can be substantially altered in studies where ROS levels become elevated and can potentially lead to ambiguous or misleading findings

    The development, characterization and implementation of a reactive oxygen species-responsive ratiometric bioluminescent reporter and its use as a sensor for programmed cell death

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    The process of programmed cell death (PCD) is a prevalent area of scientific research and is characterized by a highly complex proteolytic cascade. PCD is involved in development, homeostasis and the immune response. Further, unregulated PCD has been implicated in various, often, devastating pathologies including cancer, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. The importance of PCD in human health and disease has led to the widespread utilization of genetically encoded reporters for the non-invasive imaging of PCD in vitro and in vivo; however, it is currently not well understood whether the reporters themselves are susceptible to inactivation and/or degradation during PCD. Molecular reporters that do exhibit an unexpected sensitivity to their environment could lead to ambiguous findings and/or inaccurate conclusions. Interestingly, we have found that the commonly used bioluminescent reporter protein, Firefly Luciferase (fLuc), exhibits a rapid loss in activity in cells undergoing PCD. In contrast, a variant of Renilla Luciferase, RLuc8, demonstrated quite stable activity under the same conditions. Following extensive inhibition analyses, it was determined that reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), play a large role in the disparity between fLuc and RLuc8 activity, in cells undergoing PCD. ROS are natural byproducts of oxygen metabolism that are normally regulated by antioxidants; if the balance between ROS and antioxidants becomes skewed, cells can enter a state of ‘oxidative stress.’ It has been reported that many cases of PCD are associated with elevated levels of ROS. Consistent with these reports, when fLuc and RLuc8 were intracellularly coexpressed, it was found that the bioluminescence ratio, RLuc8:fLuc, served as a useful metric to report on caspase-dependent and -independent PCD in vitro and in vivo in an ROS-mediated manner. It is envisioned that this ratiometric reporter could have widespread impact on research endeavors involving the aforementioned maladies, including therapeutic development and evaluation

    Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide–Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Neuroinflammation in a Rat Model of Radicular Pain

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    In many clinical cases of radicular pain, no noticeable neuropathology is detected by conventional medical imaging strategies. Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles were evaluated as magnetic resonance contrast agents to specifically detect neuroinflammation at sites of painful injury in a rat model of cervical nerve root compression. Two separate groups of rats were used: an injury group that underwent controlled transient compression of the dorsal root and a sham group that received the same surgical procedures but no injury. Precontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed 6 days after surgery, followed by administration of SPIO via tail vein injection. After 24 hours, T 2 * -weighted imaging at the site of root injury revealed a postcontrast enhancement of 72.9 ± 31%. This was significantly greater than that of injured animals prior to SPIO administration (5.3 ± 12.9%). SPIO did not generate any significant postcontrast enhancement in the nerve roots of the sham group. Histology confirmed colocalization of SPIO with macrophage at the injury site. These findings suggest that SPIO-enhanced MRI may be a valuable tool to identify otherwise undetectable nerve root compression and enable improved patient management

    Fluence Rate Differences in Photodynamic Therapy Efficacy and Activation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor after Treatment of the Tumor-Involved Murine Thoracic Cavity

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) of the thoracic cavity can be performed in conjunction with surgery to treat cancers of the lung and its pleura. However, illumination of the cavity results in tissue exposure to a broad range of fluence rates. In a murine model of intrathoracic PDT, we studied the efficacy of 2-(1-hexyloxyethyl)-2-devinyl pyropheophorbide-a (HPPH; Photochlor®)-mediated PDT in reducing the burden of non-small cell lung cancer for treatments performed at different incident fluence rates (75 versus 150 mW/cm). To better understand a role for growth factor signaling in disease progression after intrathoracic PDT, the expression and activation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was evaluated in areas of post-treatment proliferation. The low fluence rate of 75 mW/cm produced the largest reductions in tumor burden. Bioluminescent imaging and histological staining for cell proliferation (anti-Ki-67) identified areas of disease progression at both fluence rates after PDT. However, increased EGFR activation in proliferative areas was detected only after treatment at the higher fluence rate of 150 mW/cm. These data suggest that fluence rate may affect the activation of survival factors, such as EGFR, and weaker activation at lower fluence rate could contribute to a smaller tumor burden after PDT at 75 mW/cm