45 research outputs found

    Clinical utility of ammonia concentration as a diagnostic test in monitoring of the treatment with L-asparaginase in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    L-asparaginase (ASP) is an enzyme used as one of the basic regimens in the acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) therapy. Because of the possibility of the enzyme inactivation by antibodies, monitoring of ASP activity is essential. The aim of the study was to examine if plasma concentration of ammonia, a direct product of the reaction catalyzed by ASP, can be used in the assessment of ASP activity. A group of 87 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated in the Department of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology in Krakow was enrolled to the study. ASP activity and ammonia concentration were measured after ASP administrations during induction. A positive correlation was found between the ammonia concentration and ASP activity (R=0.44; P<0.0001) and between the medium values of ammonia concentration and ASP activity (R=0.56; P<0.0001). The analysis of ROC curves revealed the moderate accuracy of the ammonia concentration values in the ASP activity assessment. It was also found that the medium value of ammonia concentrations can be useful in identification of the patients with low (<100鈥塈U/L) and undetectable (<30鈥塈U/L) ASP activity. The plasma ammonia concentration may reflect ASP activity and can be useful when a direct measurement of the activity is unavailable

    Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and the risk of coronary artery disease in a Polish population with type 2 diabetes mellitus and with normal glucose metabolism

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    WST臉P. Witamina D odgrywa wa偶n膮 rol臋 w zachowaniu prawid艂owej gospodarki wapniowo-fosforanowej. Istniej膮 tak偶e dowody, 偶e mo偶e ona modyfikowa膰 czynniki ryzyka choroby niedokrwiennej serca (CAD, coronary artery disease). Geny zwi膮zane ze szlakiem metabolizmu witaminy D s膮 dobrymi kandydatami w badaniach genetycznych nad CAD. Jednym z nich jest gen receptora witaminy D (VDR, vitamin D receptor). Wykazano na przyk艂ad zwi膮zek jednego z licznych polimorfizm贸w tego genu (BsmI) z CAD w populacji niemieckiej, szczeg贸lnie w grupie chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2. CEL. Poszukiwanie zwi膮zku polimorfizm贸w FokI, ApaI, BsmI i TaqI genu VDR z CAD w populacji polskiej w grupie os贸b niespokrewnionych z chorymi na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 oraz w grupie os贸b bez cukrzycy. MATERIA艁 I METODY. Do badania w艂膮czono 521 os贸b: 292 chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 oraz 229 os贸b bez cukrzycy. Chorob臋 niedokrwienn膮 serca rozpoznano w obu grupach na podstawie badania ankietowego oraz dokumentacji medycznej. U os贸b w艂膮czonych do analizy przeprowadzono uprzednio genotypowanie w zakresie cz臋stych polimorfizm贸w FokI, ApaI, BsmI i TaqI w genie VDR. Allele zdefiniowano, stosuj膮c metod臋 zmiennej d艂ugo艣ci fragment贸w restrykcyjnych (RFLP, restriction fragment lenght polymorphism). Poniewa偶 warianty polimorfizm贸w ApaI, BsmI i TaqI genu by艂y w silnej nier贸wnowadze sprz臋偶e艅 (linkage disequilibrium), mo偶na by艂o przypisa膰 z du偶ym prawdopodobie艅stwem trzypunktowe haplotypy dla wszystkich os贸b bior膮cych udzia艂 w badaniu. R贸偶nice w dystrybucji badano za pomoc膮 testu c2. WYNIKI. W grupie chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 rozpoznano CAD u 35,93%, podczas gdy w grupie os贸b bez cukrzycy zdiagnozowano CAD u 26,32%. Nie stwierdzono znamiennych r贸偶nic mi臋dzy cz臋sto艣ci膮 CAD w艣r贸d nosicieli poszczeg贸lnych genotyp贸w 4 badanych marker贸w w obu grupach oraz w analizie 艂膮cznej. Zaobserwowano natomiast, 偶e nosiciele kombinacji trzypunktowych haplotyp贸w bAT/baT rzadziej chorowali na CAD ni偶 nosiciele wszystkich pozosta艂ych kombinacji: w grupie chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 - 25,58% vs. 37,75%; p = 0,125, w grupie bez cukrzycy - 14,29% vs. 27,86%; p = 0,126 oraz 21,13% vs. 33,33%; p = 0,03 w analizie 艂膮cznej. WNIOSKI. Wyniki przedstawionego badania sugeruj膮, 偶e polimorfizmy genu VDR mog膮 wp艂ywa膰 na ryzyko zachorowania na CAD w populacji polskiej.INTRODUCTION. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium and phosphates metabolism. There is evidence that this steroid modifies the risk factors of coronary artery disease (CAD). Thus genes that are involved in vitamin D metabolism are good candidates for CAD in genetic studies. One of those genes vitamin D receptor (VDR). For example, an association between one of many VDR polymorphisms (BsmI) and CAD was shown in a German population, particularly among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). AIM. To search for the association of FokI, ApaI, BsmI, and TaqI polymorphisms of the VDR gene with CAD in two Polish cohorts of unrelated individuals: with and without T2DM. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Overall, we included 521 individuals into this analysis: 292 patients with T2DM and 229 without T2DM. The diagnosis of CAD in both groups was based on a questionnaire and patient medical records. All individuals included into the analysis were previously genotyped for frequent VDR polymorphisms: FokI, ApaI, BsmI, and TaqI. Alleles were defined based on restriction fragment length polymorphism method (RFLP). Since variants of ApaI, BsmI, and TaqI polymorpshisms were in very strong linkage disequilibrium, three loci haplotypes could be assigned to phase-unknown individuals with high degree of confidence. Differences in distribution were assessed by c2 test. RESULTS. In the group of T2DM patients, the diagnosis of CAD was established in 35.93% individuals, while in the group without T2DM this number was 26.32%. There was no difference between the carriers of the different genotypes of the four examined markers with respect to the frequency of CAD diagnosis of each group both separately or when analyzed jointly. We observed, however, that the carriers of bAT/baT three point haplotype combinations were diagnosed with CAD less frequently than the carriers of all other haplotype combination: 25.58% vs. 37.75%; p = 0.125 in T2DM group, 14.29% vs. 27.86% in the group without T2DM; p = 0.126 and 21.13% vs. 33.33%; p = 0.03 in the joint analysis of both groups, respectively. CONCLUSION. The results of our study suggest that polymorphisms of the VDR gene may influence the risk of CAD in a Polish population

    Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and the risk of coronary artery disease in a Polish population with type 2 diabetes mellitus and with normal glucose metabolism

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    WST臉P. Witamina D odgrywa wa偶n膮 rol臋 w zachowaniu prawid艂owej gospodarki wapniowo-fosforanowej. Istniej膮 tak偶e dowody, 偶e mo偶e ona modyfikowa膰 czynniki ryzyka choroby niedokrwiennej serca (CAD, coronary artery disease). Geny zwi膮zane ze szlakiem metabolizmu witaminy D s膮 dobrymi kandydatami w badaniach genetycznych nad CAD. Jednym z nich jest gen receptora witaminy D (VDR, vitamin D receptor). Wykazano na przyk艂ad zwi膮zek jednego z licznych polimorfizm贸w tego genu (BsmI) z CAD w populacji niemieckiej, szczeg贸lnie w grupie chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2. CEL. Poszukiwanie zwi膮zku polimorfizm贸w FokI, ApaI, BsmI i TaqI genu VDR z CAD w populacji polskiej w grupie os贸b niespokrewnionych z chorymi na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 oraz w grupie os贸b bez cukrzycy. MATERIA艁 I METODY. Do badania w艂膮czono 521 os贸b: 292 chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 oraz 229 os贸b bez cukrzycy. Chorob臋 niedokrwienn膮 serca rozpoznano w obu grupach na podstawie badania ankietowego oraz dokumentacji medycznej. U os贸b w艂膮czonych do analizy przeprowadzono uprzednio genotypowanie w zakresie cz臋stych polimorfizm贸w FokI, ApaI, BsmI i TaqI w genie VDR. Allele zdefiniowano, stosuj膮c metod臋 zmiennej d艂ugo艣ci fragment贸w restrykcyjnych (RFLP, restriction fragment lenght polymorphism). Poniewa偶 warianty polimorfizm贸w ApaI, BsmI i TaqI genu by艂y w silnej nier贸wnowadze sprz臋偶e艅 (linkage disequilibrium), mo偶na by艂o przypisa膰 z du偶ym prawdopodobie艅stwem trzypunktowe haplotypy dla wszystkich os贸b bior膮cych udzia艂 w badaniu. R贸偶nice w dystrybucji badano za pomoc膮 testu c2. WYNIKI. W grupie chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 rozpoznano CAD u 35,93%, podczas gdy w grupie os贸b bez cukrzycy zdiagnozowano CAD u 26,32%. Nie stwierdzono znamiennych r贸偶nic mi臋dzy cz臋sto艣ci膮 CAD w艣r贸d nosicieli poszczeg贸lnych genotyp贸w 4 badanych marker贸w w obu grupach oraz w analizie 艂膮cznej. Zaobserwowano natomiast, 偶e nosiciele kombinacji trzypunktowych haplotyp贸w bAT/baT rzadziej chorowali na CAD ni偶 nosiciele wszystkich pozosta艂ych kombinacji: w grupie chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 &#8212; 25,58% vs. 37,75%; p = 0,125, w grupie bez cukrzycy &#8212; 14,29% vs. 27,86%; p = 0,126 oraz 21,13% vs. 33,33%; p = 0,03 w analizie 艂膮cznej. WNIOSKI. Wyniki przedstawionego badania sugeruj膮, 偶e polimorfizmy genu VDR mog膮 wp艂ywa膰 na ryzyko zachorowania na CAD w populacji polskiej.INTRODUCTION. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium and phosphates metabolism. There is evidence that this steroid modifies the risk factors of coronary artery disease (CAD). Thus genes that are involved in vitamin D metabolism are good candidates for CAD in genetic studies. One of those genes vitamin D receptor (VDR). For example, an association between one of many VDR polymorphisms (BsmI) and CAD was shown in a German population, particularly among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). AIM. To search for the association of FokI, ApaI, BsmI, and TaqI polymorphisms of the VDR gene with CAD in two Polish cohorts of unrelated individuals: with and without T2DM. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Overall, we included 521 individuals into this analysis: 292 patients with T2DM and 229 without T2DM. The diagnosis of CAD in both groups was based on a questionnaire and patient medical records. All individuals included into the analysis were previously genotyped for frequent VDR polymorphisms: FokI, ApaI, BsmI, and TaqI. Alleles were defined based on restriction fragment length polymorphism method (RFLP). Since variants of ApaI, BsmI, and TaqI polymorpshisms were in very strong linkage disequilibrium, three loci haplotypes could be assigned to phase-unknown individuals with high degree of confidence. Differences in distribution were assessed by c2 test. RESULTS. In the group of T2DM patients, the diagnosis of CAD was established in 35.93% individuals, while in the group without T2DM this number was 26.32%. There was no difference between the carriers of the different genotypes of the four examined markers with respect to the frequency of CAD diagnosis of each group both separately or when analyzed jointly. We observed, however, that the carriers of bAT/baT three point haplotype combinations were diagnosed with CAD less frequently than the carriers of all other haplotype combination: 25.58% vs. 37.75%; p = 0.125 in T2DM group, 14.29% vs. 27.86% in the group without T2DM; p = 0.126 and 21.13% vs. 33.33%; p = 0.03 in the joint analysis of both groups, respectively. CONCLUSION. The results of our study suggest that polymorphisms of the VDR gene may influence the risk of CAD in a Polish population